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Audio Visual Technical Consultancy & Commissioning


There are 9 clarifications for this DPS

11. In the DPS description, one of the points is the following; 'installation and warranty'. Can you confirm whether this DPS can be used to purchase hardware or is it only professional services for the installation of already owned hardware and/or cloud solutions.
This DPS is not intended to be used purely for the purchase of audio visual hardware. The guiding principles are that as a consultancy agreement, either the technical consultant or the commissioning supplier will procure all elements of the design plan and charge this to the buying organisation. Hardware can be procured under the DPS as an integral component of the designed solution or can be procured outside of it for example under Network Services 2. If the design plan only includes hardware and no additional services then it is possible to procure AV equipment under the DPS. If buying directly, the customer can select services type 2 and compete their requirement through that route.
30/08/2022 09:37
10. Page 31 of the document "RM6225 AV Technical Consultancy and Commissioning DPS supplier registration webinar" lists risk flags as follows: "No Cyber Security before first contract No Cyber Essentials certificate before first contract No Cyber Essentials certificate before first contract". As my organisation does not yet have Cyber Essentials, but intends to register now and have this in place before the commencement of the first contract, may we therefore assume that it is acceptable to progress with our RM6225 registration in parallel?
Yes, that is correct.
23/11/2021 09:27
9. Please can you confirm when you are expecting to release ITT's through this framework?
Buyers can undertake calls for competition at any point during the life of the DPS. Please see 'READ FIRST RM6225 Audio Visual Technical Consultancy & Commissioning v1.0.pdf' contained in the DPS bidpack for further details.
25/03/2021 12:43
8. I have unintentionally submitted the Standard selection questionnaire, which the system does not permit changes to. Is it possible to delete the selection questionnaire and start fresh, please?
Yes, you will need to speak with the system service providers NQC. Follow the Help link in the upper right corner of the page https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/ and in the bottom right you will see 'Options' for Live Chat and Contact us links.
24/03/2021 15:52
7. Hello, Part 3 of the Selection questionnaire concerns 'supply of steel' - I am assuming this is an error? Please can you advise how to progress on section 3, please?
CCS can confirm that questions 147 - 149 (steel) are not applicable and therefore a response is not required. For further clarification please see point 73 on page 17 of 'READ FIRST RM6225 Audio Visual Technical Consultancy & Commissioning v1.0.pdf' contained in the DPS bidpack.
24/03/2021 15:48
5. Hello, could you please advise if it is only DPS Selection questionnaire that needs to be submitted to get into the this framework? Readmefirst document states DPSQ as the next stage. Is it after the SQ completed and submitted that the suppliers will be able see the DPSQ questionnaire? Are the questions provided within the ITT pack documents?
You need to complete both the SQ and DOSQ in order to successfully register for this DPS. We can confirm that you will need to complete the SQ before you can complete the DPSQ. Please see Bid Pack 'Attachment 6 RM6225 Audio Visual DPS SQ & DPSQ' for a PDF version of the questions you will need to respond to before starting your application in the system.
04/03/2021 13:17
4. Hello, could you please confirm the deadline to participate in the DPS selection process?
We can confirm that suppliers will be able to apply to participate in this DPS at any point during the next 3 years. The DPS will expire on 29 February 2024, unless we decide to extend the agreement by 12 months.
04/03/2021 13:17
3. Paragraph/Section 73 of the README FIRST RM6225 Audio Visual Technical Consultancy & Commissioning v1.0 pdf document advises we are not required to submit responses to Supplier Questionnaire questions 133, 134 and 135. Can you please confirm we do not need to provide a response to the related Question 137?
We can confirm that you do not need to submit a response to Question 137.
18/02/2021 13:13
1. Can you please confirm that the supplied "Attachment 1 - Products and Services Matrix 1.0" is correct and applicable to this DPS as it is labelled RM6200 in sheet not RM6225.
We can confirm that the Attachment 1 - Products and Services Matrix is correct and applicable to this DPS. The wrong RM reference was quoted in v1.0, this should have said RM6225. We have uploaded a revised version (v1.1) to the Bid Pack.
18/02/2021 13:14

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