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Industry Sectors


CAESER utilises the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) as the default system of classification for describing supplier business activities.

UNSPSC is a widely adopted open standard for product and service definition. The standard is used globally and widely across the UK Government. Whilst the full UNSPSC list consists of thousands of codes, NQC request only that each supplier identifies one or more of the 55 top level segment codes that best describes their business activity and industry sector. Suppliers may select multiple codes if they provide a range of products and services that span multiple segment codes.

The segment codes are arranged in a logical sequence that reflects how value is progressively added to products. This sequence is extremely useful when examining product and service life-cycles with sustainability in mind.

To find out more information about each of the segment codes and which one best describes your business activity, please click on the cogs below.

Industry Sectors Raw Materials Industrial Equipment Components and Suppliers End Use Products Services

Selecting Product & Service Categories

Before proceeding to complete the CAESER assessment modules, organisations are asked to provide some high level organisational information such as industry sector, size and location. At this time, you will be asked to confirm which product or service category best describes your business activity. You are required to choose from the list of 55 top level segments.

When selecting your industry sector and business activity from the segment codes, please consider where in the product and service life-cycle your organisation predominately operates. Please also consider whether your organisations operates may well be in multiple segments.

It is important that this information is correct as it is used to dynamically determine what information you will be required to disclose within the assessment modules.


For further information on the structure, purpose and value of the United Nations Standard Products and Services Codes please visit

»UNSPSC Basics Slides

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If you require any support or would like further information, please contact NQC

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