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Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2


There are 53 clarifications for this DPS

62. Good Afternoon, We have submitted a response to Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2 , we had a query in response to question 5 of Cyber Security where no answers were applicable but we were forced to provide an answer. We have raised a clarification which is yet to be answered and have contacted the support desk a number of times. We have used our best judgement to answer this question as we are unable to delay our submission anymore. As confirmation, we do have Cyber Essentials and have provided evidence to support this in our SQ. We ask, while this submission is being assessed, that this be taken into context and that if the question is answered incorrectly that we are offered the ability to amend our answer.
I'm unable to answer this question here as it is specific to your application, please check your dashboard.
26/09/2024 09:17
60. 1. As we are coming to offer with a capacity of near-shore & off-shore delivery center, we would like to understand the historical data (to date) of: the total projects which has been awarded to execute from near-shore delivery center &/OR from off-shore delivery center. 2. Total Number of QAT Specialists/individuals actively engaged on this date by this DPS to manage by buyer teams. We really appreciate for the information and thank you for your support.
1) Out of the total projects that have been awarded on the QAT2 agreement, one has been awarded to a supplier who are based off-shore. 2) In terms of the total number of individuals currently being engaged on live QAT2 contracts, we do not have this information to hand. It will be based on the team makeup of the winning supplier's bid and the state of the work these live contracts are currently at.
06/09/2024 12:41
59. We (Spectrum IT Hub Limited) have been successfully appointed to the "Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2" DPS. As we move forward, we would appreciate your assistance in helping us better understand the scope and potential opportunities within the DPS. We have booked a webinar session for 17th Sept 2024 while waiting for it we would like to clarify the below questions. Could you kindly provide clarification on the following: 1. Could you share the historical data on the total number of projects published and awarded under this DPS so far, along with the corresponding value of these projects? 2. What is the expected frequency of new project opportunities being published under this DPS ? 3. What is the total value of projects published in this DPS to date? 4. If available, could you provide a recorded session of any previous webinar or any other information materials that can help us better understand how to access and engage with opportunities inside the DPS?
1. Could you share the historical data on the total number of projects published and awarded under this DPS so far, along with the corresponding value of these projects? Yes this is something that the team can share - if you sent a request for this, making sure to reference the agreement name to info@crowncommercial.gov.uk then we can send this data over to you. 2. What is the expected frequency of new project opportunities being published under this DPS ? From the activity report I can see there have been multiple customer exports (where a buyer will apply filters and download the list of appropriate suppliers to invite to a tender) in the last month. On average I would expect 1-3 new tenders being published every month. 3. What is the total value of projects published in this DPS to date? To date on QAT2 we have had £241m spend reported, with recent awarded big contracts still active and spend coming in from these. 4. If available, could you provide a recorded session of any previous webinar or any other information materials that can help us better understand how to access and engage with opportunities inside the DPS? I will be hosting a series of QAT2 webinars later this year, I will make sure to post the details of these on the QAT2 webpage. On this page you can also find the buyers guide and links to the Supplier Registration System which will provide guidance on how to engage with DPS tenders.
22/08/2024 11:18
58. 7.Engaging sponsorship facility: Our subcontractors are included with UK Based businesses with Sponsorship Licence facility to sponsor any on-demand skills. So, for any buyers' project with NO SC/DV demand, for L1 - L5 roles (Onsite/Onshore) can we engage any resources with immigration control (such as skilled worker/dependents)? Mainly, for any delivery/service we agree with buyer for Onsite/Onshore model. 10.Automation: Our preparation is also focussed on automation and NFT. Connecting to this, we assuming the tools/user licensing part are at additional cost of Buyer/project and is not included on to published resource cost. Is our assumption correct? 12.Deploying resource onsite (buyers' site) means, will that be JUST a resource deployment for buyer to manage further by them (buyer staff) OR will that be a service delivery agreement own/manage by us (supplier) through nomination of one or few resources at Buyers site, with further remote support from Onshore/Offshore centres (as it demands)?
7) If you can meet the buyers' requirements through use of subcontracting the work then this is allowed under the DPS agreement. However this will need to be made clear within your bid that you are going to do this and the buyer needs to have confidence and accept the supply chain and subcontracting arrangements. 10) If the buyer requires certain user licensing or tools to be utilised as part of their requirements, then they will detail whether this is something they already have set up, are willing to provide and pay for, or something the supplier needs already. This is something you will be able to clarify with the buyer before bidding for a tender. 12) Both situations can happen: the service delivery may be managed by the supplier on the designated site, working against the agreed specification and requirements that have been decided between the supplier and the buyer in the call off contract. If the buyer has agreed to remote work being included then this will also happen alongside the on site work. Alternatively, the buyer may have an in-house team which the suppliers' resource will join, working collaboratively with the Buyer's QAT function. The work plan and schedule for these Deliverables will be agreed with the Buyer's project and programme teams at the start of each engagement along with the detailed reporting and governance arrangements.
14/08/2024 14:18
56. 1.Can we plan our business resourcing model combining, "On Site (Buyers premises) - Onshore site (Supplier site - Within UK) & suppliers offshore delivery centre capacity at India? 2. We understand every buyer's needs could be a different, however, what immediate technical standards/certifications/security measures will be demanded for an Onshore &Or Offshore model, if/when we propose a QA delivery service in whole? (Other than to what's been published/asked/demanded at tender document such as cyber essentials plus etc). Because we assuming Onshore and offshore centres should not be just a floor to accommodate resources, but it must have a plan/standard(s), so we are trying to understand it, for planning. Thank you. 3. Like above, we understand every buyer/project's resource needs will be different, however, what immediate resource capacity we might be required to demonstrate to engage for an Onshore &Or Offshore model? 4. Connecting to resource capacity/pool, which category of security clearances are applicable (will be demanded) for each Onsite/Onshore/Offshore resource pool? 5. Connecting above, for L6 & L7 category roles do we (supplier) have any scope to utilise highly skilled staff not eligible for SC/DV for any on-demand/few/key agreed technical dependency QA tasks deliveries at any of Onsite/Onshore/Offshore centres, through a prior agreement? 6.Connecting above, can we engage/deploy Individuals/Coordinators not eligible for SC/DV for any few/key agreed coordination activities between teams/QA deliveries at any of Onsite/Onshore/Offshore centres, through a prior agreement? 7.Engaging sponsorship facility: Our subcontractors are included with UK Based businesses with Sponsorship Licence facility to sponsor any on-demand skills. So, for any buyers' project with NO SC/DV demand, for L1 - L5 roles (Onsite/Onshore) can we engage any resources with immigration control (such as skilled worker/dependents)? Mainly, for any delivery/service we agree with buyer for Onsite/Onshore model. 8.There might be few scenarios where we have an eligible candidate for SC/DV clearance but with little/no experience with any specific application/experience in test/QA. Can we engage them through experience discloser engagement for roles of L1 - L4 category? 9.Connecting with Quality Assurance (QA) Capability Development, when/if we want to bring/propose a new QA approach/delivery framework beneficial for authorities/buyers including upskilling job opportunities for youth/graduates within UK, what support/encouragement is in place! &OR what additional support we can expect from DPS authorities/buyers, when our proposal is long lasting solution/method and not beneficial for any just one/two specific deliveries! & How should we present and when we would be allowed? 10.Automation: Our preparation is also focussed on automation and NFT. Connecting to this, we assuming the tools/user licensing part are at additional cost of Buyer/project and is not included on to published resource cost. Is our assumption correct? 11.Connecting to point above, who will manage the resources or assign the tasks for any L1 - L5 staff deployed onsite? 12.Deploying resource onsite (buyers' site) means, will that be JUST a resource deployment for buyer to manage further by them (buyer staff) OR will that be a service delivery agreement own/manage by us (supplier) through nomination of one or few resources at Buyers site, with further remote support from Onshore/Offshore centres (as it demands)? 13.General: We understand, this DPS is coming to an end on July 1st, 2025. However, can we still register during July/August 2024? 14.Connecting to above question, do we need to re-enrol in future when the DPS is reappeared after July 1st, 2025, or will it be autorenewal? 15.Flexibility: Do resources engaged for onsite activities have any flexibility for remote work with frequent visit/reporting to buyer site? Or does it demand daily visit to buyer site? Connecting to same, what roles are MUST require daily visit to buyer site? 16. IR35: Most of our engagements are subcontracting &or fulltime engaged staff. So, we would like to understand what roles/engagements would fall inside IR35 & outside IR35?
Please see answer to Question 51.
30/07/2024 10:34
55. 1.Can we plan our business resourcing model combining, "On Site (Buyers premises) - Onshore site (Supplier site - Within UK) & suppliers offshore delivery centre capacity at India"? 2. We understand every buyer's needs could be a different, however, what immediate technical standards/certifications/security measures will be demanded for an Onshore &Or Offshore model, if/when we propose a QA delivery service in whole? (Other than to what's been published/asked/demanded at tender document such as cyber essentials plus etc). Because we assuming Onshore and offshore centres should not be just a floor to accommodate resources, but it must have a plan/standard(s), so we are trying to understand it, for planning. Thank you. 3. Like above, we understand every buyer/project's resource needs will be different, however, what immediate resource capacity we might be required to demonstrate to engage for an Onshore &Or Offshore model? 4. Connecting to resource capacity/pool, which category of security clearances are applicable (will be demanded) for each Onsite/Onshore/Offshore resource pool? 5. Connecting above, for L6 & L7 category roles do we (supplier) have any scope to utilise highly skilled staff not eligible for SC/DV for any on-demand/few/key agreed technical dependency QA tasks deliveries at any of Onsite/Onshore/Offshore centres, through a prior agreement? 6.Connecting above, can we engage/deploy Individuals/Coordinators not eligible for SC/DV for any few/key agreed coordination activities between teams/QA deliveries at any of Onsite/Onshore/Offshore centres, through a prior agreement? 7.Engaging sponsorship facility: Our subcontractors are included with UK Based businesses with Sponsorship Licence facility to sponsor any on-demand skills. So, for any buyers' project with NO SC/DV demand, for L1 - L5 roles (Onsite/Onshore) can we engage any resources with immigration control (such as skilled worker/dependents)? Mainly, for any delivery/service we agree with buyer for Onsite/Onshore model. 8.There might be few scenarios where we have an eligible candidate for SC/DV clearance but with little/no experience with any specific application/experience in test/QA. Can we engage them through experience discloser engagement for roles of L1 - L4 category? 9.Connecting with Quality Assurance (QA) Capability Development, when/if we want to bring/propose a new QA approach/delivery framework beneficial for authorities/buyers including upskilling job opportunities for youth/graduates within UK, what support/encouragement is in place! &OR what additional support we can expect from DPS authorities/buyers, when our proposal is long lasting solution/method and not beneficial for any just one/two specific deliveries! & How should we present and when we would be allowed? 10.Automation: Our preparation is also focussed on automation and NFT. Connecting to this, we assuming the tools/user licensing part are at additional cost of Buyer/project and is not included on to published resource cost. Is our assumption correct? 11.Connecting to point above, who will manage the resources or assign the tasks for any L1 - L5 staff deployed onsite? 12.Deploying resource onsite (buyers' site) means, will that be JUST a resource deployment for buyer to manage further by them (buyer staff) OR will that be a service delivery agreement own/manage by us (supplier) through nomination of one or few resources at Buyers site, with further remote support from Onshore/Offshore centres (as it demands)? 13.General: We understand, this DPS is coming to an end on July 1st, 2025. However, can we still register during July/August 2024? 14.Connecting to above question, do we need to re-enrol in future when the DPS is reappeared after July 1st, 2025, or will it be autorenewal? 15.Flexibility: Do resources engaged for onsite activities have any flexibility for remote work with frequent visit/reporting to buyer site? Or does it demand daily visit to buyer site? Connecting to same, what roles are MUST require daily visit to buyer site? 16. IR35: Most of our engagements are subcontracting &or fulltime engaged staff. So, we would like to understand what roles/engagements would fall inside IR35 & outside IR35?
Please see answer to Question 51.
30/07/2024 10:33
54. I see the deadline is end date of the DPS is 01/07/2025. I understand that you have option to extend this, I just wanted to ask if you have decided to extend this.Please confirm.
As soon as the extension (or replacement agreement) has been decided we will share this information with buyers and suppliers. Updates will also be made to the QAT2 Agreement Page: https://www.crowncommercial.gov.uk/agreements/RM6148
30/07/2024 10:33
52. Can we add our Indian sub-contractors? can we add sub-contractors after entering into this DPS? Response on this at earliest is appreciated.
Yes, you are allowed to add overseas sub-contractors. However buyers may require subcontractors to be UK based for certain procurements and will also do financial or supply chain checks before awarding call offs. Suppliers can also add new sub-contractors during the lifetime of the DPS.
18/07/2024 13:12
51. We are a software QA specialist company (as a main bidder/Supplier) with added supply chain (sub-contracting businesses) of similar/related expertise joining hands for DPS "RM6148 Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2 extension notice" & have below questions for clarifications to support forming our Onsite-Onshore-Offshore resourcing model for benefit of buyers of this DPS. 1. Can we plan our business resourcing model combining, "On Site (Buyers premises) - Onshore site (Supplier site - Within UK) & suppliers offshore delivery centre capacity at India"? 2. We understand every buyer's needs could be a different, however, what immediate technical standards/certifications/security measures will be demanded for an Onshore &Or Offshore model, if/when we propose a QA delivery service in whole? (Other than to what's been published/asked/demanded at tender document such as cyber essentials plus etc). Because we assuming Onshore and offshore centres should not be just a floor to accommodate resources, but it must have a plan/standard(s), so we are trying to understand it, for planning. Thank you. 3. Like above, we understand every buyer/project's resource needs will be different, however, what immediate resource capacity we might be required to demonstrate to engage for an Onshore &Or Offshore model? 4. Connecting to resource capacity/pool, which category of security clearances are applicable (will be demanded) for each Onsite/Onshore/Offshore resource pool? 5. Connecting above, for L6 & L7 category roles do we (supplier) have any scope to utilise highly skilled staff not eligible for SC/DV for any on-demand/few/key agreed technical dependency QA tasks deliveries at any of Onsite/Onshore/Offshore centres, through a prior agreement? 6. Connecting above, can we engage/deploy Individuals/Coordinators not eligible for SC/DV for any few/key agreed coordination activities between teams/QA deliveries at any of Onsite/Onshore/Offshore centres, through a prior agreement? 7. Engaging sponsorship facility: Our subcontractors are included with UK Based businesses with Sponsorship Licence facility to sponsor any on-demand skills. So, for any buyers' project with NO SC/DV demand, for L1 - L5 roles (Onsite/Onshore) can we engage any resources with immigration control (such as skilled worker/dependents)? Mainly, for any delivery/service we agree with buyer for Onsite/Onshore model. 8. There might be few scenarios where we have an eligible candidate for SC/DV clearance but with little/no experience with any specific application/experience in test/QA. Can we engage them through experience discloser engagement for roles of L1 - L4 category? 9. Connecting with Quality Assurance (QA) Capability Development, when/if we want to bring/propose a new QA approach/delivery framework beneficial for authorities/buyers including upskilling job opportunities for youth/graduates within UK, what support/encouragement is in place! &OR what additional support we can expect from DPS authorities/buyers, when our proposal is long lasting solution/method and not beneficial for any just one/two specific deliveries! & How should we present and when we would be allowed? 10. Automation: Our preparation is also focussed on automation and NFT. Connecting to this, we assuming the tools/user licensing part are at additional cost of Buyer/project and is not included on to published resource cost. Is our assumption correct? 11. Connecting to point above, who will manage the resources or assign the tasks for any L1 - L5 staff deployed onsite? 12. Deploying resource onsite (buyers' site) means, will that be JUST a resource deployment for buyer to manage further by them (buyer staff) OR will that be a service delivery agreement own/manage by us (supplier) through nomination of one or few resources at Buyers site, with further remote support from Onshore/Offshore centres (as it demands)? 13. General: We understand, this DPS is coming to an end on July 1st, 2025. However, can we still register during July/August 2024? 14. Connecting to above question, do we need to re-enrol in future when the DPS is reappeared after July 1st, 2025, or will it be autorenewal? 15. Flexibility: Do resources engaged for onsite activities have any flexibility for remote work with frequent visit/reporting to buyer site? Or does it demand daily visit to buyer site? Connecting to same, what roles are MUST require daily visit to buyer site? 16. IR35: Most of our engagements are subcontracting &or fulltime engaged staff. So, we would like to understand what roles/engagements would fall inside IR35 & outside IR35? We appreciate your support in clarifying the above for us & we apologies for too many questions if we have, thank you.
Please find answers to your queries below, questions which have been missed I will look to answer as soon as possible. 1. Can we plan our business resourcing model combining, "On Site (Buyers premises) - Onshore site (Supplier site - Within UK) & suppliers offshore delivery centre capacity at India"? This can be arranged as a set up for your work stream. It would vary on a case by case basis as some buyers will stipulate different requirements on where the work needs to be done. 2. We understand every buyer's needs could be a different, however, what immediate technical standards/certifications/security measures will be demanded for an Onshore &Or Offshore model, if/when we propose a QA delivery service in whole? (Other than to what's been published/asked/demanded at tender document such as cyber essentials plus etc). Because we assuming Onshore and offshore centres should not be just a floor to accommodate resources, but it must have a plan/standard(s), so we are trying to understand it, for planning. Thank you. This would depend on the buying organisation as you state, anything above the framework agreement requirements (Cyber Essentials, Professional Indemnity Insurance, Employers Liability) will be stated by the buyer. Regarding security clearance, this is one of the 4 filters buyers will use to create their list of suppliers to send an ITT. Buyers will be able to select: Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS), Counter Terrorist Check (CTC), Security Check (SC), Developed Vetting (DV). 3. Like above, we understand every buyer/project's resource needs will be different, however, what immediate resource capacity we might be required to demonstrate to engage for an Onshore &Or Offshore model? You will need to demonstrate that the staff are appropriately trained and qualified to the service level needed. They also need to be vetted using Good Industry Practice and the Security Policy and comply with all conduct requirements when on the Buyer's Premises. 4. Connecting to resource capacity/pool, which category of security clearances are applicable (will be demanded) for each Onsite/Onshore/Offshore resource pool? Regarding security clearance, this is one of the 4 filters buyers will use to create their list of suppliers to send an ITT. Buyers will be able to select: Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS), Counter Terrorist Check (CTC), Security Check (SC), Developed Vetting (DV). An equivalent security level may be accepted too 5. Connecting above, for L6 & L7 category roles do we (supplier) have any scope to utilise highly skilled staff not eligible for SC/DV for any on-demand/few/key agreed technical dependency QA tasks deliveries at any of Onsite/Onshore/Offshore centres, through a prior agreement? This would need to be agreed by the buyer within the call off terms. 6. Connecting above, can we engage/deploy Individuals/Coordinators not eligible for SC/DV for any few/key agreed coordination activities between teams/QA deliveries at any of Onsite/Onshore/Offshore centres, through a prior agreement? This would need to be agreed by the buyer within the terms of the contract. 8. There might be few scenarios where we have an eligible candidate for SC/DV clearance but with little/no experience with any specific application/experience in test/QA. Can we engage them through experience discloser engagement for roles of L1 - L4 category? The staff used will need to appropriately trained and qualified to the service level needed. 9. Connecting with Quality Assurance (QA) Capability Development, when/if we want to bring/propose a new QA approach/delivery framework beneficial for authorities/buyers including upskilling job opportunities for youth/graduates within UK, what support/encouragement is in place! &OR what additional support we can expect from DPS authorities/buyers, when our proposal is long lasting solution/method and not beneficial for any just one/two specific deliveries! & How should we present and when we would be allowed? When the agreement is nearing the end of its lifetime, CCS will open up engagement session with Supplier and Buyers to hear their thoughts in order to help the direction and make up of the next iteration of the agreement. In this period you are free to attend and give your suggestions and help CCS build an affective new agreement for QAT services. 11.Connecting to point above, who will manage the resources or assign the tasks for any L1 - L5 staff deployed onsite? This will be agreed within the contract and the Statement of Works, more details can be found in the DPS schedules 13. General: We understand, this DPS is coming to an end on July 1st, 2025. However, can we still register during July/August 2024? Yes, you will be able to join the DPS at any time before the closing date 14. Connecting to above question, do we need to re-enrol in future when the DPS is reappeared after July 1st, 2025, or will it be autorenewal? It depends on what the future of the agreement will be. If this is a standard extension then no renewal will be needed. If there is a new agreement made (QAT3 for example), then we will let suppliers know how to apply to this. 15. Flexibility: Do resources engaged for onsite activities have any flexibility for remote work with frequent visit/reporting to buyer site? Or does it demand daily visit to buyer site? Connecting to same, what roles are MUST require daily visit to buyer site? This will be stated by the buyer in their specification or you will be able to ask them this question with the specifics of the onsite work and terms within the competition process. 16. IR35: Most of our engagements are subcontracting &or fulltime engaged staff. So, we would like to understand what roles/engagements would fall inside IR35 & outside IR35? Assessment for IR35 will have to be made by the buyer at call-off and this will have to be confirmed in the request for proposals. There is no blanket IR35 determination for services required to be delivered under this framework.
30/07/2024 10:31
50. Hi, when filling out the selection questionnaire, i am running into issues with subcontractors and parent companies outside the UK. for putting in information around my parent company, it will not accept a postcode that is 'not a valid UK postcode', if the parent company is outside the UK, then there would be no UK post code, i am unsure what to do here/how to proceed. this is the same for subcontractors, it will not accept a non-uk registration number, or non-uk post code, despite clearly selecting a non-uk country. please can CCS confirm how we are meant to proceed on this?
I can confirm that the DPS application will not allow non-UK postcodes. Instead, you can use the address of the platform as a workaround: M4 6JA . Then if you let us know the correct postcode we can make an offline copy of this information.
05/06/2024 14:40
49. i am part of a UK based company, with a parent company is in India, we are applying for this dps, where the contracts would be bid on by the uk company, but the actual work done may be completed by teams in India from the parent company, would i need to list my parent company as a subcontractor, or apply as a group/consortium?
Please refer to the READ First DPS Needs document for full instructions to support the submission process for this DPS. Subcontractors from countries outside of the UK are permitted, however you will need to apply with the prime supplier which is the UK based company, and then add the key subcontractor using Joint Schedule 6 (Key Subcontractors) and send this information to CCS.
29/05/2024 09:34
48. Please can you clarify what is meant by "Please confirm for SERVICE TYPE, the team size your organisation can provide to support delivery of this service type. Tick all that apply." This is the same question for 66 to (I believe) 75. Is this team size as in 'deliver in one single cohort' or, is this the size of the team we can grow to over the duration on the contract?
This will be the current team size, as it will influence a buyer's downselction when using the filter options. If a supplier wishes to increase their team size over the duration of the DPS they can amend their services to show this.
19/01/2024 12:57
46. Hello! Could you please assist with a question regarding the duration of the RM6148 - Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2 (QAT2) program? According to the documents, the expiry date is 03/11/2023. Are there any plans to extend it?
This DPS agreement is for 4 years and can be extended up to 7 years. 1 year extension has been exercised and the new expiry date is 01/12/2024.
13/09/2023 15:21
41. Can we indicate Belarus as a subcontractor, is this a blocking factor?
Please refer to the READ First DPS Needs document for full instructions to support the submission process for this DPS.Wihtin this document it details that 'we do not require all Subcontractors to be disclosed. You need only disclose those Subcontractors who directly contribute to your ability to meet your obligations under the DPS Appointment Form (including under any Contract Agreement following a Competition Procedure). There is no need to specify Subcontractors providing general services to the Supplier (such as window cleaners etc.) that indirectly enable the Supplier to perform the Services required for the DPS. Please read the definition of Subcontractor in the DPS Appointment Form.' Subcontractors from countries outside of the UK are permitted.
12/08/2022 10:56
40. Good afternoon. Asked a question about certificates. You answered that it is possible to use similar certificates. The question is, how to indicate this in the application form when applying? Where to indicate that we have just a certificate ISO 27001?
"PCR reg 64 states that ""(7) Economic operators shall not be obliged to be registered on an official list or to provide a certificate issued by a certification body in order to participate in a public contract. (8) Contracting authorities shall- (a)recognise equivalent certificates from bodies established in other member States, and (b)accept other equivalent means of proof."" From this you can see that ISO 27001 can also be accepted. You can answer the questions to the similar certificates as "yes", and then indicate to any potential buyers on the DPS that you will be using the alternative certificate, as allowed by CCS.
12/08/2022 10:56
39. Good afternoon, We are filling in the Contract Examples bit and note that after the first one it has asked us to download a form (I assume therefore we have to do this for all three) and to ask our Client to sign it to verify the details we have provided. However, the 'Letter of Confirmation of Services' asks for the customer organisations company number etc - what if our referees / contract examples are for Councils, NHS or Education sector Clients? These clients aren't companies and don't have company numbers. Can you confirm if we have permission to just delete what isn't relevant on the form before sending to our Clients to sign, please?
If the fields are not applicable to these customers then you can fill in the section with a relevant alternative or leave them blank, please do not delete these sections.
12/08/2022 10:53
38. What are the CCS charges for this QAT2 Framework?
The Management Charge for RM6148 Quality Assurance and Testing 2 is 1%
07/07/2021 11:54
37. While submitting our responses, we forgot to download the non-watermarked agreement. Is there anyway this can be shared with us?
Please contact NQC on 0161 413 7982 who will be able to assist you with this request.
22/06/2021 12:42
36. I am applying for Spark. I can only find the Selection Questionnaire (SQ). (1) Where can I find the Dynamic Purchasing System Questionnaire (DPSQ)? (2) Is the contract example needed at this stage and if so where where do I submit this?
Please contact NQC on 01614137982 who will be able to assist you with your application. This section is for Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2 DPS clarification questions.
01/06/2020 16:13
35. Hi, in the current circumstances we are struggling to be able to get a wet signature for the COW letter. Please could you confirm, if we are able to request a customer adds an electronic signature to the letter? and if there are any plans to extend the date you are accepting applications?
The Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2 DPS does not require a Letter of Confirmation of Works to be submitted.
01/06/2020 16:11

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