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Communications Marketplace


There are 212 clarifications for this DPS

155. Can you please change the email address connected to this account from - nakif@webershandwick.com TO - sdavies@webershandwick.com
Please be advised, this platform is open to all Suppliers. Future requests should be sent to our CRM system info@crowncommercial.gov.uk. In the meantime we will make the changes
09/02/2022 14:14
154. Do letters of confirmation have to be on the CCS headed letters or can they be in a reference type format?
The templates to complete these documents are within the bid pack, please complete using the templates provided
09/02/2022 14:12
153. We are having trouble with our customers signing the Letters of Confirmation. Can you confirm whether you will accept a signed reference in its absence?
Both letters of Confirmation of Contract have to be signed by the named Contract Examples. CCS can confirm Digital signatures are accepted.
10/02/2022 16:50
152. How long does the assessment process take for the SQ stage?
The standard processing time from application submission to decision is 10 days. Any queries highlighted within the application may lengthen this period.
25/01/2022 15:58
151. Hi there - please can you confirm how long the SQ assessment will take?
We note your application is showing as completed for Registration 1, once you have completed the DPSQ part of the application and move to assessing, the SLA is 72 hours to assess your application. If no issues are found and you are fully compliant, you will be moved to agreeing whereby you accept the T&C's to become an appointed supplier
17/01/2022 10:51
150. If asked to provide a list & evidence of 'Principle Contracts in the past 3 years', what do you define as a Principle Contract? And what types of evidence do you require? Are the Contract Examples and the Letters of Confirmation not enough evidence of previous contracts and experience undertaken?
A principle contract is defined as a contract that you can provide evidence for the services you are looking to provide and can confirm you have completed. CCS requires you to only submit two contract examples and two letter of Confirmation of Works (LoCoW).
17/01/2022 10:50
149. Question 129 in the registration questionnaire asks 'Do you meet the minimum level of economic and financial standing and/or minimum financial threshold specified within the evaluation criteria for this procurement?' What is the minimum level criteria please?
The minimum financial threshold for this DPS is 45. You will find further under number 50 on page 13 of 'READ FIRST RM6124 - DPS Needs_v1.0.pdf' contained in the DPS Bid Pack
17/01/2022 10:47
148. if we were appointed to the Communications Marketplace DPS, would we and the other agencies appointed, have the opportunity competitively to tender for significant Media Planning & Buying contracts that would be available exclusively to agencies appointed within that framework, or, would these opportunities only exist within the Campaign Solutions Framework?
No you will not unfortunetly be alerted to these other opportunites. Media planning is procured only via the rostered agencies on Lot 2 of Campaign Solutions 2 and Media Buying is procured via the sole agency on RM6003 agreement.
12/01/2022 11:27
147. I have completed the Selection Questionnaire for the COMMUNICATIONS MARKETPLACE and have been requested to confirm that ourselves and any subcontractors we intend to use have cyber essentials. We have the cyber essentials certification and part of our account management policy covers how we manage our subcontractors. We are a video content agency who operate mostly in house, our two listed subcontractors on the SQ are camera operators who we bring in on shoots as and when needed. In this instance we do not believe that they would require cyber essentials when providing their services due to the nature of their work. I have contacted both the supplier registration department and also the DPS department. Both individuals have been very helpful but I have now been advised to contact yourselves by referring back to questions 79 - 81 in the bid pack. The question requires a YES / NO / NOT APPLICABLE response, I was wondering if in this instance would we fall under the 'NOT APPLICABLE' category?
Please select "not applicable" in relation to the questions on cyber essentials for your subcontractors.
12/11/2021 16:52
146. I wanted to check that we have the correct CPV codes listed, however when going back to our SQ, I cannot see which codes I selected.
On navigating to your dashboard, please see 'Help' in the top right corner for assistance with updating your profile - You can also contact support@NQC.com for further assistance as needed.
12/11/2021 12:35
145. You have asked us to only provide work that has concluded/has an end date, in our contract examples. Can you clarify that you are happy to consider a project example that has indeed concluded and has been evaluated by the client, however we do still work the client on other projects. If not, are you asking us to only provide contract examples of past/non-current clients?
CCS can confirm that where work has concluded on the contract for which a Bidder is providing evidence, regardless of any ongoing work on other projects with that same client, this evidence will be acceptable.
12/11/2021 12:35
144. As we do have to share the contract value, please can you confirm if this will be publicly published anywhere? Or will this information be for the sole view of the client seeking to tender?
Please refer to paragraph 83 of the DPS needs document within the bid pack for guidance as to how CCS handles confidential or commercially sensitive information.
12/11/2021 12:34
143. We would like to confirm whether contract example templates (Attachments 1a and b) are editable in the following ways: Editing the paragraph "(2) [CLIENT ORGANISATION] which is a company registered in [insert] under company number [insert company no.] and whose registered office is at [insert address]." to reflect the client organisation is a public body or government (i.e. the European Commission), hence neither a company nor an associated registered number. Editing the paragraph "We named at part (2) of this letter of confirmation, confirm that the agency named in part (1) of this letter, has satisfactorily completed marketing, creative, communications, recruitment advertising or events services for [insert project name] during the period of [insert dates]." to reflect only the services that were actually delivered.
CCS can confirm that Bidders must only amend the yellow highlights and insert their answer as requested - If it is a public sector organisation and therefore does not have a company house number then entering NA in this field is acceptable. Any additional amendments to the documents will result in the bid being deemed non compliant.
12/11/2021 12:33
142. Could you please clarify whether contract examples can be for clients based outside of the UK, but for work within the UK?
CCS can confirm that should the evidence of work(s) completed meet the requirements of the DPS as described in the bidpack then clients outside the UK are acceptable.
12/11/2021 16:49
141. Our contracts are all for retained clients, so do not have an end date and have monthly KPIs. Are we able to use these contracts and give examples of how we have historically met KPIs under the contract?
CCS can confirm that the works described in the contract example must have concluded and have an end date in order to be considered.
12/11/2021 12:31
140. On submitting evidence for 180 - 'documentary evidence for a certificate for each principal contract for goods and/or services'. Would a letter of appointment be suitable?
CCS can confirm that a completed attachment letter of confirmation is required for both contract examples to clearly provide evidence regarding the principle contract for the goods and services undertaken.
12/11/2021 12:28
139. On submitting evidence, for 179 - 'Upload documentary evidence for a list of relevant principal contracts for goods and/or services provided in the last three years'. What type of evidence is expected? Case studies, contracts themselves?
You are required to describe how the performance of the contract example you have provided demonstrates one or more of the services within the Communications Marketplace Agreement.
12/11/2021 12:30
138. Q172 - Documentary Evidence for Parent Co. Guarantee Is it suffice for this to be a statement on our Parent Co.'s headed paper?
Please upload on headed paper, if further inform is required, this will be requested once you have submitted your application.
04/11/2021 09:02
137. Q185. Upload documentary evidence for cash flow for the most recent year of trading for the organisation As a small business, this is not a requirement in our published accounts. Is it therefore suffice to upload this on headed paper, or does it require certification and if so, from whom?
Please upload on headed paper, if further inform is required, this will be requested once you have submitted your application.
04/11/2021 08:59
136. Q182, 183, 184 Documentary evidence for statement of the turnover, profit & loss, liabilities and assets These are all contained in our published accounts. Is it suffice to upload these individual portions of our published accounts?
CCS can confirm you can upload individual portions
04/11/2021 08:58

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