There are 122 clarifications for this DPS
3. We understand that we must complete an SQ and then a DPSQ as part of the application process. You have provided a sample SQ but not the DPSQ. We would like to understand the detail of what is required of us at DPSQ. Please can you provide the DPSQ in either CSV or PDF format. Thanks.
We can confirm that the Automation DPS Bid Pack has now been updated to contain a PDF copy of the Selection Questionnaire and DPSQ.
13/03/2020 13:54
1. Could the Authority please confirm the timelines to complete the Selection Questionnaire.
The Selection Questionnaire will be open for all Bidders to complete for the duration of the DPS, details on the duration of the DPS can be found at paragraph 1.1 of 'RM6173 Automation Marketplace - Buyer Needs v1.0'
20/02/2020 12:02