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Public Procurement has changed

Since Monday 24 February 2025, the rules that shape how public bodies buy goods and services have changed. Find a Tender is now where all suppliers and buyers can find and register for all public procurement, under the Procurement Act 2023.

To help you register, just search 'public procurement information and guidance for suppliers' on GOV.UK

Find a Tender

Find a Tender is now the central digital platform for public procurement:

  • Featuring a simple registration and identification for both suppliers and buyers.
  • Storing suppliers' core business details that can be used for multiple bids.
  • Enabling easy management and updating of core information quickly, and shared easily between suppliers, eSenders and buyers.
  • Making public procurement opportunities visible making it easier to search at no cost and set up alerts to tender of interest for suppliers.
  • Allowing for procurement noticing throughout the procurement lifecycle.
  • Capturing procurement data and eventually will create dashboards to analyse that data.

Sign in or register now for your new account: Find a Tender

Search for new low value contracts

Use Contracts Finder to find and apply for live government contracts

Modern Slavery Assessment Tool

Make your supply chains more resilient to risks of modern slavery.

Click here for more information on the Modern Slavery Assessment Tool

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