There are 113 clarifications for this DPS
14. Within DPS Needs Para 73 is listed several questions for which no response is required, please confirm that we therefore leave these responses blank in our submission.
Yes, we can confirm that the questions referred to in paragraph 73 of the DPS Needs document can be left blank in the DPSQ.
23/04/2020 13:18
13. Q129 Financial Requirement. What is the minimum level of financial standing required for RM6213?
Please refer to the DPS Needs document paragraph 53.
The minimum level of financial risk required is a D&B score of 45 or more.
23/04/2020 13:17
12. Q21 Sub-Contractors. For any project that involves physical street work to install our equipment we will use one sub-contractor. As the choice of sub-contractor will vary depending on the location across the country, how do we address this question, i.e do we indicate we use x sub-contractors across the country and provide sub-contractor data for them, noting that we wouldn't use more than one of them per contract.
The definition of a Key Subcontractor is in Joint Schedule 1. In general terms, we would expect you to provide details of those that are integral to the delivery of products and services and are linked to the performance of your contracts. At DPS level, this tends to be those suppliers that you would not be able to substitute for another if they failed to deliver. At the Order stage, you may feel that the requirements of the customer means that there is a Key Subcontractor within your supply chain for that specific contract. This information can be detailed in the Order Form and you can use a NDA to keep the information confidential prior to contract award if necessary.
23/04/2020 13:17
11. I have the attached PDF to show the Standard Questionnaire question fields for the above procurement process - could I check if there is a similar document to show the DPSQ question fields? My understanding is that once the SQ fields are submitted online, the supplier would then proceed to the DPSQ fields.
Please refer to Attachment 6 Selection Questionnaire & DPSQ within the VCIS Bid Pack.
This can be found on the Supplier Registration Service.
23/04/2020 13:11
10. I recently received notice of the following framework opportunity (see link below) in relation to procuring products and services for vehicle charging infrastructure solutions. While this has been recently published, the opportunity is marked as "closed" and I am therefore seeking clarity as to its status.
We can confirm that the DPS is now live and open on the Supplier Registration Service for Suppliers to register, and will remain open for 48 months.
21/04/2020 16:11
9. The DPS lasts 48 months. Does mean that following this period the VCIS suppliers will then build and install the EV charging facilities across Liverpool?
48 months is the duration in which this DPS remains open for any supplier to request to participate and in which Customers/Buyers are able to invite appointed Suppliers to submit tenders for relevant services through a call for competition.
Customers may enter into a contract with a supplier for a period of their determining which may exceed the RM6213 Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Solution DPS Agreement, should this agreement be terminated at any time. The flexibility of the contracting period allows customers (Buyers) to determine appropriate contracting timelines required to enable the supplier to meet customer needs.
21/04/2020 16:00
8. What does the GBP 450m value relate to? Does this imply the cost of building and installing these facilities?
The value provided in Section II.1.5) of the OJEU Contract Notice is an estimate of the total value that may be delivered throughout the DPS duration.
We cannot guarantee to suppliers any business through this DPS Agreement.
21/04/2020 16:01
7. 1. Pricing: Can you please confirm if you are expecting us to populate Schedule 3 at this stage? If so, can you please provide a version that clarifies/confirms the yellow highlighted sections.
2. Contracts: We understand we are applying at a DPS Contract level but we are uncertain as to which schedules apply. Can you please confirm which schedule(s) will apply, and when, and provide a populated one given the presence of the yellow highlighted text.
Many thanks.
You are not required to populate DPS Schedule 3 at this point.
UPDATE: update version of bid pack ( v2.0) has been published and details of changes made has been send to all appropriate Suppliers.
24/04/2020 13:10
6. It is not clear on the Standard Questionnaire what areas are mandatory (for example Cyber Essentials, Department of Health MIA). Could information be provided as to what questions need mandatory fulfillment of those requirements?
Please refer to paragraph 69-71 of the DPS Needs document.
Cyber Essentials Scheme Basic Certificate (or equivalent) is required for this DPS, as detailed in DPS Schedule 9 and the DPSQ.
Please refer to questions 5, 6 and 7 of the DPSQ.
24/04/2020 13:11
5. What is the deadline for submission to ensure making the go-live date of 11th May?
The go-live date of the 11th May is when the DPS will be Open to buyers for Competition Procedures.
You are able to apply to join the DPS agreement at any time during the lifetime. If your application is successful you will be automatically appointed as a supplier. If there are any issues with the questionnaires CCS will have 10 days to request a clarification, which will extend to 15 days for a supplier response. If there is no response you will be rejected.
24/04/2020 13:11
4. The Standard Questionnaire mentions "steel" requirements in a couple of queries (e.g. 147). Is this relevant?
Paragraph 73 within the DPS Needs document sets out all of the questions that are not applicable for this DPS agreement.
Therefore, if any of the questions detailed in paragraph 73 appear in your SQ, you can leave these blank.
24/04/2020 13:12
3. The guidance mentions that after the Standard Questionnaire, there is a DPSQ submission. Would a pdf of these questions be available?
Attachment 6 Selection Questionnaire & DPSQ can be found in the Bid Pack within Contracts Finder and the Supplier Registration Service.
24/04/2020 13:13
2. Can you confirm that the Vehicle Charging Infrastructure is now closed. It allowed us to still download a bid back and create a questionnaire.
We can confirm that the DPS is now live and open on the Supplier Registration Service for Suppliers to register, and will remain open for 48 months.
24/04/2020 13:32