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Learning and Training Services


There are 206 clarifications for this DPS

180. Hi, I am currently in the process of applying to be registered as a supplier and have come across the minimum insurance requirements outlined, specifically: Employer's liability insurance of £5,000,000 Public liability insurance of £1,000,000 Professional indemnity insurance of £1,000,000 As I am a sole proprietor and began my business in March of this year, I would appreciate some clarification on whether all these insurance requirements are applicable to my current circumstances. Given that I have not been actively selling my services, I want to ensure that I am aligning with the correct requirements for my business structure and stage of operation. Many thanks!
Unfortunately these are mandatory limits of cover needed to be on the DPS.
17/01/2024 09:11
178. We are anticipating an annual contract value of less than £5,000,000. Is it mandatory to have a Carbon Reduction Plan? If not, can we say 'No'. We confirm to providing such a plan before a contract award of £5,000,000 and above. Guidance - Public procurement of contracts with an annual contract value of £5,000,000 and above should take into account suppliers' carbon reduction plans and commitment to Net Zero by 2050. This Policy is set out in detail in Procurement Policy Note 06/21.
RM6219 was let before PPN 06/21 came into effect, so there is no mandatory requirement to have a Carbon Reduction Plan but if a contract is likely to have an annual value greater than £5m then a customer may request one as part of their specification.
05/12/2023 15:09
177. Hello, We will be bidding for contracts with 'other public sector authority' (as per Schedule 2 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015) and other wider public sector organisations and charities, but not any central government contracts as yet. Do we say 'No' to the following questions, which are meant to be completed for central government contracts ONLY. 3.7.1 - supply chain for delivery of the contract 3.9.1 - Public procurement of contracts with an annual contract value of £5,000,000 and above 3.10.1 - Supporting apprenticeships and skills development through the contract 3.12.1 to 3.12.4 - Principal contracts for supplies and/or services provided in the last three years. 3.13.1 to 3.13.3 - Compliance with Modern Slavery Act (Given our current turnover is less than £36 million, we are not subject to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015). There is a provision to either select Yes or No. There is no provision for 'Not Applicable'. Also, what exactly is a 'central government contract'?
"Correct, if these questions are not applicable to you, please select No. A 'Central Government contract' is a contract with primarily a Ministerial Department (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Departments_of_the_Government_of_the_United_Kingdom)"
05/12/2023 15:10
176. Dear Crown Commercial Service Team We have received below answer: Answer: Your organisation has been rejected but is now currently in Registered 1 so you are still able to to re-apply but the account must be in the name of the UK entity. To be assessed again, you can amend the details of your organisation in your application, to the UK subsidiary details and then re-submit. We can update Potential Project SQ - 20231108_REGISTERED 1_Learning and Training Services With the UK entity details POTENTIAL PROJECT UK LIMITED C/O Irwin Mitchell LLP SHEFFIELD S3 8DT Company number 09926943 D-U-N-S® Number: 221318580 We cannot update Potential Project SQ - 20231108_EXPIRED_Selection Questionnaire Hence, we cannot amend the account from the Danish entity to UK entity (DUNS number). Therefore, can we be accepted as supplier if we only update Potential Project SQ - 20231108_REGISTERED 1_Learning and Training Services with the UK entity name and company number? Or do you by re-apply mean that we must submit a new account application including Selection Questionnaire and Learning and Training Services in the name of the UK entity? We hope to have your response soon. Thank you very much for your support.
As per the answer to Q175
05/12/2023 15:11
175. Re: Potential Project SQ - 20231108/DPS Assessing The submission has been rejected for the reason "No UK registered address details given. SN 23/11" The responses in the questionnaire are based on details of our registered entity: The Potential Project International ApS, a Danish registered company. The Potential Project International ApS owns a 100% UK subsidiary with a registered UK address. However, today most of our services in the UK are contracted directly with The Potential Project International ApS, a Danish registered company and with limited activities in the UK subsidiary company for the last one and a half year. Our question is: As the submission is rejected can our services to Crown Commercial Services not be contracted with The Potential Project International ApS, a Danish registered company?
Your organisation has been rejected but is now currently in Registered 1 so you are still able to to re-apply but the account must be in the name of the UK entity. To be assessed again, you can amend the details of your organisation in your application, to the UK subsidiary details and then re-submit.
01/12/2023 09:07
174. Question 96 - we want to ensure that customers nationwide know we can provide bespoke training. Does using our head office postcode and selecting United Kingdom under the "within" tab achieve this?
You can only enter one postcode and radius for each filter option within the questionnaire but in order to demonstrate nationwide coverage just set the radius to the United Kingdom to cover the widest area.
01/12/2023 09:05
172. Apologies, in Clarification No. 171, it should read as Qs 177 and Q 178 in the SQ Evidence Submission, instead of Qs 176 and Q 177.
See clarification no 171
08/11/2023 15:12
171. Response to Clarification No. 168 provides that "Questions 144-146 in the SQ are not mandatory so you may respond but they will not be assessed." Given Policy Procurement Note 14/15 is withdrawn and that response to Questions 144-146 in the SQ will not be assessed, do we still need to go provide documentary evidence to Qs 176 and Q 177 in the SQ Evidence Submission section? How might we do that given the withdrawn policy? Thank-you.
No, please just mark this N/A - PPN withdrawn
08/11/2023 15:11
169. We've completed the SQ and there is now a line below that says 'SQ Evidence Request', however, there seems to be nowhere to upload this evidence or any links or emails to send it to. Can you advise please? We also put down that we could obtain completion certificates from customers on request, not realising that this would hold up access to the DPSQ because we would be required to have them at this early stage. Whereas our customers would be happy to sign them, it's not something that we'd usually ask for. To get certificates written, completed and signed for all contracts for the past 3 years is a big task for an SME. Is there a way to change our answer to that question, so it doesn't hold us up?
We have looked into this by recreating the scenario, and were able to upload a file to question Q173 in the SQ. Please be advised that the file uploaded should be in one of the following formats: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG or PDF. If this is relating to Q179 - Q181, these are not required for this DPS, please mark N/A. Additionally, as part of your application you just need to submit brief description of past contracts at a high level. If a customer wants to see this information, they must request access from you. CCS will not share this information without approval from your organisation and no buyers will make contact with any clients of yours.
08/11/2023 09:45
168. Part 3: Skills and Apprentices of the Selection Questionnaire asks us the following: 144. Please confirm if you will be supporting apprenticeships and skills development through this contract. Guidance for supporting apprenticeships directs us to Policy Procurement Note 14/15. However, this policy is withdrawn as per https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/procurement-policy-note-1415-supporting-apprenticeships-and-skills-through-public-procurement. How do we approach the questions in Part 3 given the withdrawn policy?
Questions 144-146 are not mandatory so you may respond but they will not be assessed.
08/11/2023 09:44
167. Whilst attempting to use the Learning and Training DPS the filtering system is generating a large amount of suppliers (over 50). Is there any other way to further shortlist the suppliers, for a quicker route to market?
Unfortunately there is a problem with the filtering at the moment (NQC are investigating). If you click off and on the filter a few times it should eventually narrow down the search based on your selection.
07/09/2023 10:46
166. In the Generic Prospectus, we are receiving an error message for every free text question response box, stating "This field does not match the required format in question X" & subsequently deleting all our responses when we try to "Save and view". Is there an issue with the portal currently or please can you advise what formatting is required. We are unable to proceed without your assistance.
Please contact NQC who are our third party DPS provider. Tel: 0161 393 4191 or support@nqc.com
10/08/2023 08:13
165. As the owner of my own company, operating as a sole trader for just a few months, I have a background in the tech industry, having worked in this field throughout my entire career. The particular question in the questionnaire pertains to the Cyber Essentials certification, which comes with an approximate cost of £400. While I acknowledge the importance of cyber security and consider myself well-versed in the subject matter, the certification cost poses a challenge for me, especially considering that my primary focus will be on delivering learning and training sessions. I am reaching out to inquire if there might be any alternatives or workarounds to fulfil this requirement, given my specific circumstances.
Unfortunately Cyber Essentials Basic is a mandatory requirement for CCS DPS agreements, as per the government's requirement that all suppliers bidding for contracts involving the handling of sensitive and personal information to hold an up to date Cyber Essentials certificate. The only acceptable alternative is ISO27001 accreditation.
31/07/2023 14:33
163. In the Generic prospectus, there is a need to provide a website link to a quality assurance report. Can you please explain what this report need to contain?
This would be a link to your Quality Assurance Policy or an example Report that you would share with customers.
14/07/2023 09:11
162. I have completed an SQ for the following RM6219 Learning and Training Services DPS Profile Selection Questionnaire Reference SQ-7B4DFDS in October 2022 and it still says assessing. Can you advise if I have completed the correct SQ documents and advise of when a decision will be made?
I cannot see any reference to your application on the DPS. This may be a technical issue: you can call NQC (our service provider) on 0161 413 7982 or via email on Support@nqc.com .
30/06/2023 14:52
161. I am seeking clarification on the definition / interpretation of subcontractors (in the context of needing Cyber Essentials) - would printers (or hard copy material) be seen as a supplier or a sub-contractor, and therefore does the requirement for Cyber Essentials extend to this service?
Please visit https://iasme.co.uk/cyber-essentials for guidance on Cyber Essentials.
23/06/2023 08:34
160. Hi there, we submitted our application 7 weeks ago and it says that the status is still "assessing". Could you confirm when we can expect to hear as to whether or not or application to join the framework was successful? Thank you
Hi there, I cannot see any reference to your application on the DPS. Can you provide your SQ reference please.
08/06/2023 11:12
159. Re SQ-SS3R4P2 - I submitted our DPSQ responses and evidence on 15th May and have not received anything since. The Stage has been showing as "S" since that date. Can you please advise if you are reviewing it or am I supposed to do anything further? Many thanks
Your application is currently being assessed.
23/06/2023 08:42
158. In completing the RM6219 SQ, Part 3 and providing details of example contract, please could you advise how the point of contact provided will be contacted, and also what information will be asked of them (e.g. confirmation of work, or completion of a questionnaire/evidence of work completed)? As a matter of politeness we want to ensure contacts provided are aware of what may be required from them. Thank you.
As part of your application you just need to submit brief description of past contracts at a high level. If a customer wants to see this information, they must request access from you. CCS will not share this information without approval from your organisation and no buyers will make contact with any clients of yours.
01/06/2023 11:20
157. We have raised a ticket with NQC and spoken to CCS' Helpdesk regrading an unresolved issue with the Learning & Training questionnaire. We are unable to submit the requested evidence as all of the upload questions are mandatory, when in fact only 3 are required to be answered for the purpose of the DPS. Please can CCS confirm that it will be acceptable to upload blank documents for the evidence that is not relevant to progress to the next stages?
Yes you can upload blank documents, to proceed to the next stage but this will be assessed to ensure you have submitted the required evidence.
01/06/2023 11:16

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