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Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2


There are 53 clarifications for this DPS

34. Good afternoon. Core Terms - 11.5 "In spite of Clauses 11.1 and 11.2, the Supplier does not limit or exclude its liability for any indemnity given under Clauses 7.5, 8.3, 9.5, 12.2 or 14.8 or Order Schedule 2 (Staff Transfer) of a Contract". Can you please confirm this is correct or can the indemnity be made subject to a liability cap?
This is correct. It would not be possible for us to amend the DPS Commercial Agreement now that it is live. Amending the terms to include a Data Protection Liability Cap would put us in the remit of Regulation 72 of the Public Contract Regulations, and could be considered a substantial change. For this reason, the terms should remain as they were when the Agreement was let.
09/04/2020 12:05
33. Where do opportunities under this DPS get published?
As stated in the DPS NEEDS document within the bid pack all opportunities will be posted within the esourcing suite. Please refer to the 'How to Request to Participate?' section of this document to register on this system.
30/03/2020 09:35
32. We have been successfully 'Appointed' to the framework but since we needed to make some changes to 'Registered 2', we selected to update it. Currently, we haven't submitted the 'Registered 2' so could the Authority please confirm if we will still be in the Appointed Suppliers list if any of the Buyers want to publish an opportunity.
CCS can can confirm that whilst updating your answers, your organisation is still included in the appointed list, available to buyers.
31/01/2020 06:55
31. On page 77 of the Selection Questionnaire PDF there is a question with one option ("I confirm") which is for suppliers to indicate that they are able to comply with "all the above DPS application form statements", including the schedules listed on pages 74 to 76. If we are NOT able to confirm we can apply all of those schedules, are there any options to agree special terms by varying these schedules? Could we perhaps select "I confirm" and then agree varied terms for each bid / mini-competition; are we obliged to select "I confirm" to win a place on the DPS and then unable to vary terms; or do we have the option to NOT confirm, and still get a place on the DPS framework (if so, please indicate how to proceed)?
If a Supplier is to be appointed to the DPS they must signal acceptance of the specified DPS Agreement and Order Contract terms, including all schedules incorporated into the DPS Agreement and Order Contract. These are non-negotiable - it is not open for a Supplier to attempt to negotiate changes to the terms with a Buyer undertaking an Order Procedure. Of course, not all Order Schedules will be selected for every Order Procedure, and it will be open to a Supplier appointed to the DPS to determine whether or not they choose to pursue an opportunity which incorporates specific schedules into the proposed Order Contract.
03/02/2020 14:14
30. Could you clarify whether buyers are obliged to 'send to all' shortlisted, or can shortlist further who they ask for a proposal from on the QA&T DPS?
CCS can confirm that buyers must contact all suppliers contained in their shortlist either to undertake an initial capability assessment and/ or to invite to a competition.
17/01/2020 15:44
29. Page 211-214 of attached selection questionnaire. Query to the buyer - We would not be able to agree to all Order Schedules terms listed on page 74/86 of the attached. Therefore, is it possible to vary any terms & conditions or set Special Terms we could adhere to. On the selection questionnaire this appears to be a Yes/No/Confirm options which we will not be able to confirm.
While the Order Schedules are optional, suppliers should be appointed to the agreement who are able to agree to all Order Schedules. Order Schedules are included at Order Contract level. Therefore, a buyer using this DPS agreement should expect that all appointed suppliers are able to agree to all schedules, in the event they would like to include them in the Order Contract. Where a supplier cannot agree to all schedules, there is a risk of buyers awarding a contract to a supplier unable to meet their requirements. Special terms will be agreed to at Order Contract level between the Buyer and Supplier.
13/01/2020 09:15
28. Can you please confirm if a Rate Card needs to be submitted as part of this Application?
There is not a requirement for suppliers to submit rates against a SFIA rate card, as there is no pricing associated with this DPS. Suppliers will submit prices for order contracts, against staff roles and grade structure set out in Annex 1 of DPS Schedule 1. The maximum price that can be tendered for any Supplier Staff member to fulfil a Role is £1000 per day (excluding VAT). DPS Pricing and order charges are explained in Schedule 3.
08/01/2020 11:30
27. Although Q179-185 are N/A, as per the READ manual, it is still forcing an answer. How do i resolve this?
Questions 179-185 of the Further Evidence section of the Selection Questionnaire are not compulsory, as stated in the Bid Pack. A supplier has the option to upload any of the information requested within the Further Evidence stage of the SQ (Q166-185) upon completion of their DPS (Selection Questionnaire), if they wish to do so. They will be asked to upload any related evidence documentation, at the point at which it is requested by a customer, if they have not previously provided this. A supplier can upload this information by selecting 'Submit' within the DPS (Selection Questionnaire) within their dashboard, however, if a supplier does not wish to upload this information at this point, they are able to locate their DPSQ (either in the Registered 1 or 2 stage) from their dashboard and select 'Respond', which will allow them to proceed with their application. Please be aware that whichever evidence you confirm you are able to provide (either SQ or DPSQ related), the exact documentation will be requested from the supplier once your assessments reach the relevant stages.
19/12/2019 14:27
26. For the Selection Questionnaire- Registered 2, Question No. 88 to No. 92 regarding the contact details of different roles like DPS Agreement Manager, DPS Agreement Authorised Representative etc. Could the Authority please clarify if all these questions Mandatory?
CCS can confirm these questions are mandatory and form part of the overall DPS Appointment Form which is CCS's contractual agreement with the appointed supplier. A copy of the Appointment form template (watermarked) can be located in the DPS bid pack in Attachment 7 Part 2.
16/12/2019 09:14
25. Page 211-214 of attached selection questionnaire. Query to the buyer - We would not be able to agree to all Order Schedules terms listed on page 74/86 of the attached. Therefore, is it possible to vary any terms & conditions or set Special Terms we could adhere to. On the selection questionnaire this appears to be a Yes/No/Confirm options which we will not be able to confirm.
While the Order Schedules are optional, suppliers should be appointed to the agreement who are able to agree to all Order Schedules. Order Schedules are included at Order Contract level. Therefore, a buyer using this DPS agreement should expect that all appointed suppliers are able to agree to all schedules, in the event they would like to include them in the Order Contract. Where a supplier cannot agree to all schedules, there is a risk of buyers awarding a contract to a supplier unable to meet their requirements. Special terms will be agreed to at Order Contract level between the Buyer and Supplier.
13/01/2020 09:15
24. Could you please clarify the tem 'able to provision' means? e.g. who will be processing the security the clearance process? KPMG team or Home Office? Does this mean KPMG have to provide pre-security cleared resources?
I am assuming the term 'able to provision' should be 'able to provide'? Home Office have stated they are willing to sponsor suppliers on projects they manage. We advise all public sector buyers that they must be willing to sponsor suppliers required to work on security cleared projects, to allow fairness to SMEs who haven't worked with government before.
13/01/2020 09:18
23. Is this applicable to QA & Testing service? Or this has been copied over from another supply chain questionnaire? There are also questions from 151 - 154 and 179-181 related to supply chain, will they be relevant to QA & testing service?
Please only provide responses to the SQ as per the instructions in the READ First DPS Needs document which forms part of the bid pack. However Q150 - 154 and Q179-185 are listed as 'Not Applicable questions' therefore you are not required to answer these questions.
04/12/2019 16:54
22. What type of evidence will be required to this question?
Can you please confirm what question you are referencing?
04/12/2019 16:54
21. What evidence we are require to submit here for Management tracking system third party supplier will be using?
This can be any evidence to show how a supplier has previously maintained healthy supply chains with sub-contractors. The evidence can include but is not limited to supply chain management tracking systems the supplier uses to ensure performance of a contract, prompt payment or membership of the UK Prompt Payment Code (or equivalent schemes in other countries).
13/01/2020 09:18
20. Do we have to list details of all possible sub-contractors on DPS framework? for example - What if we use Independent contractor in the future? Do we need to supply their details at this stage?
Please refer to the READ First DPS Needs document for full instructions to support the submission process for this DPS.Within this document it details that 'we do not require all Subcontractors to be disclosed. You need only disclose those Subcontractors who directly contribute to your ability to meet your obligations under the DPS Appointment Form (including under any Contract Agreement following a Competition Procedure). There is no need to specify Subcontractors providing general services to the Supplier (such as window cleaners etc.) that indirectly enable the Supplier to perform the Services required for the DPS. Please read the definition of Subcontractor in the DPS Appointment Form.
04/12/2019 16:54
19. Hi, Could you please proide the answers of the below question and this is about the selection questionnaires. 21Are you, or the group of economic operators (if applicable), proposing to use sub-contractors? - Do we have to list details of all possible sub-contractors on DPS framework? for example - What if we use Independent contractor in the future? Do we need to supply their details at this stage? 135 Are you able to provide details of your third example contract? - What evidence we are require to submit here for Management tracking system third party supplier will be using? 137 Are you able to provide details of your first example contract? - What type of evidence will be required to this question? 150 Can you supply a list of your relevant principal contracts for goods and/or services provided in the last three years? - Is this applicable to QA & Testing service? Or this has been copied over from another supply chain questionnaire? There are also questions from 151 - 154 and 179-181 related to supply chain, will they be relevant to QA & testing service? 86 Please select the level of security clearance, for which your organisation is able to provision. Tick all that apply. - Could you please clarify the tem 'able to provision' means? e.g. who will be processing the security the clearance process? KPMG team or Home Office? Does this mean KPMG have to provide pre-security cleared resources?
21 - Please refer to the READ First DPS Needs document for full instructions to support the submission process for this DPS. Within this document it details that 'we do not require all Subcontractors to be disclosed. You need only disclose those Subcontractors who directly contribute to your ability to meet your obligations under the DPS Appointment Form (including under any Contract Agreement following a Competition Procedure). There is no need to specify Subcontractors providing general services to the Supplier (such as window cleaners etc.) that indirectly enable the Supplier to perform the Services required for the DPS. Please read the definition of Subcontractor in the DPS Appointment Form. 135 - Please only provide responses to the SQ as per the instructions in the READ First DPS Needs document which forms part of the bid pack. However Q135 is listed under the 'Not Applicable questions' therefore you are not required to answer this question. 137- Please only provide responses to the SQ as per the instructions in the READ First DPS Needs document which forms part of the bid pack. However Q137 is listed under the 'Not Applicable questions' therefore you are not required to answer this question. 150 - Please only provide responses to the SQ as per the instructions in the READ First DPS Needs document which forms part of the bid pack. However Q150 - 154 and Q179-185 are listed as 'Not Applicable questions' therefore you are not required to answer these questions.
04/12/2019 16:53
18. Are we expected to submit a rate card? If so could you advise on the mechanism to do so please.
There is not a requirement for suppliers to submit rates against a SFIA rate card, as there is no pricing associated with this DPS. Suppliers will submit prices for order contracts, against staff roles and grade structure set out in Annex 1 of DPS Schedule 1. The maximum price that can be tendered for any Supplier Staff member to fulfil a Role is £1000 per day (excluding VAT). DPS Pricing and order charges are explained in Schedule 3.
03/12/2019 11:32
17. I have completed the RM6148 (QAT2 ) SQ and my entry is showing as "Completed" please can you explain how I tag the DPS/ RM6148 to the SQ. There is a 5 digit invitation code that is referred to but I can't find it. Many thanks. What is the code please and can you see my application ?
We have asked the NQC support team to contact you as you appear to have completed a standalone Selection Questionnaire that is not connected to the RM6148 QAT2 DPS.
03/12/2019 11:34
16. Testing 2: I have answered all of the questions in the SQ and provided the necessary evidence, having checked with DB, I can also confirm that we meet the minimum financial thresholds. Our application is now showing as "Completed". Please can you confirm that you have received (can see) our application and whether there is anything else that you require at this stage as I am keen that we are available to potential buyers from the 2nd December! Many thanks
I can confirm we can see you application and will currently be in the process of assessing any applications for this DPS.
03/12/2019 11:36
14. If you have answered No to Q.155 of the standard Selection Questionnaire (Does your organisation have Cyber Essentials Certification?), please confirm below if your response is correct: Regarding this question we cannot select Yes, as we do have Cyber essential certificate. We cannot select NA as we are not cyber essential Plus. Since we are cyber essential certified, would our answer be NO ? Please Advise
We can confirm that if your organisation does have a Cyber Essentials Certificate your answer to Q155 'Does your organisation have Cyber Essentials certification?' should be Yes. If you organisation does not have a Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate you can confirm this by answering No to Q156 'Does your organisation have Cyber Essentials Plus certification?'.
28/11/2019 16:12

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