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There are 141 clarifications for this DPS

125. Reference Q51 - Do you need to upload the carbon reduction plan to our website or can we upload it as part of the questionnaire completion
Ideally the carbon reduction plan should be a website link, however you can provide a copy of your draft plan while preparing that.
09/10/2023 10:49
124. Clarification 123 does not answer the question asked. 'Attachment 1: Response Guidance for Confirmation of Works' only covers question Q56 of the R&I questionnaire - the answer for Q56 is meant to follow the guidelines outlined in the attachment 1 document. We would like more guidance on how to answer Q57 ('Please describe the contract and how its performance demonstrates R&I services for clients').
This area is looking for the supplier to illustrate how the contract mentioned fits the scope of RM6126 Research & Insights, and how the outcomes of the contract shows that research or insights services were delivered.
25/08/2023 12:14
123. Could you provide more information on how to answer Q57? What is it meant by the performance of the contract and how it demonstrates R&I services?
Please refer to Attachment 1: Response Guidance for Confirmation of Works within the bid pack
22/08/2023 11:08
122. Section 7.10 of the SSQ: Suppliers Past Performance Do we strictly provide a list of relevant principal contracts of work we provided to clients (ie. all the contracts of previous work), or does it include contracts in terms of our procurement (ie. contracts with suppliers)?
This is only needed if you are an 'In-Scope Organisation' - you can determine that and tick 'no' or 'N/A' if you self-certify that you are not in scope. All info can be found at: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/417211/PPN04-15_Supplier_Past_Performance_.pdf
12/07/2023 10:58
121. Can you please advise as to how a newly appointed supplier will be notified of mini competition tender opportunities? Will this be via direct contact (i.e. communication via the DPS portal/email)? Additionally, is it possible for suppliers to search for active opportunities, or do they need to be invited to participate (i.e. some tenders may be relevant, despite a lack of invitation to participate)? On the latter point and if appropriate, what web platforms should be used to search for DPS tender opportunities? Experiences suggests these don't always appear on Contracts Finder.
Suppliers will be invited to tender via eSourcing portal (generally the Bravo Solution portal however they can use other eSourcing portals) after the customer has performed a filtering exercise to find the suppliers that can offer their requirements.
12/07/2023 11:51
120. Question 68 on the Research and Insights questionnaire includes the statement "Due but not paid by the last date for payment under agreed contractual terms" - please can we request clarification on what this means
Please see the DPS Needs document for clarification pages 16 - 17, section 60 - 68
30/06/2023 11:22
119. Questions 114-115 on the research and insights questionnaire please can we request clarification from them around what "self-cleaning evidence" means.
There is a self cleaning section in the DPS Needs document (point 48 in the 'How to Participate Section') which clearly outlines what is meant by self-cleaning. If there are grounds for exclusion, there is an opportunity for Suppliers to explain the background and any measures they have taken to rectify the situation (we call this self-cleaning), this section of guidance outlines as a minimum what is required to be submitted
29/06/2023 11:20
118. Question 56-58 of the Research Insights questionnaire - can you give a definition of the contract i.e can a contract be a grant issued by a public body to carry out work where the public body define it as a grant as opposed to a contract although set objectives where agreed?
With regards to the Contact example we can accept this if the customer has signed the contract example acknowledging that the supplier has satisfactorily completed research works to the agreed and required standard. A template Letter of Confirmation of Works can be found in the Bid pack.
30/06/2023 11:16
117. Could you please provide the definition and role of Authorised Representative and Marketing Contact? The DPS Core Terms PDF and previous clarification questions do not provide a clear definition.
Authorised Rep is whoever in the supplier's organisation is authorised to sign the contracts, and Marketing Contact is if the supplier has a specific marketing department who deals with marketing things. It's not mandatory to have different people in these contacts, they can all be one and the same person. The important thing is that the main contact is the one that will receive all the opportunities so to ensure that one is up to date and correct.
06/07/2023 10:40
116. Could you please let us know if there is an Excel sheet with a list of clarification questions and answers? We don't seem to find it.
Please select the 'export' button at the bottom of this page for the excel sheet with all clarification questions and answers.
29/06/2023 12:06
115. I understand that a draft CRP is acceptable in the first instance, however, it would be helpful to understand the minimum requirements needed in order to progress onto the supplier portal.
Please scroll down and download the Carbon Reduction Plan template at the following address for details of the required information - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/procurement-policy-note-0621-taking-account-of-carbon-reduction-plans-in-the-procurement-of-major-government-contracts
08/06/2023 11:21
114. Is DSPT certification sufficient as an alternative to a Cyber Essentials certificate?
As per the DPS Needs document in the bid pack suppliers must have current Cyber Essential [basic or plus] certification or alternatively ISO27001.
10/07/2023 11:09
113. My CCS SQ is in the assessment stage and I tried to change some answers but this was not possible. I have created and submitted a new SQ response which is now in assessment stage. So my question is, will having two completed SQ negatively impact the decision outcome? How can I direct the assessor to the correct SQ?
Please contact support@nqc.com who will be able to direct you on how to resolve this.'
11/05/2023 15:22
112. Re Carbon Reduction Plan - we have a draft plan, which you said you would allow. We wouldn't put a draft on our website but the question only allows for a link. May we use Dropbox or similar? P.s. you are advertising signing up to the MRS Net Zero Pledge as free which it isn't - it's only available to their accredited partners.
To answer go to https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/dashboard/clarifications?cid=@T08=UFdORVRqRlJlazA9NjJN
11/05/2023 15:22
111. Is this framework only designed for the commissioning of bespoke research projects, or "can off the self" databases of information/market intelligence be sold and purchased through the framework?
This framework is for bespoke research projects rather than off-the-shelf databases which may fall under other CCS frameworks.
02/05/2023 15:10
110. The SQ keeps requesting an attachment for Q179, please confirm whether or not an answer is required for this question. If so, please advise on the requirements for the answer in terms of the types of projects that would be deemed relevant and the documentary evidence required. Thank you
Please see section 73 in the 'Read First - RM6126 DPS Needs' document that refers to the questions that are not applicable. To confirm, Q179 is not required to be completed.
24/02/2023 14:34
108. Our questionnaire is in the assessing stage and has been for a while. Do you know how long it usually takes in the assessing stage? thank you.
Please raise this with the Crown Commercial Service Customer Service Centre using email address info@crowncommercial.gov.uk. Please include the name of your organisation and your SQ... reference number in the email so that your application can be traced.
30/01/2023 10:22
107. Is it a requirement for all Suppliers under this DPS to be ISO27001 certified?
No, ISO27001 is not a requirement. There is a mandatory requirement for all suppliers to have Cyber Essentials certifications in order to be appointed. We accept ISO27001 certificate in it's place if you do not have Cyber Essentials, but it is not required as well as Cyber Essentials
12/01/2023 10:04
104. Can you still sign up to the framework if your current Carbon Reduction Plan doesn't yet meet the criteria but are putting changes in place so it does?
Yes, we are happy to accept a draft Carbon Reduction Plan at this point as an interim measure, please share with us so we can review.
24/11/2022 11:24
103. Hi - can you advise if an Ethical Walls Agreement can be incorporated into schedules when using the DPS?
Yes, it is possible to add in an Ethical Walls Agreement into the schedules to suit your requirement. There is an area for special terms within DPS Schedule 6 Order Form. Please ensure bidders are aware of any special terms during the procurement to adhere to transparency.
01/11/2022 10:41

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