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Communications Marketplace


There are 212 clarifications for this DPS

115. Having completed the SQ, we have noticed an evidence request to confirm our self-declarations. Firstly, which contact point should we send the responses to? Secondly, do all evidences need to be provided where once answer supersedes the other (eg if we provide audited accounts, do we need to provide P&L, cash flow etc)?
You are now appointed on the Communications Marketplace DPS and as such the assessment period has concluded. We will assess any updates made to your profile and contact you if necessary. We may contact you to request evidence in support of answers you gave in your applications such as insurance levels. This will be clearly titled and come from an @crowncommercial.gov.uk mailbox.
01/11/2021 13:46
113. We submitted our completed questionnaire on 16/8/21. Our status is still Assessing, but we have received no requests for clarification or additional information. Could you please advise when we will move to the next stage.
Your application is not currently visible to CCS and you will need to contact the system service providers NQC for support in moving to this stage. You can reach them via 'Contact Us' found in help at the top right corner of the system or emailing support@NQC.com If your application meets all requirements you will automatically become appointed. We will contact you for any outstanding requirements and this process can take up to 10 working days.
06/10/2021 16:37
112. Question 98 has not yet been answered (Would we fail if we were to answer no to this question: Do you have a process in place to ensure that your supply chain supports skills, development and apprenticeships in line with PPN 14/15 and can provide evidence if requested?) When can we expect an answer for this?
Apologies for the delay in responding to your question. CCS can confirm that responding 'No' to this question will not result in your application being rejected
07/10/2021 13:15
111. CyberEssentials accreditation: We are a marketing agency owned by a local authority, operating from the Authority's infrastructure. Our parent organisation as a local authority has to conform to the PSN standard and to PCI DSS. Can you please clarify whether we need CyberEssentials over and above this?
As per paragraph 43 h of the DPS Needs document in the bid pack, CCS can confirm that any supplier wishing to be appointed to this DPS must hold the Cyber Essentials Basic Certification
06/10/2021 16:36
109. One of our clients, for whom we wish to submit a contract example, has asked that we confirm the confidentiality provisions with the application process and who, where and how the contract info (containing commercially sensitive information) will be made available to the CCS. Apologies if we've missed the clarification on this in the documentation provided however, if you could clarify it would be much appreciated.
Please refer to paragraph 83 of the DPS needs document within the bid pack for guidance as to how CCS handles confidential or commercially sensitive information
06/10/2021 16:35
108. We have indicated in our SQ that our parent company is happy to provide a Parent Company Guarantee at a later stage, if required. This is standard for a lot of public sector contracts - however, our parent company is unable to provide a card blanche guarantee for all possible services/projects under this marketplace arrangement. A Parent Guarantee form would have to be limited in both time and financial amount, which is not possible to state at this point. As evidence, will you accept a Parent Company Guarantee template or similar that we would use should a contracting authority require such a guarantee?
You will only be asked to provide a guarantor if you Dun and Bradstreet score falls below the threshold of 45 and our Commercial Finance teams assessment of your accounts are deemed unacceptable. Your guarantor needs to cover you regardless of the products and/or services you supply.
22/10/2021 15:22
107. Hello, the Bid Pack doesn't currently allow for the files to be extracted/viewed. Is there an alternative link, or any feedback available on this please? Thanks
CCS can confirm that the bid pack is accessible and downloadable from the Marketplace at the following URL: https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/dps#research
06/10/2021 16:31
106. 178. Upload documentary evidence to demonstrate the process that ensures your supply chain supports skills, development and apprenticeships in line with PPN 14/15 Could you please clarify the content and format you require?
Please see PPN 14/15, particularly Annex A for guidance as to what may constitute content and format https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/procurement-policy-note-1415-supporting-apprenticeships-and-skills-through-public-procurement
06/10/2021 16:30
105. 177. Upload documentary evidence to support your commitment to developing and investing in skills, development and apprenticeships. Could you please clarify the content and format you require?
Please see PPN 14/15, particularly Annex A for guidance as to what may constitute content and format https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/procurement-policy-note-1415-supporting-apprenticeships-and-skills-through-public-procurement
06/10/2021 16:29
104. Our questionnaire jumps from Question 21 to 104 ? please advise.
If your issue still persists please contact support@NQC.com for help completing your application
06/10/2021 16:28
103. Please can you confirm who the ' DPS Agreement Manager' should be, referenced in Question 117? Would this be the same as the key contact?
The DPS Agreement Manager is the person within your organisation appointed to manage the DPS on a day to day basis and will be act as a lead contact point for CCS.
24/09/2021 14:37
102. Hi - we submitted our SQ this morning at 8.30am; how soon will it be before we have access to the PDSQ?
Your application is not currently visible to CCS and you will need to contact the system service providers NQC for support in moving to this stage. You can reach them via 'Contact Us' found in help at the top right corner of the system or emailing support@NQC.com
06/10/2021 16:08
101. We have already submitted our SQ and with regard to Cyber Essentials we answered 'No' to question 155 because we have Cyber Essentials Plus. Do we need to go back and correct this and if so how do we do that?
Your application is not currently visible to CCS and you will need to contact the system service providers NQC for support in moving to this stage. You can reach them via 'Contact Us' found in help at the top right corner of the system or emailing support@NQC.com. NQC will support you through updating these questions. Once submitted, you cannot make changes.
06/10/2021 16:07
100. We have been appointed to the Marketplace but cannot see how to access the opportunities, i.e. the Marketplace itself. Where and when will this appear?
We confirm your organisation is now appointed on the DPS and the email address you provided on your bravo account have been added to the template that buyers can choose to use. You have completed all requirements to register on the DPS and you must continue to monitor your profile to ensure the address, contact details and services you provide are up to date.Where the services you selected in your profile match those exported by the buying organisation, the users accounts you have on the Bravo template will be notified. For clarity as to how you will be notified from Bravo please view the help documents on the login page here https://crowncommercialservice.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.html or contact eEnablement@crowncommercial.gov.uk/buyer
06/10/2021 16:03
99. We have noticed that you have responded to another clarification question stating that contract examples (Q.54 onward) must have concluded and have an end date. If we have a three-year contract, for example, that has an end date of 2022, but we have already delivered and completed certain work streams and talk about those work streams, can we still share them please? Both examples would still have an end date; it would just be in the future. Thanks
CCS can confirm that as per our earlier response, works described in any contract example submitted must be concluded in order to be considered.
06/10/2021 16:02
98. Hi, we submitted questions 80-83 on Monday of this week, do you know when we might receive a reply? we're keen to progress but just need further clarification on these points first. Many thanks.
Assuming you mean questions 90 - 93, these are currently being considered and we will provide answer in due course
16/09/2021 16:43
97. I'm aware that there are a few questions in the SQ that are not applicable. Is it possible to summarise all those Qs that are not applicable? Are Qs 144-147 applicable to the Communications Marketplace SQ?
Please refer to paragraph 72 of the DPS needs document in the bid pack for a list of the not applicable questions
24/09/2021 14:35
96. Please can you clarify what type of information you require for the two contract examples. Is it simply what we do for nominated clients or should we provide a campaign example?
CCS requires you to only submit two contract examples. You do not need to address all of the services you are registering for within the contract example. In response to questions 55 and 58 you are required to describe how the performance of the contract example you have provided demonstrates one or more of the services within the Communications Marketplace Agreement.
16/09/2021 16:38
95. Hi. I think that I've completed the SQ but I cannot see anywhere whether this has been successful in terms of our registration as a supplier. Can you please confirm and, if not yet successful, tell me what I need to do in order to complete it. I can't can find any help documents to assist me. Many thanks.
CCS can confirm that you have not yet completed your application to the DPS. You are able to access it from the 'profiles tab' on your supplier registration service dashboard. Should you have further questions regarding the completion of your application, please contact the system service providers NQC for support. You can reach them via 'Contact Us' found in help at the top right corner of the system or emailing support@NQC.com
21/09/2021 11:18
94. For the DPSQ questions 115-121, do you require the registered office address or the trading address please?
Please provide your registered address as per companies house
22/09/2021 11:10

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