The Supplier Registration Service for Government

Register as a supplier

Register to increase your visibility to over 6,000 government buyers.

Complete a standard Selection Questionnaire

Start or update an SQ to support your application for government contract opportunities.

The Modern Slavery Assessment Tool

Make your supply chains more resilient to risks of modern slavery.

Search for low value contracts

Use Contracts Finder to find and apply for live government contracts

Search for contracts across the UK

Use Find a Tender to find and apply for live government contracts, typically high value, across the United Kingdom

Register as a buyer

Gain access to reliable, up-to-date supplier information

Find a supplier

Search over 300,000 supplier profiles and assess suitability

Dynamic Purchasing Systems and Low Value Purchase System

Offer your goods and services, or find suitable suppliers. View the available agreements

Sign in to your Dashboard

View and manage your account information

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