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Space Enabled and Geospatial Services


There are 55 clarifications for this DPS

18. We currently have Cyber Essentials certification but are in the process of gaining the Cyber Essentials Plus certification, please can you advise once appointed to the DPS if we can update our responses in Questions 155 and 156? If we cannot update these responses, how do we update our DPS application with the Cyber Essentials Plus certification details and also when the certification has expired and needs an update?
Questions within the Selection Questionnaire (SQ) cannot be amended after completion, however once a supplier is appointed to the DPS the Commercial Agreement Manager (CAM) will become responsible for SRM activity including receiving up to date insurance and certification evidence. This means that when something changes, you can email the CAM directly with the updated details. Contact details for the CAM in the first instance for this agreement should be networkservices@crowncommercial.gov.uk and should be addressed to Jennifer Squire
15/10/2021 15:17
16. Dear Sirs, Please could you respond to the clarification below raised on 4th October to allow us to proceed with our application? As DPS questions 133-135 requires client contact details and Q179-181 requires certificates of completion including client contact details, can you please provide some clarification on the difference between these two question sets - i.e. can the same project examples be used? Are you able to provide an indication of how many principal contracts you would expect to see in the response to Q179-181?
We can confirm that, as per paragraph 72 of the DPS Needs document, you are not required to answer Q134 or Q135. You therefore are only required, as a minimum, to answer Q133 and Q179. Again, as a minimum you are required to upload documentary evidence for at least one relevant principal contract for goods and/or services provided in the last three years at Q179. If you have further certificates of completion these can be uploaded at Q180 and Q181.
08/10/2021 15:16
15. Is the DPS Marketplace a commercial service paid for by the Management Levy ? If so please can you advise on when the Management levy of £500 (minimum) is due and is it a one off fee or an annual subscription to the service?
The DPS Marketplace is a free to use tool associated with the sign up and shortlisting sections of the processes for suppliers and buyers to make use of any CCS DPS agreement. The Management Charge or Levy that is the principle source of funding for CCS as an organisation is applied only at the point of invoicing by the supplier to the buyer for awarded further competition contracts (and is set at 1% of the invoice value for agreement RM6235). There is no annual fee or charge associated with the DPS Marketplace or this CCS agreement RM6235 for suppliers, and there is no Levy due from any supplier who is not currently invoicing a buyer for contracts undertaken through this agreement.
08/10/2021 15:04
14. As DPS questions 133-135 require client contact details and questions 179-181 require certificates of completion including client contact details, can you please provide some clarification on the difference between these two question sets - i.e. can the same project examples be used? Are you able to provide an indication of how many principal contracts you would expect to see in the response to Q179-181?
We can confirm that, as per paragraph 72 of the DPS Needs document, you are not required to answer Q134 or Q135. You therefore are only required, as a minimum, to answer Q133 and Q179. Again, as a minimum, you are required to upload documentary evidence for at least one relevant principal contract for goods and/or services provided in the last three years at Q179. If you have further certificates of completion these can be uploaded at Q180 and Q181.
08/10/2021 14:44
13. In the Space Enabled FW Commercial folders we believe it is missing a key contract document from the pack. - the DPS Appointment Form. This usually contains special terms amending the Core Contract. Can you please confirm whether this is an omission and should have been included?
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We can confirm that the DPS Appointment Form has now been uploaded to the system. The document can be found within the Bid Pack at Attachment 7 - Bid pack Part 2 (Terms and Conditions)
08/10/2021 14:42
12. We find it difficult to list sub-contractors at this stage, we would need to see the requirements of each RFP and then assess then if we need a sub-contractor. Hence, in reference to the guidance on sub-contractors in the document READ FIRST RM6235 - DPS Needs v1.pdf, is it ok to leave the list of sub-contractors blank at this stage?
Thank you for your question. You are able to leave this section blank if you do not have the details of your preferred subcontractors. Subcontractors may be added and amended to the DPS once appointed. Please note that where there is a requirement to add, remove or amend a Key Subcontractor that this shall be done in line with Joint Schedule 6 (Key Subcontractors).
08/10/2021 14:41
10. I have the following questions: 1)Can you please confirm that the only tasks I need to perform to apply for this procurement are the following? If there are any other tasks, can you please let me know what they are? a)Request to participate must be entered via the Supplier Registration Service (SRS) b)register on the CCS eSourcing website 2)In reviewing the Bid Pack documents I did not see a Statement Of Work (SOW) or Performance Work Statement (PWS) that describes the requirements for the products and services to be bid. Will this be provided to the applicants after they have been invited to bid? 3)Will there be an industry day for this procurement? If so, when will it be? Do I need to register to attend? 4)The Buyer Needs V1 document states the value of the DPS is £115.4 million (broken out below), but the gov.uk contracts finder website says the contract value is £216 million. Why is there a discrepancy? Which number is correct? a)£3.3 million (excluding VAT) in the first year b)£19.1 million (excluding VAT) in year two c)£43.0 million (excluding VAT) in year three d)£50.3 million (excluding VAT) in year four 5)Is there a specific point of contact and contract office that follow up with for this procurement?
Thank you for your question. CCS can confirm that you will need to both register on the Supplier Registration Service (SRS) and also register on the CCS eSourcing website. Full details of the onboarding process can be found in the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) Needs Document under the heading 'How to Request to Participate' 2) Specific services or products required by individual buyers that fall within the wider scope described in the document 'DPS Schedule 1 Specification' will be issued from time to time to shortlisted suppliers (with shortlists arrived at through use of the filter system to select required capabilities). Therefore, companies are encouraged to apply to join this DPS should they have any product or service that falls within the broad definitions of some or all of the filter options, and is related to at least one of the options defined within the 'Category' filter (list). In this way, DPS RM6235 will provide a compliant route to market (by way of competitive further competition procedures) for any and all relevant products or services within the agreement's scope, for public sector bodies. 3)Webinar dates have been published and can be viewed on our website (https://www.crowncommercial.gov.uk/agreements/RM6235) and can be signed up to via the eventbrite website. These will provide introduction and onboarding, as well as an opportunity to ask questions, and are scheduled at the end of september and october. you are welcome and encouraged but not required to join. Further sessions and other types of engagement with the market are expected and will be communicated through both the CCS website and direct emails to suppliers appointed to the agreement, and will generally make use of the eventbrite platform.Webinar dates have been published and can be viewed on our website (https://www.crowncommercial.gov.uk/agreements/RM6235) and can be signed up to via the eventbrite website. These will provide introduction and onboarding, as well as an opportunity to ask questions, and are scheduled at the end of september and october. you are welcome and encouraged but not required to join. Further sessions and other types of engagement with the market are expected and will be communicated through both the CCS website and direct emails to suppliers appointed to the agreement, and will generally make use of the eventbrite platform. 4)Thank you for your query. The correct pipeline value is as listed on the contract notice (£216m). The difference of approximately £100m was omitted from the Buyer Needs document in an attempt to reduce confusion and to only display in-year forecast values for the 4 years of operation that this DPS may run for. However, although the agreement cannot be extended into a 5th year, any procurements begun in it's lifespan may continue to operate for a number of years afterwards according to their individual contract lengths, generating 'legacy spend' which is estimated to be up to £100m. This has therefore been factored into the FTS Contract Notice Value.
27/09/2021 15:07
8. We note from the Selection Questionnaire that we are required to provide one contract example. Please could you confirm what the contract example should cover if organisations are hoping to apply to offer multiple services?
You may select any example that best displays your organisation's capability to provide relevant services. This question is aiming to ensure commercial capability rather than technical quality, as technical quality must be assessed by the buyer at call off stage, through a further competition.
27/09/2021 15:02
7. Can you add/amend subcontractors once you are appointed to the DPS?
Thank you for your question. Subcontractors may be added and amended to the DPS once appointed. Please note that where there is a requirement to add, remove or amend a Key Subcontractor that this shall be done in line with Joint Schedule 6 (Key Subcontractors).
27/09/2021 15:01
6. Can you change your contract example in Q.133 once appointed to the DPS?
Thank you for your question. Once you have moved into either the 'Assessing', 'Agreeing' or 'Appointed stage you will not be permitted to change your contract example. However, should your bid be moved back to the 'Registered 1' stage for any reason, you would be permitted to change your response. Further details of the process can be found in the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) Needs Document under the heading 'Updating Answers in the Dynamic Purchasing System Questionnaire'.
27/09/2021 15:00
5. Can you amend your category, service/product, specialist capability and commercial model category that used as customer filters once appointed to the DPS?
Yes, each of the filters and subfilters selected within the DPSQ section 2 may be updated at any time throughout the course of the DPS agreement lifetime by simply completing the DPSQ section 2 again.
27/09/2021 14:59
4. What is the word count or character count for the description of contract field in Question 133?
We can confirm that there is no set character limit for Q.133 within the Selection Questionnaire. The minimum character criteria for the 'description of contract' segment of Q.133 is that at least 1 character is input into the text box as the field itself is mandatory.
12/10/2021 08:15
3. If we have more than one Cyber Essentials Certificate, can you advise whether you can add multiple certificate details and evidence to the questionnaire? If not, can you advise how we can respond to the questions?
Thank you for your question. CCS can confirm that, where the question permits, you may zip relevant certificates together into a file and return via the relevant questionnaire. Additionally, you are able to email any supporting evidence to info@crowncommercial.gov.uk.
27/09/2021 14:57
2. Hi, How are CPV codes in the Selection Questionnaire used by Buyers when they will be using filters for the DPS for their requirements?
We can confirm that CPV codes are not utilsed by the Buyers for use in further competition. Please either input N/A for the selection question or input the overarching Information Technology Services CPV code - 72222300-0
27/09/2021 14:32
1. Hi, Within the Bid Pack Attachment 6 - RM6235 Space Enabled and Geospatial Services DPSQ, DPS Question 3 there is reference to the 'Supplier Code of Conduct' dated September 2019, however I cannot find this updated version as per https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/supplier-code-of-conduct it was last updated on 20th February 2019. Please can you advise if this is the latest version or can you send me a link of the September 2019 version as I cannot access it on the PDF of Attachment 6 . Thank you
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. CCS can confirm that the date stated in the question should read 'February 2019' and can confirm that the link takes you to the most recent version of the Supplier Code of Conduct. We have requested that the wording be updated accordingly via the host service provider.
27/09/2021 14:56

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