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Apprenticeship Training Dynamic Marketplace


There are 240 clarifications for this DPS

119. 'Dynamic Marketplace Agreement V1 WATERMARKED' document - Section - DMP Schedule 23: Security Management (page 146) Point 3.1 - The Information System - Could you clarify the format of the diagram you are expecting, perhaps with an example of a similar organisation?
CCS are currently reviewing the security requirements at DPS Agreement level and will update you in due course as a priority.
02/10/2019 10:43
118. Section 23: SECURITY AND PROTECTION OF INFORMATION Point 23.7 - Could you please clarify the format expected for a Security Policy/Security Management Plan, providing examples if possible?
Please disregard previous response . CCS are currently reviewing the security requirements at DPS Agreement level and will update you in due course as a priority.
05/08/2019 13:59
117. Section 23: SECURITY AND PROTECTION OF INFORMATION Point 23.6 - please could you clarify what is considered to be an 'Approved' location for storage of off-site back-ups? It will not be possible to segregate out the RISIS (Student System) data only to provide just that data in a back-up, and without the application the data would be meaningless - can you clarify the exact format you are expecting a back-up to be in, and how it should be delivered?
CCS are currently reviewing the security requirements at DPS Agreement level and will update you in due course as a priority.
02/10/2019 10:45
115. Does the apprenticeship provider complete the Financial Assessment Template?
Attachment 3 - Financial Assessment Template is for information only. The financial assessment template will be complete by CCS in the event that a bidder fails to meet the financial threshold set for RM6102 as detailed in the READ First DPS Needs document. The financial assessment template will be used by CCS Commercial Finance team when completing the financial assessment. Bidders are not required to complete a financial assessment template as part of the DMP process.
15/07/2019 23:29
113. DMP Agreement Schedule 23 - Section 7 appears to be asking for an annual network penetration test although only Cyber Essentials is mentioned in the main document. Could you confirm this is a requirement?
Yes this is a requirement.
05/08/2019 13:57
112. 4. The "Read First" document indicates in section 3 that we need to complete the generic prospectus and the individual prospectus and pricing matrix for every apprenticeship standard we want to provide training for. However the generic and individual prospectus documents are only available as pdf templates which can't be edited. Please can you advise if we need to submit the prospectuses as part of our application, and if so, where we can find an amendable version of the templates?
CCS can confirm the PDF prospectus templates within the bid pack are for information only, to provide bidders with detail of what information they are expected to provide as part of their RM6102 DMP submission, thus enabling bidders to prepare in advance of accessing the portal. However, the prospectus requirements is built in to the RM6102 portal, which bidders will complete electronically as part of their Selection Questionnaire. Please read the READ First DPS Needs document which forms part of the bid pack for full details on how to apply for the RM6102 DMP.
12/07/2019 08:51
111. 3. Our reading of Attachment 3, the financial assessment template, is that we only need to provide our organisation's Companies House number, DUNS number and audited accounts and that the rest of the template will be completed by the CCS analysts. Please can you confirm this assumption is correct?
Attachment 3 - Financial Assessment Template is for information only. The financial assessment template will be complete by CCS in the event that a bidder fails to meet the financial threshold set for RM6102 as detailed in the READ First DPS Needs document. The financial assessment template will be used by CCS Commercial Finance team when completing the financial assessment. Bidders are not required to complete a financial assessment template as part of the DMP process.
18/07/2019 08:35
110. 2. Please can you advise if we should complete Attachment 2, the MI reporting template? We are unclear what is expected at the application stage.
Attachment 2 - MI. Suppliers will be required to complete this template only once they are appointed to the RM6102 DMP. All MI Reports must be completed by the Supplier using the MI Reporting Template and returned to the Authority on or prior to the Reporting Date each month in which there is spend to report, during the Dynamic Marketplace Period and thereafter, until all transactions relating to Contracts have permanently ceased. Please refer to DMP Schedule 9 (Management Information) of the DMP Agreement which forms part of the RM6102 bid pack.
18/07/2019 08:36
109. 1. We are bidding to provide apprenticeship training only and don't want to provide separate End Point Assessment services. Are we correct in assuming that we don't need to complete Attachment 1b and the other templates associated with EPA services?
Attachment 1b provides bidders with details of the End Point Assessment (EPA) related service filters that will be presented to bidders as part of the selection questionnaire should they select that they can provide EPA services. If a bidder does not provide EPA services, they must NOT select EPA Services from the following question in the DMP Selection Questionnaire: Please confirm which of the following services your organisation provides: Specification of Apprenticeship Standards for England (SASE-Frameworks) Specification of Apprenticeship Standards End-Point Assessments (EPA) for specification of Apprenticeship Standards.
18/07/2019 08:37
108. Section 9 of the DMP Agreement states that Cyber Essentials certification is a requirement for any supplier to be considered for the DMP. However, Schedule 23 Section 7 states that: 'The Supplier shall, at its own cost and expense, when its Processing Authority Data: ..... 7.1.2 - procure a Security Test of the Information System by a NCSC approved member of the CHECK Scheme once every 12 months during the DMP Period unless additional IT Health Checks are required by Paragraph 7.2;' However, an annual network penetration test is not required under Cyber Essentials. Could you confirm that the additional annual testing is a requirement of joining the DMP?
Yes this is correct.
05/08/2019 13:55
107. Please could the Authority clarify how Apprenticeship Standards that we deliver and want to include in our DPS submission can be added to the portal? I note that question 21 refers to Apprenticeship Frameworks. The Standards that we would like to include are not shown so therefore we cannot tick the relevant box e.g. Associate Project Manager Level 4, Teaching Assistant Level 3, HR Consultant Level 5
CCS are unable to locate the Apprenticeship Frameworks you have referenced. Can you please confirm the three digit ESFA reference number for each of the the 3 Apprenticeship Frameworks you have detailed to enable CCS to investigate in more detail.
18/07/2019 08:38
106. We are asked to submit pricing matrix for each apprenticeship standard we offer. However, we deliver Level 7 Accounting/Taxation Professional standard and the price may vary depending on the professional qualification employer selects to cover the knowledge element of the standard. Can you please advise whether we can submit various version of the pricing matrix for this standard based on the professional qualification selected (e.g. ICAEW, ACCA or CIMA). Thank you.
CCS can confirm that the RM6102 DMP portal only allows for one pricing matrix to be uploaded for one Apprenticeship Standard and/ or Framework and not multiple matrix's for one Apprenticeship Standard and/ or Framework to support different professional qualifications. In this instance, suppliers should detail as part of their prospectus the different qualifications they have available per Apprenticeship Standard and/ or Framework. Customers may include the requirement to demonstrate multiple or specific qualifications to support a Apprenticeship Standard and/ or Framework as part of a standard award procedure.
12/07/2019 08:40
105. We are currently completing our SQ. Re Q133, we are unable to provide the contact details for the example we have provided as the client has declined to allow us to share that information. The information for the contract is available from the ESFA, would the CCS be able to source this information here instead?
CCS can confirm that Q133 is NOT APPLICABLE and therefore does not require a response. Please refer to the READ First DPS Needs document within the bid pack for all 'Not Applicable' questions, which can be located in section 9.
02/07/2019 11:06
103. But how do we update our contact details? People can't contact us otherwise... Also, how do we get on the "Apprenticeships Training and Related Services" framework?
Please refer to the READ First DPS Needs document which can be accessed via Contracts Finder in the RM6102 Bid Pack for full instructions of how to apply update your answers including your contact details in the RM6102 DMP if they are incorrect.
27/06/2019 10:29
102. Prospectus 9A asks for 'Details of data, physical, personnel and documentary security controls'. In regards to personnel, the specification provides a link to HMG Baseline Personnel Security Standard . Please can you confirm whether it is a requirement for all supplier staff engaged in apprenticeships to undergo this level of vetting?
CCS can confirm that the exact requirement for Supplier staff will be determined at competition stage by the Customer, however, Suppliers must ensure that they comply with the HMG Baseline Personnel Security Standard as detailed in the specification.
30/09/2019 12:10
96. As part of the Generic Prospectus, you ask for a link to our "Quality Assurance Report" Can you please clarify what you mean by this? Thank you.
CCS can confirm that the Quality Assessment Agency (QAA) Report only appliers to bidders providing Higher Education and therefore won't be applicable to all bidders.
14/06/2019 10:49
95. Hello, We are requested to complete a Pricing Matrix for each Standard we deliver. If a free EPA resit is not covered by our proposed fees, we are asked to "include a price and provide details of the costs that will be incurred in the below text box." I'm struggling to see how this can be answered, since there are too many variables. It is the Employer's responsibility to choose an EPAO and the fees for retakes vary from one EPAO to another. In addition, fees vary depending on the module that needs to be retaken and for the Standards we offer, can vary in cost between £20 - £350. Retake fees are for negotiation between the EPAO and the Employer, with our support. Therefore, since we have no fixed fee per Standard for EPA retakes, can we keep the cost as £0.00 and then add an explanation as to why this is within the text box provided? Or is it mandated to include a fee. Thank you in advance. Kind regards, Daniel
In such circumstances an explanation is permissable in the text box provided.
19/06/2019 09:57
94. Within the RM6102 Customer Needs document, section 3.5 Digital Delivery outlines the requirements of bidders and their systems. I also note that whilst bidders do not need to have the EN301 549 standard, the "LMS system must have functionality to meet key accessibility elements of the standard". Please could you provide a list of the key elements that we are expected meet?
"In addition to the requirements set out in Customer Needs document, section 3.5 Digital Delivery - The Supplier shall work with Contacting Authorities to ensure the user experience for Apprenticeship learning feels seamless. Once the Apprenticeship has started, the Apprentice may access their learning via the Suppliers Learning Management System (LMS), which will be required to be compatible with Contracting Authority IT systems. The Supplier shall ensure that their LMS can be modified to meet the specific Information Technology (IT) requirements of individual Contracting Authorities. Details shall be defined within a Contracting Authority's Call Off Contract, established under DMP Agreement."
19/06/2019 09:53
93. Is there any mechanism in the Customer contract that permits adjustment of prices?
CCS can confirm that in the event that contract charges increase due to a 'Change in Law', such changes will be formalised and become legally binding through completion and signing of Contract Schedule 11 (Variation Form) by both parties. However, variations to charges due to adjustments to the 'Quarterly Adjustments Schedule ', are only permissable to suppliers who are wanting to reduce their prices for new orders on existing or new contracts procurred through the rapid award procedure and does not require to be formalised via the variation procedure.
09/06/2019 10:03
92. With regards to Q131 of the SSQ, please could the proposed text/wording of the guarantee be provided? I understand that it may not be needed, but for our internal governance processes the proposed wording requires a review
Please refer to (section 8 - Economic and Financial Standing) of the READ First DPS Needs document within the bid pack for further information regarding 'guarantees' and any other financial requirements/ guidance to support the RM6018 Apprenticeships Training Dynamic Marketplace.
08/06/2019 15:49

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