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Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2


There are 53 clarifications for this DPS

13. Please advise on the status of the document titled "DPS Appointment Form 1.0 (WATERMARKED)". Is this in final form or will this document be subject to further development before bidders are required to accept it and/or for it to become legally binding? We note that "Sample" is watermarked throughout the document and there are a number of yellow-highlighted placeholders which appear to require population.
As stated in the DPS needs document that forms part of the Bid Pack you are required to download a non watermarked version of the DPS Appointment Form, which will be presented to you electronically when you are at the 'DPS Appointment Form sign off stage', this is for you to retain for your own records. Prior to this you will be presented with a series of questions, which reflect the yellow highlighted sections within the DPS Appointment Form, your responses to these questions will be saved and form part of the final DPS Appointment Form.
02/12/2019 13:05
12. Hello. We have progressed through the SQ and DPSQ questionnaires and have been awarded 'Submitting / Appointed' status respectively. We are currently answering the final questions on SQ (Q166 - Q185). We are now in possession of a non watermarked DPS Appointment Form - our question is at what point should we sign / send this document to you and how should we get it to you i.e. via e-mail or is there somewhere on the SQ / DPS mechanism to achieve this? Many thanks
CCS can confirm that your organisation is not required to sign and return your DPS Appointment Form, however please ensure you download and retain your Appointment Form. The legally binding commercial agreement between CCS and you is signed electronically, as detailed at points 36 to 39 (The DPS Appointment Form Sign off) of the READ First DPS Needs document which forms part of the bid pack.
02/12/2019 10:38
11. We are filling the Selection Questionnaire for RM6148 (QAT2 )and unable to figure out how to tag the DPS/ RM6148 to the SQ. There is a 5 digit invitation code asked however we are unable to find the invitation code. Please help.
We have asked the NQC support team to contact you as you appear to have completed a standalone Selection Questionnaire that is not connected to the RM6148 QAT2 DPS.
27/11/2019 11:18
10. With regards to providing the date of birth for our Persons of Significant Control, can we ask the purpose of this specific information as we note this is a use of personal data?
The purpose of providing this data is to ensure we create a legally binding contract with a known legal entity. A person of significant control has to be legally registered, under Company Law, on the Companies House register which is controlled by Companies House; an agency of BEIS. The exact same information is required for that registration, and it is used to determine who the Co shareholders are.
02/12/2019 10:38
9. It has been couple of days for submitting our SQ but the status is still in Assessing status. Please suggest how to make into next stage as we are new to this framework.
We are unable to locate your application within our system. Please contact NQC on 0845 299 2991 as there may be an issue with your account.
22/11/2019 17:10
8. 1. We have just completed SQ for 'Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2' and our status shows 'Appointed'. We would like to know where we have to submit the 'Attachment 3 - Financial Assessment Template v1' that came as part of the Bid pack part 1? 2. Where do we enter the rates for the SFIA rate card?
1) As detailed in the READ First DPS Needs document this document is within the bid pack for reference only. This document would only need to be completed if your organisations D&B score falls below the set threshold for the DPS. 2)There is not a requirement for suppliers to submit rates against a SFIA rate card, as there is no pricing associated with this DPS. Suppliers will submit prices for order contracts, against staff roles and grade structure set out in Annex 1 of DPS Schedule 1. The maximum price that can be tendered for any Supplier Staff member to fulfil a Role is £1000 per day (excluding VAT). DPS Pricing and order charges are explained in Schedule 3.
22/11/2019 17:10
7. We have several clarifying questions: 1) What is the deadline for the tender offers? 2) How should we confirm the presence of QA specialists in our company? Do we need to send copies of their labor contracts? Thank you
1) There is no deadline for completing your DPS submission, as the DPS remains open for the lifetime of it's duration. However, CCS would recommend completing your DPS submission as soon as possible to enable you service offerings to be available for buyers with effect from 02/12 when buying organisations can access the DPS platform to utilise as part of their competition process. 2) Confirmation of the presence of QA specialists within your organisation is not required as part of the Selection Questionnaire (SQ). Please only provide responses to the SQ as per the instructions in the READ First DPS Needs document, Buyer Needs document and Terms and Conditions which forms part of the bid pack. If appointed to the DPS and subsequently invited to a buyer competition, buyers may request information relating to QA specialists as part of competition process. However, and as detailed, such information is not required as part of the DPS SQ process.
21/11/2019 12:06
6. For Questions Q158-161, there are not applicable to this exercise, but a Yes / No answer is mandatory - Can I please confirm that we should say 'No' even if the questions aren't relevant?
For Q158 - 161 if you are unable to skip these questions please respond 'No' as these questions will not be assessed for this DPS.
22/11/2019 15:15
5. For Questions Q130-132 and Q139, there are not applicable for us but the only options are Yes / No - Can I please confirm that we should simply skip these questions?
Please only provide responses to the SQ as per the instructions in the READ First DPS Needs document which forms part of the bid pack. However Q130 - 132 and Q139 if they are not applicable to your organisation you are able to skip these questions.
22/11/2019 15:15
4. For Question 1, should we leave the name of the Selection Questionnaire as the default (the 10 digit number)?
For Question 1 this is for your reference only. You can leave this as the 10 digit number already generated or you can provide your own reference for the questionnaire.
22/11/2019 15:14
3. For the question, ''provide details on the Selection Questionnaire'', are you looking for us to quote details of the DPS or an overview of our services in relation to the DPS?
For this question within the Selection Questionnaire this is for your own reference. This would be a short description for you organisation to enter so that your application is identifiable to you.
19/11/2019 10:48
2. In addition to filling in the questionnaire are there any documents that need to be submitted in order to finish the registration and qualify before Dec 2.
Please refer to the READ First DPS Needs document for full instructions to support the submission process for this DPS. CCS can confirm that you are only required to complete the Selection Questionnaire in accordance with the DPS bid pack.
21/11/2019 12:02
1. 'Schedule 5 Management Levy and Information' was not included in the bid pack, so just to check how much the management Levy will be?
CCS can confirm Attachment 5 - Management and Levy and Information is now visible in the bid pack. The management levy of 1% is specificed at section 13 of the Appointment Form which also forms part of the bid pack.
06/11/2019 12:49

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