There are 134 clarifications for this DPS
14. Are the terms negotiable?
The DPS terms aren't but if spot any issues prior to the opening of the DPS let us know.
Call-off terms can be altered by the customer, any alterations should be prior to their tender being issued and will not be material changes.
25/03/2019 14:17
13. The DPS agreement is marked as 'sample' - are all the documents final?
The DPS Agreement in the bid pack is sample watermaked. If your organisation is appointed to the DPS you will receive a non watermarked version.
25/03/2019 14:16
12. Is there a limit on call-off length?
Call-offs are capped at a total of 5 years with an initial maximum call-off length of 3 years.
25/03/2019 14:16
11. Is there a total limit on call-off value?
The OJEU notice has been published with a maximum value of £650m, this is the upper limit of our expected spend through the agreement.
25/03/2019 14:15
10. Is there a limit on the call-off value?
No there is no limit on the call-off value. With our colleagues in GDS and other departments we will providing customers with advice on how to get the best outcome from working with suppliers, this will focus on agile methodologies and scaling as capability grows.
25/03/2019 14:14
9. Can you be ISO27001 certified instead of Cyber essentials?
Cyber Essentials certification is a requirement for all suppliers, details of this are in the PPN linked to for question 7, below
25/03/2019 14:13
8. I have Cyber Essentials Plus, does this meet the needs?
Yes, suppliers with Cyber Essentials Plus meet the requirement to have at least Cyber Essentials.
25/03/2019 14:12
7. Do I need Cyber Essentials to bid?
You need to commit to attaining Cyber Essentials and to have been certified for it ahead of entering into your first call-off.
More details on Cyber Essentials and it's neccessity within our customer base can be found here
25/03/2019 14:11
6. ISO10007 - do I need it? It is within the User Needs and seems a strange request
You do not need to be certified but we would expect work to completed in line with this, and other, standards stated where applicable.
25/03/2019 14:10
5. I'm a start-up with no D&B history, can I still bid?
Yes. However, CCS will request further financial information if your organisation fails to meet the Dun and Bradstreet financial threshold score of 60. Please refer to the DPS Needs for full instructions to support this process and for further information of the types of additional financial data you may be requested to provide.
25/03/2019 14:09
4. Could you cancel the agreement earlier?
Yes, early termination is possible as detailed in the DPS Agreement.
25/03/2019 14:08
3. The OJEU states a length of 4 years this is different to what you have described.
4 years is the total possible length of the DPS.
CCS anticipate putting in place version 2 of the DPS after 2 years, we will need to allow a transition period for products to move to an alternative framework if they product type is removed from the next version of Spark. There is some contingency built in to allow this transition.
25/03/2019 14:07
2. Does this overlap with G-Cloud?
There maybe some small overlap as products are developed, we would expect SaaS products to mature and move onto G-Cloud more quickly than other product areas.
25/03/2019 14:06
1. How is this linked to TP2 Lot 6 replacement?
It isn't - that will be a separate procurement.
25/03/2019 14:04