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Low Value Purchase System


There are 42 clarifications for this DPS

33. With regards to the Person of Significant Control, our immediate parent company is our PSC. As such there is no date of birth for the organisation. Please advise how to respond to the date of birth as it is a required field and requires an entry. Thanks
We would expect the response to that question to be a named individual, not an organisation. Please refer to the guidance section next to that question for more information
06/02/2023 17:24
32. With regards to the Person of Significant Control, our immediate parent company is our PSC. As such there is no date of birth for the organisation. Please advise how to respond to the date of birth as it is a required field and requires an entry. Thanks
We would expect the response to that question to be a named individual, not an organisation. Please refer to the guidance section next to that question for more information
06/02/2023 17:22
30. For questions 182 to 185, we do not provide this information but we cannot proceed without uploading a document. Please advise Thanks and regards
You are not required to upload documents when applying for the LVPS. Please can you ensure that you are registering under the relevant link on supplier registration - https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/dps?fh=1 - and under the LVPS section select 'access as a supplier'
02/12/2022 16:44
27. In the SQ professional indemnity insurance is a mandatory requirement. The services we offer will not be covered by professional indemnity insurance (no consulting/advice given). please would you advise what risks specifically you are looking for cover against via this insurance?
Dear bidder, CCS do request insurances to be appointed on LVPS. A customer may require this as part of there mini competition or direct award. Can you confirm your question relates to LVPS?
26/08/2022 17:18
25. In the Selection Questionnaire - DPS_PROFILE_SPARK, SQ Evidence Submission (questions 166 to 185) there are documents to be attached. Should I attach the signed documents in my native language or excel tables in English language version? Or Should I create the English version, convert them to PDF and sign before attaching.
This has been raised against the Low Value Purchase System, but is in relation to Spark DPS. Please raise against the correct DPS.
03/02/2022 09:50
24. Can Annex B (Special Terms) of the Buyer-Supplier contract be used to include terms which are specific to the deliverables provided. Are these terms to be negotiated directly with the Buyer?
Annex B is used to introduce special terms which supplement what is already in the Contract, it is not designed to allow for the Contract to be varied in such a way that detracts from what is covered.
21/01/2022 10:09
23. Clause 10.1 Can Annex B (Special Terms) of the Buyer-Supplier Contract be used to amend terms contained within the main body of the contract? For example, clause 10.1; we would not usually grant the type of licence outlined in this clause.
Annex B is used to introduce special terms which supplement what is already in the Contract, it is not designed to allow for the Contract to be varied in such a way that detracts from what is covered.
21/01/2022 10:10
22. Good Morning, We have been asked to provide evidence to support the self declarations made in our SQ for CCS. Please can you advise how I return this information to yourselves. Many thanks
All information requested is to be entered into the system against the relevant question(s). Supplier's will 'electronically' sign the LVPSQ. For additional information requested by the buyer, please contact the buyer directly.
24/01/2022 16:01
21. Clarification relating to: Leasing and Loan Finance DPS. Our Public Liability insurance provides cover against pretty much any claim for loss experienced by any third party as a direct result of our conducting our undertaking. Certain classes of risk are excluded from this cover, the most prevalent being road risk which is separately covered by road risk (motor) insurance. Professional Indemnity insurance covers risk associated with the provision of professional services (For example, the sale of advice and the work conducted by professional people/firms - Solicitors, Accountants, etc). The buyer in these circumstances is reliant on the expertise of the 'professional' concerned in the purchase of these services insofar as it would involve the buyer qualifying in the delivery of these services themselves in order to exercise informed judgement. Our operations for this contract do not involve any risk which would fall outside the scope of our Public Liability cover (road risk excepted). Therefore, please would you review the need for Professional Indemnity insurance for this contract and advise if it can be removed? If not, please would you advise what risk(s) specifically you are looking for cover against on this contract?
You have posted a clarification question against the wrong type of DPS. This one relates to Low Value Purchase System. Please follow the link here which will take you to the correct Leasing and Loan Finance DPS - https://www.crowncommercial.gov.uk/agreements/RM6120
14/01/2022 15:19
20. I am going through the questionnaire and have reached Q.24 regarding Person of significant control - Does this have to be a share holder or can is be a Managing Director for example with no ownership status?
A person of significant control would apply to a Director / Managing Director
22/12/2021 14:29
19. Hi I am starting to fill in our application for the research and Insights DPS and wondered if it is possible to access my questionnaire for the earlier Research and marketing DPS, as much of the process information will be the same. Thanks Nick
For queries with other agreements, please utilize the Clarification section for that agreement. This section is only for questions relating to the Low Value Purchasing System.
14/12/2021 12:18
18. I am progressing through the online SQ. If a section does not apply to ourselves, i.e. Steel, do we leave the section blank or input N/A? Also I have selected yes to a couple of questions instead of no, but can't seem to be able to amend this. Please could you advise how? Many thanks
For queries with other agreements, please utilize the Clarification section for that agreement. This section is only for questions relating to the Low Value Purchasing System.
12/11/2021 12:25
17. Good Morning, Re the RM6242 - Construction Professional Services Dynamic Purchasing System Agreement we are completing. The section on contract examples, re contract start and finish dates. On previous DPS' we have been able to enter text i.e. 'as Select list 1990-2008 Framework 2008-current'. The examples we are using are ongoing frameworks. The online DPS will only allow for entering an exact date though so I'm not sure how to address this? Thanks
For queries with other agreements, please utilize the Clarification section for that agreement. This section is only for questions relating to the Low Value Purchasing System.
12/11/2021 12:24
16. Management Levy At which precise point in time is this charged, how is it invoiced and what is the process?
Invoices are calculated at the point of uploading a monthly return via an online web portal. Invoices are raised and sent to assigned finance contact. VAT is included, and the payment must be made within 30 days. This agreement carries a 1% levy charge.
05/11/2021 14:59
10. Hello We are interseted in securing a place on RM6124 within the recruitment advertising category but do not yet have a Cyber Essentials certificate in place and note that means we would not pass the SQ stage. We are keen to progress and gain that accreditation and feel we can offer strong example contracts but as an SME need time to put that in place. Can you confirm the timescales for securing a place or advise if we should progress the SQ on the understanding we would need the certificate in place at a particular date. Thank you for your help. Andy
For queries with other agreements, please utilize the Clarification section for that agreement. This section is only for questions relating to the Low Value Purchasing System.
14/12/2021 12:18
9. Regarding interim to permanent transfer fee. What is the agency able to charge the buyer? This would be for a band 7 post. And would the length of interim work change this at all?
Suppliers can set out maximum/minimum prices in their service offering. The customer will then engage with the supplier to agree the charges.
13/05/2021 09:04
8. Can you please advise on the purchasing value limits that apply to customers wishing to use the LVPS? I followed this link but am unsure where the Installation Services Lot that we are approved for under the LVPS sits. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/850566/PPN_for_New_Thresholds_2020_pdf.pdf Many thanks.
The thresholds for procurement are detailed in PPN 11/20 they differ by sector and are as follows: Central Government: Supply, Services and Design Contracts - £122,976 Works Contracts - £4,733,252 Small Lots - £70,778 Other Authorities: Supply, Services and Design Contracts - £189,330 Works Contracts - £4,733,252 Small Lots - £884,720 Social and other specific services: Supply, Services and Design Contracts - £663,540 Works Contracts - £663,540
07/05/2021 15:58
7. Is there a subcategory for printing (eg banners / floor stickers / safety screens etc). Thank you
There is a service heading for: Printed matter and related products. All full list of service headings is available in READ FIRST RM6237-LVPS Supplier Access Information Version V1.0 within the LVPS Access Pack. You are only able to join the LVPS if the goods and/or services you supply are available under one of the service headers.
26/03/2021 15:35
5. Under Office solutions this is noted as coming soon, when is this expected to be live? thanks
Office Solutions are not included within the service headings. A full list of service headings are provided in READ FIRST RM6237-LVPS Supplier Access Information Version V1.0 within the LVPS Access Pack. You are only able to join the LVPS if the goods and/or services you supply are available under one of the service headers. Please note that any goods or services without a Service Header is because at this present time CCS feel there is another route to markert either through one of our Framework Agreements or DPS's currently in place. However please note the Service Headers will be reviewed periodically and we may reduce or add to the current Service Headers currently showing on the LVPS.
24/03/2021 17:51
3. Good afternoon, We note that construction services have not been included in you Service Headings Description list. Could you advise if this LVPS will be used to procure these services. Many thanks
Yes that is correct Construction Services does not have a Service Header however there is a Service Header which relates to Construction Equipment. Please note that any goods or services without a Service Header is because at this present time CCS feel there is another route to market either through one of our Framework Agreements or DPS's currently in place. However please note the Service Headers will be reviewed periodically and we may reduce or add to the current Service Headers currently showing on the LVPS.
19/03/2021 12:03

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