Low Value Purchase System

Agreement ID: RM6237
Start date: 17/03/21
End date: 31/03/26
The Low Value Purchase System (LVPS) provides public sector buyers with a new route to market for their below threshold common goods and services.
Benefits of using the LVPS include:
- A simple solution for low cost, low volume, low complexity requirements
- A flexible route to market where suppliers are able to join at any time
- Supporting the Government's SME policy
- Contributes to the Social Value outcome of increasing supply chain resilience and capacity by creating a diverse supply chain to deliver contracts including new businesses and entrepreneurs, SMEs and VCSEs
- A dynamic filtering system, giving customers flexibility based on the common goods and services they are looking to purchase, their SME status and on their location
- Dynamic filters ensure that the right suppliers are notified about opportunities relevant to the common goods and services they are able to provide
- Fully compliant with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015
- Aligns with Procurement Policy Note 11/20: Reserving Below Threshold Procurements
- Contract templates provided for ease of use
- Direct award is compliant with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 but customers should ensure compliance with their corporate procurement policy