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Apprenticeship Training Dynamic Marketplace


There are 240 clarifications for this DPS

210. Please can you confirm that in the case of a call to competition via "standard award" that suppliers' submitted Attachment 5 Pricing Matrix does not apply and that a new price based is submitted based on the contracting authorities requirement, as the delivery model may change? i.e. the Attachment 5 pricing matrix only applies for Rapid Award for a "off the shelf" delivery model available from the supplier
In the event that a customer opts to undertake a 'Standard' award procedure, pricing criteria will be developed by the customer as part of their Invitation To Tender. Therefore meaning prices may differ to those detailed in Attachment 5 and or Attachment 6, which will only be utilised if the customer opt to undertake the 'Rapid' award procedure.
03/03/2021 15:13
209. Good afternoon, I am completing the questionnaire for services provided and the question below only allows for one number to be submitted. We are registered with three organisations. EPAONo. City and GuildsEPA0008 EALEPA0010 The Institute of the Motor IndustryEPA0023 Please provide your End-Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) NumberThis is a 7 digit number starting with 3 letters followed by 4 numbers, e.g. EPA0123. Details of how to register as an End-Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO), can be found here My question is: which one do we enter and is there a way to put multiple entries in? Regards Ian
Currently there is only the facility to enter one EPAO number. This is checked against the ESFA register as part of the application process. Bidders should ensure their ESFA registered company organisation name should be identical to the name registered to the RM6102 DMP. If the details do not match, your submission will enter into a 'DISABLED' stage, which will require further assessment by CCS.
23/12/2020 10:03
208. Hi, We are in the process of completing the questionnaire on the Apprenticeship Training Dynamic Marketplace. We have come to question 21 regarding frameworks. We are no longer offering frameworks but are offering standards. Do we ignore these questions or is there a question we have answered previously which has triggered this set of questions? Thanks
From 1 August 2020 Frameworks are no longer available for any new starter for apprenticeships and have been removed from the portal.
02/09/2020 10:51
207. Dear Team, 1) DMP Agreement, Section G, Clause 27.3. To note, as a Supplier and HEI we would be equally subject to FOIA but this is not reflected in this clause. In the event of us as a Supplier being required to disclose information under the FOIA, we would seek co-operation under FOIA from CCS. 2) DMP Agreement, Section G, Clause 27.4.13. There is a small but material error which we believe should be corrected: The sentence should read " The Authority may, at any time on one less than 30 Working Days' notice, revise this clause....." The clause currently states "The Supplier....." 3) Call Off Contract, Section A, Clause 5. The numerical sequencing of this clause is incorrect. Could you please correct? 4) Call Off Contract, Section J, Clause 25.4 (a). The reading of this clause suggests that there may be missing sections of the clause as surely the Customer is not only liable if an event occurred in the first Contract Year,where liabilities arise beyond the first Contract Year . As currently drafted, there is nothing to stipulate the liability of the Customer. Therefore there would be a strong argument to say that the Customer will not be liable. Could CCS confirm what the meaning of this clause should be? 5) Call Off Contract, Contract Schedule 1. There is an error in the first sentence- the correct reference should be Clause 1.1. Also the entire section of words defined beginning from "Contract Commencement Date" - "Contract Order Form" have been inserted at the wrong alphabetical sequence. Is it possible for these to be corrected? 6) Call-off contract Clause 22.9 a) - We note the requirement contained within this clause, i.e. the Customer's right to sub-licence Supplier background IPR to a third party, including any replacement supplier. We also note previous CQs raised on this issue. We would however like to point out that this clause is of concern to us as if this clause became applicable we would have to share our background IPR with a competitor. We therefore request this clause is removed. If the clause is unable to be removed, would it be possible to have reference to any sub-licence/assignment/transfer of Supplier background IPR to a Replacement Supplier removed within the Order Form following a call-off? Many thanks
1. CCS can confirm that this is a standard clause and will remain unchanged. 2. CCS can confirm that this is a standard clause and will remain unchanged. 3. Noted, call off terms and conditions will be amended to change the numerical sequencing. 4. This stipulates the customer's liability from the commencement of the contract to the end of the first contract year. 5. CCS can confirm that this is a standard clause and will remain unchanged. 6. CCS can confirm that this is a standard clause across all Government contracts and will remain unchanged.
02/09/2020 10:50
206. I have been asked to put our Registered Company Number as we are a university we don't have one. I tried putting N/A but it won't accept it, can you tell me what to do?
This can be answered with N/A if it does not apply to you.
23/06/2020 12:00
205. Hello, Please can you confirm the number of learners enrolled on the previous framework across the programmes available and CCS's overall retention rate for apprenticeships?
Over the last 6 months CCS average 8,500 apprentices on programme on the previous framework - RM3823 Apprenticeship Training and Related Services. CCS do not hold the data relating to retention rates centrally. This will be held by customers who have accessed the framework agreement under their own individual customer call off contract.
24/06/2020 16:23
204. We do not currently have Cyber Essentials certification but are in the process of getting it. Would this be sufficient.
CCS can confirm that suppliers will fail the SQ in the event that they are unable to provide a copy of their cyber certificate as detailed in the DMP Agreement (Clause 9). In the event suppliers do not have cyber certification, they are able to join the DPS at any time once the appropriate cyber certification has been achieved and can be evidenced.
02/06/2020 13:59
203. Question 5 requires us to submit our Registered Company No. However, as we were created through The Education (Further Education Corporations) Order 1992 we were/are not required to register. How should we respond please to allow us to continue with the form?
This can be answered with N/A if it does not apply to you.
21/05/2020 07:53
202. With regard to EPA, as this cost is due to change annually and dependent on which provider the employer will use how do we record the % of the breakdown as this could change and some of our standards have not engaged as yet with providers or we have but they are not on line as yet as being developed etc.
This can be changed accordingly as suppliers can update their offering and pricing through the lifetime of the agreement. With those standards that are currently being developed an estimate can be entered and once this is confirmed go in later to update the % breakdown.
07/05/2020 08:10
201. Generic prospectus questions 87: Experience in training and 88: Experience in Apprenticeship training Can you clarify what information we need to include in our responses to these questions? Thanks.
Q87: • Has your previous experience influenced the development and delivery of your technical skills? • Technical skills are the abilities and knowledge needed to perform specific tasks. They are practical, and often relate to information technology, mathematical, scientific tasks, mechanical. They can include problem solving, effective communication, seeing the bigger picture etc. • Has your previous experience influenced your training based on previous work or commercial training. Q88: • How has your organisation developed the apprenticeship programme? • How have you tailored the programme to meet the individuals need? • Explain how your experience influenced the delivery of apprenticeship training?
06/04/2020 15:52
200. In terms of the Sub-Contractor obligations contained in clause 25 of the DMA and clause 18 of the Call Off Contract, is an End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) seen as a "Sub-Contractor" for these purposes where the supplier is the training provider?
Whilst the training provider subcontracts the arrangements with the EPAO on behalf of the employer, this is in accordance with ESFA funding rules, which takes precedence.
13/02/2020 15:57
199. We are completing the Generic Prospectus questions as part of the CCS Apprenticeship framework bid. Please could you define 'technical skills' in the context of the following question: 2.Please provide the following information about your organisation's experience in training. (300 words) • Experience in Training • Previous experience in the development and delivery of technical skills • Previous experience in work based and/or commercial training
• Has your previous experience influenced the development and delivery of your technical skills? • Technical skills are the abilities and knowledge needed to perform specific tasks. They are practical, and often relate to information technology, mathematical, scientific tasks, mechanical. They can include problem solving, effective communication, seeing the bigger picture etc. • Has your previous experience influenced your training based on previous work or commercial training.
06/04/2020 15:55
198. What evidence is suitable for question 178?
Procurement Policy Note 14/15 states that Public procurement of contracts worth £10 million or more, which last 12 months or longer, should support skills development and the apprenticeship commitment. This may not apply to all procurement's and some suppliers. However, if an organisation can support this PPN, evidence should describe the bidders commitment to developing and investing in skills in performance of the contract in question, and in particular their commitment to the creation of apprenticeships, under the contract. In-Scope Organisations should ensure that any apprenticeship and/or skills commitments contained in the bid, for example, the number of new apprenticeships the bidder commits to creating in performance of the contract are subsequently included in contracts. In-Scope Organisations should consider whether to build apprenticeshipand/or skills commitments into any related incentivisation mechanisms, and monitor the outcomes as part of their normal contract management procedures.
20/12/2019 09:08
197. Q178 PPN 14/15 - DB Please can you confirm what you are expecting to see as documentary evidence for this question? We have not been asked to provide this before so would appreciate some guidance.
Procurement Policy Note 14/15 states that Public procurement of contracts worth £10 million or more, which last 12 months or longer, should support skills development and the apprenticeship commitment. This may not apply to all procurement's and some suppliers. However, if an organisation can support this PPN, evidence should describe the bidders commitment to developing and investing in skills in performance of the contract in question, and in particular their commitment to the creation of apprenticeships, under the contract. In-Scope Organisations should ensure that any apprenticeship and/or skills commitments contained in the bid, for example, the number of new apprenticeships the bidder commits to creating in performance of the contract are subsequently included in contracts. In-Scope Organisations should consider whether to build apprenticeship and/or skills commitments into any related incentivisation mechanisms, and monitor the outcomes as part of their normal contract management procedures.
18/12/2019 10:46
196. IfATE reserves the right to undertake a review of and implement changes to the occupational standard and associated high level assessment plan for each standard and the funding band assigned to it. In some instances, the current version of the occupational standard and high level assessment plan is made defunct and is replaced by a new or updated occupational standard and/or high level assessment plan. This can result in a change to the EPA operational delivery model where prices may go up or down. In such circumstances where an EPAO may be forced to align to a new high level assessment plan, can CCS confirm what scope an EPA supplier on the DPS has for: i. Making changes to delivery when an occupational standard and/or high level assessment plan is removed by IfATE. ii. Updating the pricing matrix for that particular standard where it falls outside of the Quarterly Adjustment Schedule. iii. Making a change to the pricing during the term of an existing contract awarded through this DPS for both rapid and standard award.
i. & ii.) Section 13 of the DPS Needs Document in the Bidpack states ; 'If your organisation is successfully appointed to the DMP, you can update your answers and/or contact details provided in the 'Quality Assessment - Section 2' only of the DPSQ section of the Selection Questionnaire. To update your answers in the above section, select the 'View' option on your DMP submission, which can be located on 'Your Dashboard' by setting your 'Questionnaires' filter to 'Apprenticeships Training Dynamic Marketplace ', and your 'Status' filter to 'Appointed'. By completing the above process, you will be navigated to an overview of your answer sheet, where you are required to select 'Update Apprenticeships Training Dynamic Marketplace DPSQ , Prospectus and Pricing matrix(s)' from the 'Options' section on the right hand side of the screen. All your previous answers will be pre-populated and you can navigate through the DPSQ, Prospectus and Pricing matrix(s), where you can amend your response(s) as appropriate and re-submit your submission to us.' iii) There are provisions in the call off contract for suppliers to submit a price change via a variation, however this needs to be agreed with the customer who is in contract. If this is required for compliance with IfATE then we would not envisage this being a problem with customer agreement and sign off."
07/05/2020 08:09
195. As a training provider would this be proof of our ROATP register for 179/180 below? We were wondering around what documentary evidence is sufficient alongside what certificates? Any additional clarification here would be really helpful. 179. Upload documentary evidence for a list of relevant principal contracts for goods and/or services provided in the last three years 180. Upload documentary evidence for a certificate for each principal contract for goods and/or services provided in the last three years How necessary is it to upload this document? Who will have access to this? just as our cash flow is not in the public domain we want to double check the importance of uploading this document to move forward with our application? Are there ever other documents that can be uploaded as an alternative? 185. Upload documentary evidence for cash flow for the most recent year of trading for the organisation
Following a review of the DPS Needs v4.0 in the RM6102 Dynamic Marketplace Needs bidpack, there are questions in the Selection Questionnaire that are not applicable for this RM6102- Apprenticeship Training Marketplace procurement. Questions 179 and 180 are not applicable as these questions are linked to Part 3: (Past Performance). Q150 - Q154. No response was required for question 150 to 154. Therefore, these questions can be disregarded.
12/12/2019 10:07
194. We are potentially looking at using the apprenticeship framework, however all suppliers for the Cyber Security Technologist apprenticeship are registered as not providing End Point Assessments - Does this mean that they don't offer this service or they can't offer this service?
CCS can confirm that currently there are currently no suppliers providing Cyber security technologist - ST0124 - Level 4 end - point on the RM6102 DPS.
04/12/2019 11:39
193. Please can you clarify the following two points with regard to the CCS- Cabinet Office Supplier Registration Portal (for Digital Apprenticeship). 1. Do we need to complete the sections on End Point Assessments if we only provide these as part of our own integrated Degree Apprenticeships - ie we are not offering an EPA service for other delivery organisations? 2. There is an associated pricing matrix to complete for End Point Assessments. Again, is this required when the EPA is included as an element of our own Integrated Degree Apprenticeship?
Bidders are only required to complete the EPA requirements if you are offering these services to public sector buying organisations.
02/12/2019 09:52
192. Good afternoon Is there a word limit for the generic prospectuses and the individual prospectuses?
I can confirm that within the Generic Prospectus section there is a word count of either 500 or 300 words, depending on the specific question. Within the individual prospectus questions for each standard/framework, there is a 300 word count available for users to include programme details and a 100 word limit for the 'state of readiness'. Under each question where there is a text box provided and a required answer, there will be a word count visible to users showing how many words are available when answering.
06/12/2019 10:30
191. Please can you confirm that "Attachment 7 DMP Schedule 4 Annexes 1 and 2 .v2.pdf" are the final terms that buyers should use to form a call off agreement with a supplier from the marketplace, and that this is the legally binding terms to be used between a buyer and the suppliers. The watermark "DRAFT" implies that this is not the final agreement.
The watermarked Attachment 7 DMP Schedule 4 Annexes 1 and 2 .v2.pdf" is for the purpose of the bid pack. For those suppliers who meet the selection criteria and become appointed to the DPS, they will accept the Terms and Conditions as part of the DPS Agreement sign off. Following which and as part of a buyer compeition, buyers will use 'Attachment 7 DMP Schedule 4 Annexes 1 and 2 .v2.pdf" non watermarked as part of the competitio/ award process, which wil become the legally binding agreement between the buyer and the supplier.
02/12/2019 09:33

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