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Apprenticeship Training Dynamic Marketplace


There are 240 clarifications for this DPS

71. The Template Contract Order Form states that there is to be no price adjustment for the duration of the Contract, and it also states that the shortfall of any reduction in funding during the Contract term is borne by the Customer. When contracting under the RM3823 framework many Customers would not accept any liability for shortfall of funding. Are Customers aware of this new obligation and that failure to accept could result in a dispute and "Customer Cause" termination for failure to pay?
The RM3823 framework does not allow suppliers to price above the maximum levy funding band so there is no shortfall for customers to subsidise. This RM6102 allows customers to select below or above the maximum levy funding band and customers are required to subsidise any funding in excess of the maximum levy funding band in accordance with the ESFA funding rules. The arrangements and process is set out in the contract terms schedule 3 Contract Charges, Payment and Invoices Annex 2 Payment Terms/Profile, which is signed by both the customer and supplier.
28/05/2019 06:21
70. Regarding the Not Applicable Questions, we have answered these in error and are unable to reset this section. If we were to submit our application would any issues arise as a result of this error?
CCS can confirm that answering the not applicable questions will not impact on your RM6102 submission. Any response input to these questions will be disregarded.
21/05/2019 11:25
65. Can you please provide an example of what you wish to see in the hyperlink required to a quality report?
CCS can confirm that the Quality Assessment Agency (QAA) Report only appliers to bidders providing Higher Education and therefore won't be applicable to all bidders.
21/05/2019 11:10
64. When calculating the number of apprenticeships under Table 1 of the Pricing Matrix, and therefore 'unlocking' further discounts, will this be calculated as a cumulative total across overall activity under the DMP, or as per individual employer call-off agreement in isolation?
CCS can confirm, that this will be calculated as per individual or group of employers under each call-off agreement.
20/05/2019 15:11
63. Hello, On completing the SQ and progressing to the next part of the application process, we have a query regarding one of the Pass/Fail questions: "Q.8: Please confirm that, within the past three years, anywhere in the world, that you, your organisation or any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control in the organisation have not breached data protection obligations." Please could we check, does CCS wish for this question to be included under grounds for automatic rejection or for information? This on the basis that it is unlikely that any organisation will be able to say that they have not had a contravention of the GDPR in some minor way. For example, not responding to a subject access request on time is a breach; holding inaccurate data, e.g. because a student or staff member inputs their mobile number incorrectly on our self-service systems is a breach; amongst other similar incidents. Are details available regarding how CCS defines a breach for the purposes of the question? We understand that even those organisations that have had significant breaches can still adequately protect data; and that it depends on the circumstances of the breach, the remedial action that was taken, and the measures put in place to prevent it happening again. Thank you
CCS can confirm that question 8 of the standard selection questionnaire is PASS/ FAIL. In the event that an organisation provides a negative response, meaning they have FAILED this question, CCS will review the response provided to determine if the bidder explanation is deemed acceptable. The bidder will enter assessing stage whilst CCS assess the bidder response in this instance. If CCS are satisfied with the bidder response, CCS will allow the bidder to continue with their RM6102 submission.
21/05/2019 14:45
61. We are in the process of completing our application to join the Apprenticeship Training Dynamic Marketplace and have worked through the initial SQ, the Apprenticeship DPSQ and Generic Prospectus. We have now reached the Programme Prospectus stage. As we offer over 30 programmes, completing 30+ pricing schedules at this stage will prove time consuming; therefore, for this initial application, we intend to upload pricing documents for a selection of the core programmes that we offer. Thereafter, we intend to update our offer on a quarterly basis, as per the bidder's pack guidelines. We have reached 'Qualified' status on the DPSQ but, owing to the portal's functionality, we can't identify any means to revise our list of Standards offered in the DPSQ. Please can you advise if it is possible for us to revisit our DPSQ to deselect some programmes from the list we have provided to date? Alternatively, if it is not possible to revisit this stage and deselect, would it be permissible for us to upload 'blank' pricing schedules containing explanatory text against programmes we do not wish to apply for at this stage? Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you with any assistance and advice you can provide.
Can you please complete any outstanding fields within your submission, which will progress you to the 'Agreeing' stage of the DMP process. Once you have entered the 'Agreeing' stage, you will have the option to 'Update DPSQ' option from 'Your dashboard'; where you will be able to update your service offerings (Q.13 onwards in your DPS questionnaire). This will allow you to remove any apprenticeship standards or frameworks for which you aren't able to provide prospectus data and pricing for at this stage. Following which you can resubmit your DMP submission and enter the 'Agreeing' stage once again. Once in the 'Agreeing' stage you can accept the CCS Terms and Conditions; as detailed in section 5 of this READ First DPS Needs document. You will then become 'Appointed' to the DMP. When your organisation is ready to add your additional standards and/ or frameworks and their corresponding pricing schedules, you can do this via the 'Update DPSQ' option from Your dashboard.
14/05/2019 15:18
59. In relation to a previous clarification about whether Suppliers could 'back track' in the application process to alter programmes selected at DPSQ stage, the authority replied: "CCS can confirm that you will need to add some information in any outstanding fields which will progress your submission to 'Agreeing' stage. Once you have entered 'Agreeing' stage and accepted the CCS Terms and Conditions to become 'Appointed' as detailed in section 5 of the READ First DPS Needs document which forms part of the bid pack. CCS can then temporarily reject your submission which will then enable you to be redirceted to the DPSQ where you will be able to update your service offerings; resubmit your questionnaire and become reappointed to the DMP." In relation to the above, please can the authority provide further clarification on the following: -- If bidders in the above situation apply with a combination of compliant Programme Prospectuses and non-compliant Programme Prospectuses, will the ALL elements of the submission be temporarily rejected, or just non-compliant areas? -- Furthermore, following a temporary 'rejection' of a submission (in order to allow us to back track and de/re-select Programmes from the lists), how long should bidders expect to wait in order to re-apply, as we are keen to proceed with our fully compliant application ASAP.
Bidders should only complete a prospectus for those services which they are able to provide and which they have selected in their DPSQ. All prospectus information should be fully compliant with the requirements and bidders should NOT complete non-compliant prospectus's with the aim to update at a later date. In the event that a bidder wants to add new services with the corresponding compliant prospectus information at a later date, bidders can do this as per the instructions in the READ First DPS Needs document in the bid pack. In the event that a bidders submission is rejected as an interim measure to allow the bidder to update their service offering, CCS will reappoint the bidder to the DMP as soon as the necessary changes have been made by the bidder. CCS will aim to complete this action on the same day the bidder resubmits their Selection Questionnaire.
14/05/2019 11:50
58. With regard to Schedule 4, Annex 3, SLAs, SLA2: can you please clarify what type of requests we should expect via the apprenticeship service account that require turnarounds as described? SLA2 - Responses to requests via the apprenticeship service account 90% within 48 hours and 100% within 5 days Note - the requests we normally receive are to enrol an apprentice or a cohort onto a programme - this process can take a number of weeks because of the due diligence that we need to carry out, gathering information from the proposed apprentice(s) to ensure they are eligible, etc.
CCS would expect responses to enrolment to be completed once you have received the information required from the apprentice/employer.
20/05/2019 14:51
57. I have attempted to complete the Apprenticeship Application to enable my organisation to deliver Procurement Apprenticeships. Unfortunately one of the mandatory questions is to provide a link to our latest Ofsted audit. Although we have been delivering Procurement qualifications for many years we have only recently started delivering them within an Apprenticeship and as such have not yet had an Ofsted visit. This is preventing me from registering, is there any way around this?
CCS can confirm that any bidders who have not yet undergone an Ofsted review, should select 'Not Applicable' to question 17 of the DPSQ which states 'Please confirm which of the following Ofsted registration and/or any accreditation status apply to your organisation'? In the event that the response to question 17 of the DPSQ is 'Not Applicable', please insert your organisations internet address at question 86 of the generic prospectus; as the link to your Ofsted report is also not applicable in this instance. In the event that a bidders Ofsted report or status chnages, bidders must ensure their Ofsted Rating and reports are updated in their submission. Bidders should be aware that customers may request confirmation of their Ofsted status as part of the Rapid and/ or Standard Award process.
10/05/2019 16:52
56. Regarding question 129 "Do you meet the minimum level of economic and financial standing and/or minimum financial threshold specified within the evaluation criteria for this procurement?", I cannot find where this has been specified in the evaluation criteria. Where can I find the evaluation criteria?
The financial threshold score for the RM6102 Apprenticeships Training Dynamic Marketplace is 35. Please refer to (section 8 - Economic and Financial Standing) of the DPS Needs document within the bid pack for further information regarding financial requirements/ guidance to support the RM6018 Apprenticeships Training Dynamic Marketplace.
10/05/2019 15:12
55. Hello, the Apprenticeship Market Place DPS documentation that requires completing mentions EPA services, in Wales there is no requirement for EPA - is there a separate section for Apprenticeship provision to CCS Employees in devolved countries?
CCS can confirm that there is no separate section for Apprenticeship provision to public sector Employees in devolved countries as any requirement will be specified separately and agreed between the contracting customer and provider.
10/05/2019 15:03
54. We have completed the DPS Registration 2 section and named the apprenticeship standards and frameworks that we wish to offer. We have, since then, reviewed this and wish now to make some changes. Can you please advise how we go about this? It is not clear whether and how we are able to edit previously submitted responses.
CCS can confirm that you will need to add some information in any outstanding fields which will progress your submission to 'Agreeing' stage. Once you have entered 'Agreeing' stage and accepted the CCS Terms and Conditions to become 'Appointed' as detailed in section 5 of the READ First DPS Needs document which forms part of the bid pack. CCS can then temporarily reject your submission which will then enable you to be redirceted to the DPSQ where you will be able to update your service offerings; resubmit your questionnaire and become reappointed to the DMP.
09/05/2019 20:37
53. We deliver a large number of programmes and would like to prioritise a number of our programmes as forming part of our initial application to the Dynamic Marketplace. At DPSQ stage, we had selected all the programmes we currently deliver. However, in order for us to prioritise programmes and complete the Programme Prospectuses, we will need to 'deselect' a number of programmes originally 'ticked'. Owing to the portal's functionality and our 'qualified' status thus far, we are unable to 'back-track' to amend our selections. Please can you advise us on how we can achieve and resolve this?
CCS can confirm that you will need to add some information in any outstanding fields which will progress your submission to 'Agreeing' stage. Once you have entered 'Agreeing' stage and accepted the CCS Terms and Conditions to become 'Appointed' as detailed in section 5 of the READ First DPS Needs document which forms part of the bid pack. CCS can then temporarily reject your submission which will then enable you to be redirceted to the DPSQ where you will be able to update your service offerings; resubmit your questionnaire and become reappointed to the DMP. Bidders should only complete a prospectus for those services which they are able to provide and which they have selected in their DPSQ. All prospectus information should be fully compliant with the requirements and bidders should NOT complete non-compliant prospectus's with the aim to update at a later date. In the event that a bidder wants to add new services with the corresponding compliant prospectus information at a later date, bidders can do this as per the instructions in the READ First DPS Needs document in the bid pack. In the event that a bidders submission is rejected as an interim measure to allow the bidder to update their service offering, CCS will reappoint the bidder to the DMP as soon as the necessary changes have been made by the bidder. CCS will aim to complete this action on the same day the bidder resubmits their Selection Questionnaire.
09/05/2019 20:49
52. Recognising that Cyber Essentials is a must and the certification is required to validate this, can CCS confirm whether we can move on from this stage to complete the remainder of the selection stage and return to upload the Cyber Essentials Certificate once this in place, at a later date? We are concerned that if we move on our submission will fail as non-compliant.
CCS can confirm that your organisation can complete the standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ) and the DPSQ (procurement specific questions - i.e. service filter offerings). If you have not uploaded your Cyber Certification as part of the DPSQ, your submission will enter into 'assessing' stage. Bidders can only remain in the 'Assessing' stage for a maximum of 15 working days, and if the bidders cyber certificate is not uploaded during that timescale the submission will be rejecetd an an interim measure until the bidder is able to provide a copy of their certificate in their SQ. This can be done by re-applying for the DMP, using all previous responses. Please refer to the READ First (Updating Answers section) for full details. Bidders will not be able to progress to Qualified stage to complete their generic and apprenticeship standards/ framework specific prospectus data until the selection criteria for the SQ and DPSQ has been successfully met.
08/05/2019 14:36
51. Q.131 asks for whether the parent company would be willing to provide a guarantee if necessary ? Can you clarify if this is not possible, will it be a mandatory exclusion from the DPS market place ?
CCS can confirm that question 131 of the standard selection questionnaire is not a mandatory exclusion question.
09/05/2019 12:36
49. Dear sir/madam, On the SSQ "Part 3: Steel", we do not manufacture or supply steel so are we required to complete the questions within this section? Many thanks in advance.
CCS can confirm the Part 3 questions relating to Steel 'Supply Chain Management' question 147 - 149 are not applicable and a response is therefore NOT required. Please refer to section 9 of the READ First DPS Needs document for all 'Not Applicable' questions.
02/05/2019 16:08
47. What is the process for uploading the evidence requested (listed below) in response to the SQ as below: • Audited accounts for the last two years • A statement of the cash flow forecast for the current year • A bank letter outlining the current cash and credit position • Forecast of turnover for the current year • A statement of funding provided by the owners and/or the bank, charity... • Parent company accounts • Parent company guarantee • Employer's (Compulsory) Liability Insurance • Public Liability Insurance • Professional Indemnity Insurance • Product Liability Insurance • Skills and Apprentices - documentary evidence to support supplier's c... • Skills and Apprentices - documentary evidence to demonstrate suppli... • Suppliers' Past Performance - a list of relevant principal contracts for ... • Suppliers' Past Performance - a certificate for each principal contract ... • A statement of the turnover • Profit & loss account • Current liabilities and assets • Cash flow for the most recent year of trading for the organisation.
All evidence related questions detailed align to a response the bidder has provided in the standard Selection Questionnaire. For example, question 180 relates to Past Performance evidence to support questions 150 - 154 in the standard selection questionnaire, which as detailed in the READ First DPS Needs document in the bid pack (Section 9) is not applicable. N.B. Section 9 details all not applicable questions. Bidders can submit evidence where applicable following completion of their RM6102 submission, CCS would therefore recommend that bidders continue to progress with their submission and disregard the evidence requests in the interim. Bidders will however as part of the award process be requested to provide evidence of insurance certification. In addition, suppliers will only be required to provide financial evidence in the event they fail to meet the financial threshold score of 35, full details of this process can be found at (section 8 - Economic and Financial Standing) of the DPS Needs document within the bid pack.
29/04/2019 23:02
46. Please could we seek follow-on clarification regarding this Q&A: Question: In respect of Attachment 5 and with regard to integrated degrees, are applicants to include the cost of the End-point Assessment in the "Cost of delivery per apprentice" fields? Answer: For those suppliers providing End Point Assesment services, they are required to complete Attachment 6- Pricing Matrix for End-Point Assessment. For providers including integrated degrees in their application, should they submit an application only to the Apprenticeships element of the DPS (completing the equivalent of Attachment 9c for the Standard in the online application); or must they also apply to the EPA element of the DPS (completing the equivalent of Attachments 9c and 9d for the Standard in the online application)? Also, with regard to the price for an integrated degree; should the application include the full cost of the integrated degree, including EPA, in Attachment 5; or must they split the total price across Attachments 5 and 6?
Please disregard the previous response provided in error. CCS can confirm that bidders should include the cost of the End-point Assessment in the "Cost of delivery per apprentice" fields in Attachment 5 - Pricing Matrix for Apprenticeship Training Providers. Completion of Attachment 6 - Pricing Matrix for End-Point Assessment Providers and the generic and EPA prospectuses do not require completion.
29/04/2019 22:24
45. Dear sir/madam, in the Standard Selection Questionnaire suppliers are asked whether they will use subcontractors. As a large-scale multi-category opportunity, it may be possible to use subcontractors at a later stage. If suppliers tick no to using subcontractors in the SSQ, would this preclude the bidder from using subcontractors at future stages of procurement?
Bidders should list all known sub-contractors as defined in DPS Schedule 1 of the DMP Agreement which forms part of the RM6102 bid pack, which states 'means any person other than the Supplier who is a party to a Sub-Contract and the servants or agents of that person'. The sub-contractors listed as part of the supplier SQ (where applicable) will for part of the suppliers 'Contract Order Form' as detailed in DPS Schedule 4, if awarded a contract under the DMP. Bidders are able to use different sub-contractors during the lifetime of their DPS Agreement, however any changes to sub contracting arrangements are subject to the obligations under clause 18 ( Supply Chain Rights and Protection) of the Contract Terms which form part of the RM6102 bid pack.
29/04/2019 23:54
44. Regarding the financial stand of an organisation, a SME with an overdraft arrangement with the bank, would that be sufficient as a financial evident in this contract. Thank you.
Bidders Dun and Bradstreet number provided as part of their submission will generate a financial threshold score. The financial threshold score for the RM6102 is 35 or above. In the event your organisation fails to meet or exceed this score, further financial assessment will be undertaken as detailed in Section 8 (Economic and Financial Standing) of the READ First DPS Needs document within the bid pack. Please refer to this document for full details.
29/04/2019 23:14

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