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Modern Slavery Assessment Tool

The MSAT is a modern slavery risk identification and management tool. This tool has been designed to help public sector organisations work in partnership with suppliers to improve protections and reduce the risk of exploitation of workers in their supply chains. It also aims to help public sector organisations understand where there may be risks of modern slavery in the supply chains of goods and services they have procured. Public sector organisations are encouraged to use the MSAT with existing suppliers.

Guidance for Businesses

If you are a business that wants to complete the assessment, you will need to register as a Supplier and start the MSAT here. You do not need to be invited in order to take the assessment, nor do you need to be a supplier to Government.

Acknowledging the Improvements

Once completed, you will receive tailor-made recommendations generated from your responses that you will then need to acknowledge. After each suggested recommendation has been responded to, the assessment will be complete and a full report will be made accessible.

Sharing results with multiple public sector buyers

A public sector buyer can invite you to complete the MSAT via an invitation code which you must input in order to connect your responses and allow them to access your results. Once you have completed the MSAT, you will also have the option to share those results with other buyers. If you have been invited to complete the MSAT by multiple buyers, you can share a response you have already completed via your dashboard by simply clicking the 'Share' link and searching by Buyer or using an invitation code.

When you share results with multiple buyers, they will be able to access your results and any notes these buyers have made. This gives buyers an opportunity to co-ordinate follow-up with other buyers if appropriate.

Additionally, your completed responses are available to be re-used in any new Modern Slavery Assessments completed for any separate contracts.

Downloading the Modern Slavery question set

You can download the full set of MSAT questions here in order to familiarise yourself with the questions and coordinate any support needed from others within your organisation. Any questions that are difficult to answer can be shared with colleagues via the 'collaborate' option on the right-hand bar.

Guidance for Public Sector Buyers

If you are a public sector buyer that wants to invite your suppliers to complete MSAT you need to register as a buyer here.

Engaging suppliers with the campaign functionality

Once you have registered as a buyer, you will need to create a campaign to invite suppliers to complete the MSAT within the platform. This will generate a unique invitation code for your suppliers to use in order to begin their responses. You can find step-by-step instructions on using the platform, creating a campaign and inviting your suppliers by contacting support@nqc.com.

Multiple users in your organisation are able to access results as long as they are registered on the platform. This is helpful for large organisations who may need a variety of people within their organisation to access the MSAT results. Your User Manager will need to assign the appropriate permissions to allow users access.

Leaving a note to communicate across public sector departments

Once a supplier starts completing the MSAT, the 'notes' functionality is available to input the contact details of the person in your organisation that will be leading any follow-up discussions with the specific supplier. You are encouraged to include this information as other public sector organisations may also ask the same supplier to complete the MSAT. Any other public buyers who share access to the same supplier's responses will then have access to your details to contact you on coordinating any follow-up discussions with the supplier (where appropriate). Please note that any data included in the notes will be accessible to other public buyers the supplier has shared responses with. You should not include any sensitive information in these notes. Further instructions on using the notes function is available here.

Dealing with multiple invitations

Suppliers are always able to proactively complete and share their responses with any buyer organisations. When invited by multiple buyers, suppliers have the choice to either share existing responses or complete a new MSAT (with the option to re-use previous answers). If one of your suppliers has already been invited by another organisation, you should still invite them to your individual campaign in order to access their results and any notes recorded. The supplier must use your invite code so you can access their results.

Downloading the evaluator guidance

Evaluator guidance is available to public buyers, providing guidance on what the MSAT is and how public buyers (particularly those who will be evaluating a supplier's results) can approach their engagement with suppliers. The link to this guidance is made available to buyers on the right-hand side of this page once logged in.

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