There are 59 clarifications for this DPS
20. What is the difference between the two pdfs supplied in the Bid Pack, labelled "RM6348 - Adult Skills DPS Questionnaire.pdf" and "RM6348 - Attachment 6 - Standard Selection Questionnaire v1.0.pdf", and how do they relate to the online form?
I've worked my way through almost to the end of Part 3 (I think), and neither seems to accurately represent all the questions I've been asked - for instance neither of them makes any reference to the FVRAT.
The document titled 'RM6348 - Adult Skills DPS Questionnaire.pdf' is a PDF copy of the DPS Questionnaire suppliers will work through as part of their application to be appointed to the DPS. This has been provided so that suppliers can view the information in one document rather than navigating the SRS system to understand what is required ahead of starting the application process.
The document titled 'RM6348 - Attachment 6 - Standard Selection Questionnaire v1.0.pdf' is for information only for bidders to view in advance of completing the Selection Questionnaire.
"Part 3" of the DPS Questionnaire is where the FVRA is referenced and questions / uploads are required. Part 3 refers to 'financial standing and technical capacity'. Starting on page 127 of the 'RM6348 - Adult Skills DPS Questionnaire.pdf' document is where this is referenced, at 3.2.1.
02/08/2024 15:35
19. I've uploaded the wrong file in the financial Viability section and moved the Section 3, Now it wont let me chande/edit the answers to the previous section. How can I start the new questionnaire without completely submitting the old one as it keeps on going to the same questionnaire and the new questionnaire doesnt lik to Adult Kills and Learning ?
Please contact NQC using either the telephone number or the "contact us" facility at the foot of the Supplier Registration Service (SRS). As a Category Team we do not have the technical expertise to advise, however NQC build and administrate the platform on our behalf so are better placed to advise and support.
02/08/2024 10:16
18. Good Morning
As a further education college, we have reviewed the two tabs on the FVRA tool and now require clarity on how to proceed.
Although we are a not-for-profit organisation, when looking at the input tab 1.1b Not-for-profit/Voluntary organisation Template, our accounts do not split the income against the categories presented such as "Donations and legacies" or "Income from fundraising activities" nor do we have expenditure on "Rasing funds" etc.
We then reviewed the 1.1a input tab for Private Limited Company/Publicly Listed Company Template, as a college we don't report on a "turnover/ cost of sales" basis.
Given this scenario, please advise how colleges should complete this FVRA tool?
We can supply three recent years of audited accounts for the next question on the DPS where accounts need to be uploaded.
We look forward to hearing from you.
From the information provided, it would be assumed that you should complete tab '1.1b Lead Financial Input' given you have stated you are a Not-for-Profit organisation. Not all the fields in the tab will be relevant to every organisation. The FVRA Tool is generic in design to encapsulate our wide range or agreements at CCS. Where you do not have information to insert against a given field, please leave this blank and complete the FVRA Tool as accurate and fully as possible.
02/08/2024 15:54
17. How can we edit a submitted stage one application as we uploaded a blank document in error?
Please contact NQC using either the telephone number or the "contact us" facility at the foot of the Supplier Registration Service (SRS). As a Category Team we do not have the technical expertise to advise, however NQC build and administrate the platform on our behalf so are better placed to advise and support.
02/08/2024 10:14
16. Are Carbon reduction plans mandatory for all suppliers, or only those wishing to bid for contracts at £5m+ ?
CRPs are required, but only if a supplier has the have capacity to deliver contracts worth over £5,000,000 (5 million) per annum.
02/08/2024 12:31
15. We have a Carbon Reduction Plan available but this is not yet on our website due to wider amendments and improvements being made - thus a web link to it cannot be provided. Is there an option to upload our CR Plan as a word/PDF file (we have done this in the recent past for other DPS applications)?
Yes, part 3.9.2 has the option for suppliers to insert a link or upload a document to provide CRPs.
02/08/2024 10:05
14. In the process of finding my way around this system for the first time, I have accidentally created two superfluous applications. When I try to delete them (to avoid confusion) I get this message:
This questionnaire cannot be deleted because it is shared with one or more buyers. Press 'Share' to review who this questionnaire is shared with - you will need to deny any sharings before it can be deleted.
Where do I find the "Share" button?
Please contact NQC using either the telephone number or the "contact us" facility at the foot of the Supplier Registration Service (SRS). As a Category Team we do not have the technical expertise to advise, however NQC build and administrate the platform on our behalf so are better placed to advise and support.
02/08/2024 10:02
13. 1. Will this DPS be mandatory for Combined Authorities, Devolved Administrations, local authorities and other commissioning bodies such as ESFA to use for their procurements in future, or is it merely optional? If it's merely optional, what percentage of England's commissioning bodies do you expect to sign up to it?
2. Please can you upload the slides from the supplier webinar held on 10 July 2024 so that they are available for organisations that were not able to attend?
1. The DPS has been designed to support the provision of Learning and Skills requirements that can be utilised by Mayoral Combined Authorities, Devolved Administrations, Local Authorities, Educational Institutions and Central Government Departments. The Adult Skills and Learning DPS shall incorporate all requirements across adult skills training programmes and funding streams within the scope of supporting adults to train, retrain and up-skill throughout their lifetime, including but not limited to:
●Post-16 training
●Post-19 training
●Adult Skills Fund
●UK Shared Prosperity Fund
●+ Any future iterations of existing funding types
●+ Any future funding types
The agreement will offer a range of national and regional providers to support UK public sector bodies to run procurements for Learning and Skills provisions.
However, the apprenticeship levy training is not within scope of this DPS.
The percentage of England's commissioning bodies which we expect to sign up
2. I will share the recording link ASAP once permitted to do so.
02/08/2024 11:07
12. Good afternoon,
Are there any restrictions on the type of courses (e.g., face-to-face, online, self-paced) that can be delivered?
Many thanks.
There are no restrictions on the types of courses that can be offered. Although, when a buyer outlines what they want as part of their call off contract, they may ask for specific types of courses, for example face-to-face, online.
05/08/2024 10:12
11. Hi
Is there an version 2 of Attachment 4b spreadsheet?
The current version 1 has an error in part 1 tab line 12. The drop down box function is not working.
I have investigated and tested this by downloading the Bid Pack and opening Attachment 4b. I note that the "your response" cell on Line 12 is a free text box in Attachment 4b. I have also looked at Attachment 4a which does have a drop down box function on Line 12, but this appears to be functioning correctly. Please try downloading the Bid Pack again and accessing this document. If the issue persists, please check you have macros enabled and failing that please let us know directly so we can support with this however possible.
02/08/2024 10:53
10. Our company is currently in the final stages of changing from a Limited Company to a Community Interest Company limited by shares. Should I wait until this has happened or do I continue with my application?
Should the change from a Limited Company to a Community Interest Company limited by shares stand to impact the DUNS and / or Company Number, the advice would be to wait for this to be completed and finalised to ensure the financial viability risk assessment can be conducted accordingly against the correct entity.
02/08/2024 10:44
9. I have started a SQ but not sure if it is the one related to RM6348 the SQ number is 1721123659. Please can you confirm this is the correct one before I go any further.
Please contact NQC using either the telephone number or the "contact us" facility at the foot of the Supplier Registration Service (SRS). As a Category Team we do not have sight of this level of information. NQC have sight of all activity and will be able to confirm whether the SQ you are answering is related to RM6348 and allow you to proceed.
19/07/2024 15:32
8. Would this framework be appropriate to support buyers in the field of leadership and management development?
If the requirement was to support members of the general public with L&M development then yes, but if you are thinking about L&M of a public sector employee then no. Please see RM6219 - Learning & Training Services DPS for this.
18/07/2024 13:09
7. The Access as a buyer link is not working for the Adult Skills DPS the link you have given to a previous question on the same matter does not work . When I click on Access as a buyer I am just taken back to the top of the page
Apologies, this was a due to a technical issue, the problem has now been resolved, so the 'Access as a Supplier' should now be working.
18/07/2024 08:38
6. Please advise what suppliers answer for 1.1.1 and 1.1.2.
1.1.1 - This is just a reference for your application - Anything that helps identifying it for you.
1.1.2 - Adult Skills and Learning DPS
17/07/2024 14:40
5. The Adult Skills DPS 'access as a supplier' link appears to be broken... it redirects to the following page (whereas other 'access as a supplier' links for other DPSs take you straight to the 'Supplier Questionnaire' page...
Low Value Purchase System
The Low Value Purchase System (LVPS) provides public sector buyers with a new route to market for their below threshold common goods and services
The link appears to be working, please try the following:
17/07/2024 12:51
4. Can you confirm there are two Part 3's - one that is within the generic Selection Questionnaire ie via Parts 1, 2 and 3 and one that is the Part 3 relating to specific Adult Skills and Learning DPS questions eg locations, skills levels etc?
The DPS application is split into three parts, Part 1 & 2 is the Standard SQ and Part 3 is the DPSQ.
You can view the complete questionnaire (parts 1, 2 and 3) within Attachment 6 of the bid pack.
16/07/2024 12:09
3. Clarification about the correct questionnaire to complete: To clarify, having gone through the Adult Learning and Skills DPS 'Access as a supplier' link, logged in and then clicked on 'Start new Selection Questionnaire' on the right hand side - this leads to the correct SQ form?
Yes this is correct.
16/07/2024 11:15
2. Re: within the bidding pack - Attachment 3a - Silver FVRA Tool : can you confirm that this is the correct spreadsheet? As per the instructions there are no 'Bidder Instructions', 1.1a and 1.1b tabs to enable completion (only tabs in view are labelled Overview, Tiering Tool, FVRA ratios and Sample). Also, when opening the file it states that some of the formulae will be lost.
A new spreadsheet has been added to the bid pack, that resolves this issue.
16/07/2024 11:14