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There are 127 clarifications for this DPS

119. Please can you confirm how the shortlisting process works for opportunities on this DPS? Does the client use the filtering tool (based on our SQ responses) to create a supplier long list, which the client then uses to shortlist suppliers?
Yes that is correct. There is also a Capability Assessment that the customer can ask the suppliers to complete
16/08/2024 12:36
118. Is it mandatory to answer Question No. 144, 145, and 146 regarding apprenticeships and skills development to onboard onto the DPS?
Please answer the questions and your submission will be reviewed. If there are any problems then we will advise in due course.
16/08/2024 12:35
117. In the Supplier Evidence Submission stage, for Question No. 180 regarding uploading documentary evidence for certificates for each principal contract for goods or services provided in the last three years, could you please specify the type of documentary evidence you are expecting? For instance, are you looking for actual award certificates or any other specific documentation?
Yes please provide the award certificate received for the major contract.
09/08/2024 12:20
116. Please can you provide clarification on the "Group of Economic Operators" - I have tried to select zero, but it needs at least 1 - is that in fact just the company applying for the questionnaire? How should I proceed?
Within the Selection Questionnaire there is: 19. Are you bidding as the lead contact for a group of economic operators? You are able to select Yes or No against this question.
25/06/2024 13:26
115. Is the Selection Questionnaire that is included in the official tender documents need to be filled in, alongside, the electronic version of the Selection Questionnaire on the tender's portal?
The Selection Questionnaire is split into two (2) distinct sections. The first is a standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ) and this must be completed and submitted via the Supplier Registration Service to progress to the next section of the SQ process, referred to as the DPSQ (these are DPS specific questions, and also contain the Service filters that buyers will also select when running Competition procedures). When you have completed the SQ you need to select either 'Save and Continue' at the end of the questionnaire, or, you can select 'Save and view answers' to review your responses, allowing you to make any changes prior to submitting the SQ, once done this will direct you to the DPSQ. Please note - you cannot amend your responses to any of the standard Selection Questionnaire responses once you have progressed on to the DPSQ.
20/06/2024 12:04
113. We want to clarify our situation for Questions 177 & 178 concerning uploading documentary evidence to support our commitment to developing and investing in skills, development, and apprenticeships. While we have a registered office in London, UK, we primarily operate offshore development centers in India. As a result, we lack evidence for a UK-based company, but we can provide evidence for our parent company. Would this still be acceptable for the submission?
We can accept evidence from your parent company for investing in skills, development and apprenticeships.
21/05/2024 13:28
112. Question No. 180 of the Supplier Evidence Submission stage asks for documentary evidence for a certificate for past contracts. Can you please clarify what kind of certificate you need? Are you looking for copies of the actual award certificates we received for each major contract, or Other documentation that proves these certificates exist?
Question No. 180 of the Supplier Evidence Submission stage asks for documentary evidence for a certificate for past contracts. Can you please clarify what kind of certificate you need? Are you looking for copies of the actual award certificates we received for each major contract, or Other documentation that proves these certificates exist?
16/05/2024 10:57
111. In the Supplier Evidence Submission stage, for Question No. 179 regarding uploading documentary evidence for relevant principal contracts provided in the last three years, could you please specify the type of documentary evidence you are expecting? For instance, are you looking for case studies or any other specific documentation?
CCS requires a case study of the work carried out, completion date and to be signed by the customer to demonstrate the work carried out was satisfactory to requirements and delivered on time
16/05/2024 10:56
110. Is it acceptable that we've integrated an Equality & Diversity Policy into our Employee Code of Conduct?
Provided it is a clear section within the Employee Code of Conduct then this is acceptable.
01/05/2024 11:49
109. We hold ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials Basic certifications. Additionally, we are certified in NIST and SOC2 standards. We are seeking clarification on whether these certifications could be considered equivalent to CESG certification. Your guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
You would need to contact the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) to establish whether these are equivalent as they own these certifications. Please note that you only need Cyber Essentials to onboard onto the DPS, it would only be at call off stage that you would need other certifications if the buyer had asked for these in their requirements.
01/05/2024 11:49
108. Could you please clarify whether these attachments need to be submitted and, if so, indicate the appropriate stage within the SQ process for their submission? •Attachment 1 (Products and Service Matrix) •Attachment 2 (MI Template) •Attachment 3 (Financial Assessment Template) •Attachment 5 (Group of Economic Operators and Artificial Intelligence DPS) •Attachment 4 (Additional Sub-Contractor(s).
These documents are for your reference only. There is no requirement for you to submit these in your submission
09/04/2024 10:52
107. We are in the process of obtaining an Equality & Diversity policy. What steps should we adhere to to acquire it?
This is for the individual organisation to decide on what should be included and would form part of your normal policies and procedures setting process.
01/05/2024 11:46
106. Could you please clarify the requirements for the Supplier Code of Conduct? Can we present our existing Employee Code of Conduct as part of our compliance?
You can find the supplier code of conduct here: https://assets.crowncommercial.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/RM6002-Supplier-code-of-conduct.pdf. You need to self certify that your organisation will comply with this code (Q3 of the dpsq.
01/05/2024 11:48
105. Is responding to question 144 concerning the support of apprenticeships and skills development within this contract is compulsory? If I answer "No" to supporting apprenticeships, will it affect my application?
You must answer all questions. We are unable to advise you on how to answer.
09/04/2024 10:53
104. Is responding to question 162 regarding CESG cyber certifications compulsory?
Yes, Cyber certifications are compulsory, therefore, responding to the question is also compulsory
09/04/2024 10:54
103. 1.Is responding to question 162 regarding CESG cyber certifications compulsory?
Yes, Cyber certifications are compulsory, therefore, responding to the question is also compulsory
09/04/2024 11:00
101. I have recently obtained the most recent Bid Pack and am currently engaged in the submission process for the Selection questionnaire. I'm uncertain about whether I am required to submit all the specified attachments, such as Attachment 1 (Products and Service Matrix), Attachment 2 (MI Template), Attachment 3 (Financial Assessment Template), Attachment 5 (Group of Economic Operators and Artificial Intelligence DPS), and Attachment 4 (Additional Sub-Contractor(s)). If the answer is affirmative, could you please guide when these attachments should be submitted as part of the SQ process?
These documents are for your reference only. There is no requirement for you to submit these in your submission
09/04/2024 10:56
100. Please can you confirm if a PCG is required ?
Do you mean a Parent Company Guarantee?
01/05/2024 11:50
99. Can you please confirm if the management levy for this framework is 1%?
The Management Levy for RM6200 is 1%
04/03/2024 11:31
98. Based on the text provided on the DPS Needs document the questions below are not applicable and therefore a response is not required. •Part 1: (Contract Example 1) - Q133 •Part 1: (Contract Example 2) - Q134 •Part 1: (Contract Example 3) - Q135 However, on Q137 you ask: If you cannot provide at least one example customer contract, in no more than 500 words please provide an explanation for this e.g. your organisation is a new start-up or you have provided services in the past but not under a contract. Therefore, are we correct in thinking this question also does not apply and does not need an answer?
Q137 states 'If you cannot provide at least one example customer contract, in no more than 500 words please provide an explanation for this e.g. your organisation is a new start-up or you have provided services in the past but not under a contract.' If you have provided contract examples you do not need to answer this question, if you have answered 'no' to questions 133,134 and 135 then you will need to provide an answer for Q137 to explain why you have not been able to provide an example in the previous questions.
09/04/2024 10:59

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