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Low Value Purchase System


There are 42 clarifications for this DPS

2. We were previously on the COVID-19 emergency response catalogue as suppliers of digital classroom solutions to ensure continuance of learning via remote learning. What category do you recommend that we enter or can you open a new "Information Technology" or "Software" category for software solutions which fall under the 'Low Value' contracts margins.
No at the moment we are unable to open a new Information Technology or Software category for software solutions which fall under the Low Value contracts margin this is because at this present time CCS feel there is another route to market either through one of our Framework Agreements or DPS's currently in place. However please note the Service Headers will be reviewed periodically and we may reduce or add to the current Service Headers currently showing on the LVPS. With regards to which what category do we recommend, unfortunately we are not in a position to do this. Please ensure you read all the Service Headers and if there are any that you think may capture your goods or Service then select and provide a description of the goods or services within the 400 character limit.
19/03/2021 12:02
1. Hello, Regarding the LVPS DPS, would it be correct to assert there is no appropriate category for telecommunications services within the stated categories? Thanks Dean
No, telecommunications services are not stated within the service categories. A full list of service headings descriptions are included in READ FIRST RM6237-LVPS Supplier Access Information Version V1.0 within the LVPS Access Pack.
18/03/2021 09:22

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