There are 32 clarifications for this DPS
12. Can we edit our submission once onboarded to the DPS?
Suppliers can update the services, building type, location and contract value filters at anytime once onboarded to the DPS as as detailed in READ FIRST RM6241 - DPS Needs: 'Updating Answers in the Dynamic Purchasing System Questionnaire (DPSQ)' section.
22/12/2022 11:36
11. Can we add subcontractors after successfully joining the DPS?
Suppliers should list all known subcontractors as detailed in DPS Joint Schedule 6 - Key Subcontractors. Suppliers are able to use different subcontractors during the lifetime of their DPS Agreement, however any changes to subcontracting arrangements are subject to the obligations under DPS Joint Schedule 6 - Key Subcontractors.
22/12/2022 11:35
10. Are buyers able to filter suppliers, or do they only filter services they require?
Buyers use the DPS System to filter their requirements by selecting either one or a combination of services. They will also filter depending on building type, location and contract value. These selections will then lead to a shortlist of suppliers being produced that have indicated they can meet those filtered requirements.
22/12/2022 11:35
9. We understand that suppliers will be required to pay a Management Levy to CCS. Please can you advise what the amount is that required to be paid or on what % basis the Levy is calculated?
Suppliers are required to pay a 1% levy on all spend that is invoiced for contracts awarded through the RM6241 Housing Maintenance & Repair DPS. It is recorded via the monthly Management Information reporting that is required of all suppliers. The template and instructions can be found in DPS Schedule 5 - Management Levy and Information
22/12/2022 11:34
8. Can we apply for only certain products and services?
You can apply for all products and services that your organisation is able to offer. Products and services that your organisation can provide can be input from question 75 in the DPS questionnaire.
22/12/2022 11:34
7. Will you accept any alternative certificates to Cyber Essentials?
The DPS agreement only accepts Cyber Essentials Basic or Cyber Essential Plus accreditations. Any supplier wishing to be be appointed to this DPS must hold a valid Cyber Essentials Basic certification as a minimum at the point of application. A supplier without this certification will be rejected from the DPS.
22/12/2022 11:33
6. Good morning
We currently do not have a Cyber essentials certification. Can this question please be made optional, or provide us an option to tick 'working towards', This is a new and complicated certification so will exclude many small and medium organisations.
Thank you.
CCS can confirm that any supplier wishing to be be appointed to this DPS must hold the Cyber Essentials certification at the point of application. A Supplier without this certification will be rejected from the DPS.
18/01/2023 11:56
5. Hello, we submitted the SQ and which has disappeared from our dashboards. It didn't follow through to the SQ evidence, so we are not sure if it was received your end, and how to proceed. Many Thanks
Unfortunately we have not received anything on our end regarding your submission.
For assistance with your application, could you please liaise with the support service for Supplier Registration at: SRS service desk; +44 (0) 161 413 7982
18/01/2023 11:53
4. Good Afternoon,
We don't hold a cyber essentials certificate, however our service provider holds the ISO27001 and we are currently working towards cyber essentials. Would this be acceptable?
All our systems and procedures are based around the requirements of cyber essentials.
Many Thanks
It is a requirement of the Housing Maintenance and Repair DPS for suppliers to hold a valid cyber essentials certificate. The ISO27001 is not acceptable for this DPS
15/12/2022 16:21
3. Good Morning,
We are currently working through this and have been presented with question 83. Do you hold a Valid PAS2030 certification and we note the following sentence; All suppliers delivering "whole home retrofit services" must answer this question in order to pass selection.
However, our dilemma is that we currently do not hold the certification but are well into the process of obtaining it and are hoping to have it by the end of January 2023. Therefore, how does this reflect in us answering the question as we are conscious that by selecting no that we will not be taken forward/pass that section. If you could confirm how we are to proceed that would be very much appreciated.
You are able to select Yes to holding a PAS 2030 certification, and once onboarded to the DPS, as part of our compliance checks we will ask you to provide the certification. If you do not hold a valid PAS 2030 certification, your organisation will be suspended until you can provide this. You will not have to go through the onboarding process again, but you will not be able to take part in any bidding activity until the certificate is provided.
12/12/2022 11:06
2. Good Afternoon,
We provide asbestos surveys and management, are we able to apply for this service only under this framework? We're slightly confused what level 1 and level 2 means on the services matrix?
"Yes you are able to provide asbestos surveys and management only under this agreement. Level 1 are the top level filters for the services that can be provided from suppliers e.g;
1. Planned Maintenance & Repair
2. Reactive Maintenance & Repair (Routine)
3. Reactive Maintenance & Repair (Emergency)
4. Compliance
5. Whole Home Retrofit
6. Housing Portfolio Management
You can then specify from each of the level 1 filters at level 2, which specific services you can provide, e.g. Asbestos Surveys & Management
Services may appear under more than one Level 1 or Top Filters. For more information, please refer to RM6241 Attachment 7 Bid Pack, DPS Schedule 1 - Specification"
22/11/2022 12:07
1. Please can you confirm how we complete and submit the selection questionnaire for this DPS? The supplier guide referenced does not appear to have been uploaded, and clicking through "access as a supplier" give us a link to create an entirely new selection questionnaire, not the SQ for this DPS.
Thank you
Please refer to the bid pack file in which you will find a document called READ FIRST RM6241 - DPS Needs v1 which will guide you through the process on the Supplier Registration Service (SRS). Please read through all of the files to ensure that you are aware of all the necessary details regarding the framework.
14/11/2022 13:07