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There are 141 clarifications for this DPS

102. I am resubmitting our questions in case they fell through the cracks somewhere: For DPSQ 177, to what extent are we required to write about our commitment to developing skills through internships? Are there any materials that clarify this? For DPSQ 178, we are a small opinion polling agency with a limited supply chain (the majority of which consists of pulling respondents through online panels). How do we go about showing that our supply chain supports skills and apprenticeships in line with PPN 14/15?
These questions relate to supplementary information that may be requested from customers if/when required, the application can progress without uploading this information.
04/10/2022 11:18
101. I have tried several times to complete the DPS questionnaire. I get a ref: SQ SWDW8H2/1 when pressing complete but when I go back to dashboard it says the questionnaire has not been completed. Therefore I cannot progress to the next stage?
It would appear that you have a technical fault with your submission. Please raise a case with Crown Commercial Service (either using the form or the telephone number both of which are on the main Crown Commercial Service web page) to raise a case, which will be passed to the relevant support team to investigate and resolve.
04/10/2022 11:19
100. A) DPSQ 178 (Upload documentary evidence to demonstrate the process that ensures your supply chain supports skills, development and apprenticeships in line with PPN 14/15). We are a small opinion polling agency with a limited supply chain (the majority of which consists of pulling respondents through online panels). How do we go about showing that our supply chain supports skills and apprenticeships in line with PPN 14/15? B) Similarly, for DPSQ 177 (Upload documentary evidence to support your commitment to developing and investing in skills, development and apprenticeships). To what extent are we required to write about our commitment to developing skills through internships? Are there any materials that clarify this? C) Finally on DPSQ 56 (on supplying a case study that demonstrates our technical capability and capacity in delivering a research project). What is the word count limit for the case study we have to provide?
These questions relate to supplementary information that may be requested from customers if/when required, the application can progress without uploading this information.
04/10/2022 11:18
99. please can you confirm whether question 144 is pass/fail. there are currently two clarification responses providing conflicting information; one states it is pass/fail (no.85 in the exported excel list), the other states it is not (no.16 in the exported excel list).
Question 144 is not pass/fail. We are working on getting the previous (incorrect) response updated, thank you for highlighting this.
04/10/2022 11:17
98. Assuming we submit a fully compliant application to this DPS, how long will it take to be appointed to the DPS as a supplier? We have a potential client who is seeking to contract with us via a CCS framework and therefore need to understand whether this DPS application process will fit with the client's anticipated start date and timescales for the work to be contracted.
It totally depends on how prepared the supplier is. If they have everything they need in place and there are no issues with their financial stability, and they complete the application promptly, then it can be a matter of a week at most. Our team is very responsive to applications. The items the suppliers would need are: - Cyber Essentials basic certification (or ISO27001) - Insurances: public liability, professional indemnity, employer liability - one example of research work (a written paragraph) with a letter of confirmation signed by the contracting authority - carbon reduction plan to adhere to the carbon net zero policy (as an interim measure, we will accept a draft) There is further information on the Carbon Reduction Plan and a template on this page). All applications are split into the preliminary selection questionnaire and the DPSQ, suppliers can access and start their registration by following this link and scrolling down to Research & Insights and clicking on 'access as a supplier'. This will ensure they are in the right place. On that same link, they can download the bid pack which has all the information they require. All the requirements including the examples above are defined in the DPS Needs document within the bid pack.
16/09/2022 10:55
97. Is there an agreed inflation rate stated within the contractual documents? I cannot seem to find any mention of inflation within the core terms.
No, there is no agreed inflation rate stated within the terms and conditions. This would be something that would be addressed at call-off stage with the contracting authority. There is an area for a term on inflation to be inserted into the DPS Schedule 6 Order Form that customer's are encouraged to use. Any questions about inflation clauses can be raised as part of the clarification period during a call-off competition.
16/09/2022 10:53
95. Qu 104 We answered No however on review think we should have answered Yes. The assessor of our SQ has mentioned Social Value will need to be checked however there is no way of changing our answer as it has not been opened up for response. Can you confirm how we should amend this?
You can request that your application is put back into Registered 1 on the DPS platform which will allow you to amend the response to any question, including the one regarding Social Value. Then please re-submit and the team at CCS will assess and progress your application accordingly. To be clear, we have taken your question today as the request and will put you back into Registered 1, allowing you to make the change straight away.
17/08/2022 09:45
94. Carbon Reduction Plan - we have a published Carbon Reduction Policy with a full plan pending and likely to be available from end 2022. Can we tick yes to this question on the SQ and provide link to the policy and then provide plan in the form of the template to contracting entity?
Yes, you can tick yes and provide a link to your Carbon Reduction Policy and progress your application. We are allowing existing policies, draft plans and/or confirmation of sign up to the Market Research Society (MRS) Carbon Net Zero Pledge in the interim whilst full plans are finalised. We will absolutely need the reduction plan as soon as you can, but in the meantime your published Carbon Reduction Policy will be sufficient. Thank you for checking.
17/08/2022 09:45
93. As a follow on from Qu 91 - In the SQ Evidence section, if we are able to upload audited accounts, do we need to upload the additional financial proof (turnover / P&L / cashflow)?
This is not required. Please see paragraph 73 of the DPS Needs document which lists the questions that are Not Applicable, this includes Q166 - Q172, Q176 and Q179 - Q185.
27/05/2022 15:21
92. On the supply chain questions 65-71 (providing % figures of invoices paid within 60 days) does it include other financial obligations such as payroll?
No, this does not apply to standard regular payroll, just invoices to companies in your supply chain.
27/05/2022 15:21
91. For several questions, we are unable to move on / receive an error message if a document is not uploaded, even if its not relevant. Should we upload a blank document in order to submit?
Yes. If any issues with the system itself you can contact the NQC support team who can help you further. You can reach them via email support@nqc.com or via phone 0161 413 7982
27/05/2022 15:20
90. Further to Clarification Question 66, can you please confirm the form "certificates for each principal contract" should or could take? This is under the "Suppliers' Past Performance" section/heading.
You are not required to submit evidence for these. As per paragraph 73 in the DPS Needs document (found in the bid pack) part 3 supplier chain questions 150 - 154 are not applicable.
01/04/2022 11:58
89. Producing a Carbon Reduction Plan - How does a virtual company with (currently) no employees and no premises go about writing a sensible carbon reduction plan? All meetings are carried out online and colleagues work from home. Many thanks
CCS are running online sessions to assist with creating a Carbon Reduction Plan, regardless of your size, to help suppliers meet compliance of procurement policy, PPN 06/21. You are able to sign up for the training, free of charge, at this link. Alternatively, we are happy to accept instead confirmation that you are signed up to the Market Research Society's Carbon Net Zero Pledge, it costs nothing and you can access it here - https://www.mrs.org.uk/topic/sustainability-in-research
01/04/2022 12:00
88. Please would you advise where I can find definitions of the following as I can't locate anything in the documents. Or, if not included, please clarify the purpose and responsibilities of the roles. Thanks DPS Agreement Manager Authorised Representative Compliance Officer Marketing Contact
They are defined in the Joint Schedule 1 Definitions as follows: Compliance Officer - the person(s) appointed by the Supplier who is responsible for ensuring that the Supplier complies with its legal obligations. Marketing Contact - shall be the person identified in the DPS Agreement Form For smaller businesses these roles may not be applicable so it is acceptable for them to be not completed or listed as 'not applicable'.
22/03/2022 11:27
87. Could you please clarify the responsibilities for the Compliance Officer to help us determine which role within our organisation is the best fit. Guidance on whether this sits with a senior company director or someone closer to the relevant business unit would be appreciated.
They are defined in the Joint Schedule 1 Definitions as follows: Compliance Officer - the person(s) appointed by the Supplier who is responsible for ensuring that the Supplier complies with its legal obligations.
22/03/2022 11:28
86. Afternoon We are providing our evidence as we are appointed on the DPS. Could you please just clarify what we need to provide for these below please:- Upload documentary evidence for a list of relevant principal contracts for goods and/or services provided in the last three years Upload documentary evidence for a certificate for each principal contract for goods and/or services provided in the last three years Upload documentary evidence for past performance information for any sub-contractors (or consortium members) who the supplier will rely upon to perform the contract thanking you. Best regards
You are not required to submit evidence for these. As per paragraph 73 in the DPS Needs document (found in the bid pack) part 3 supplier chain questions 150 - 154 are not applicable.
17/03/2022 09:17
85. 185. Upload documentary evidence for cash flow for the most recent year of trading for the organisation. What evidence do you need for this - I dont understand. Do you want a full year's bank statements? These questions are way too general.
We need the accounts for the last 2 years to run an assessment.
22/03/2022 11:31
84. Q182. Upload documentary evidence for a statement of the turnover. What evidence do you require - this doesn't make sense to me.
This is not required. Please see paragraph 73 of the DPS Needs document which lists the questions that are Not Applicable, this includes Q182.
01/04/2022 12:01
83. Q170. -A statement of funding provided by the owners and/or the bank, charity accruals accounts or an alternative means of demonstrating financial status. I own the company 100% - what evidence do you need for this question?
This is not required. Please see paragraph 73 of the DPS Needs document which lists the questions that are Not Applicable, this includes Q170.
01/04/2022 12:01
82. DPS Schedule 4 - DPS Management clause 3.8 - Please can you provide examples of what would be an acceptable reason for not bidding for further competitions.
Acceptable reasons could include; timescales given by the customer to bid are too tight, budget/value of contract too low, overwhelmed by volume of tenders, selectively choosing which tenders to bid for due to niche offering, busy time of year, low capacity to bid for new tenders. Anything that would cause you to not wish to bid is acceptable.
17/03/2022 09:18

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