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Adult Skills and Learning


There are 59 clarifications for this DPS

42. I have completed all SQ and DPS questions, and now ready to submit. I have, however, in error uploaded the wrong document for the FVRA attachment in the SQ. I cannot see how I can delete this wrong document and upload the correct one prior to submission. Can you please indicate if this is possible, or do I need to complete a new SQ? Can you please advise how I would go about either option.
You can first try contacting NQC, our service provider for the system, to see if they can help you to navigate back to the correct place in the questionnaire to amend what you need to. You can call NQC on 0161 413 7982 or via email on Support@nqc.com . If this isn't possible, email info@crowncommercial.gov.uk with the correct documents, explaining the situation, quoting "RM6348 FVRA for DPS Onboarding Team", who should then be able to use the correct documents for the FVRA.
15/10/2024 09:33
41. Q3.2.5 asks "if you are bidding as a consortium ...etc..., are you able to provide the FVRA Tool". Q3.2.6 and Q3.2.7 then also ask if a provider can upload if bidding as a consortium. There is not an N/A option, only Yes or No. Which option should be selected if we are not bidding as a consortium?
If you're not bidding as a consortium, you can select 'No' to this question.
07/10/2024 12:43
39. Hello. We are a start up company and have been trading for less than a year, so cannot provide 3 years worth of accounts. Are we eligible to apply?
If your organisation has been in operation for less than 3 years please provide all available accounts. It may be that you need to provide draft accounts if these are what is available, and add a note to explain this.
25/09/2024 09:07
38. We completed a DPS application this morning, and unexpectedly found ourselves being asked all sorts of irrelevant questions about steel and CRPs and payment terms, etc. When we got to the end we submitted the application, but now we cannot find any way to access the DPSQ itself. Have we completed the wrong form?
You may have completed the generic Selection Questionnaire (SQ) as opposed to the SQ for the adult skills and learning agreement. If you contact our service provider NQC, they may be able to transfer some of the answers over to the relevant SQ. You can call NQC on 0161 413 7982 or via email on Support@nqc.com . Although, as the questionnaires are different, this may not be possible and may require a fresh application by clicking 'access as a buyer' under the adult skills and learning section on the DPS website: https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/dps
29/08/2024 13:16
37. So further to Q&A 36, does that mean that pp 105 - 123 of "RM6348 - Adult Skills DPS Questionnaire.pdf" are actually irrelevant to this opportunity? If so, could the guidance pdf please be reissued without the irrelevant sections, to save bidders wasting time preparing answers to questions that don't appear online?
Not every supplier will need to complete every question as some questions will only appear if certain answers are given to previous questions.
27/08/2024 14:45
36. I've just been completing the SSQ/DPSQ for one of my clients, and as soon I had finished completing the Grounds for Discretionary Exclusion (Q2.7.1) it took me to SSQ Submission page: the whole of SSQ Part 3 shown in the pdf question template - from §3.1 Economic & Financial Standing through to §3.13 Tackling Modern Slavery in Supply Chains - did not appear. Is * a glitch in the system and they should have appeared? Or * do they only appear for certain applicants? If so, which questions determine whether they should appear? Or, * Should they not appear in the pdf? If it's the latter it's quite annoying, as based on the pdf I have spent some little time preparing answers to all the question in SSQ Part 3.
Part 3 questions are in the DPSQ (financial standing, modern slavery etc.) so if you proceed you'll get to answer the part 3 questions.
23/08/2024 12:24
35. Further to q&a 31. Thank you for the advice regarding Net Cash flow. Am I correct in assuming this figure should be the sum of the figures in Rows 50 and 111 of the relevant column? Regarding the Month End Net Debt, I'm aware of the advice in the spreadsheet. Unfortunately I don't really understand it. Where on the spreadsheet - or in a typical set of SME accounts - do I find a month by month breakdown of the net debt position? And why is it 13 months, not 12? Does it matter if I leave this cell blank?
To establish a Net Cash Flow would be to take all the cash flowing into the business and subtract all the cash outflows. However, there are a couple of variations that can also be used to establish Net cash Flow. Please note for this DPS that CCS are not assessing net/free cash flow so therefore there is no requirement on the Bidder to provide these details. Regarding the Month End Net Debt, if you hover over the cell and read the comment provided, it should indicate that this is only used on companies within the construction industry. This is not data that CCS requires the bidders to provide for this DPS as it is not being assessed, please therefore leave blank.
27/08/2024 14:40
34. We are a Scottish based company with the SC prefix before our company number and we keep getting an error message to use only numeric values on the company registration number
Please contact NQC (our service provider), who will be able to advise a way forward. You can call NQC on 0161 413 7982 or via email on Support@nqc.com
23/08/2024 12:28
33. Further to our clarification, we noted the mention of a different agreement number. Can you please confirm that it is still correct for us to be completing [RM6348 - Adult Skills and Learning DPS Dynamic Purchasing System Agreement] via the supplier registration portal?
We cannot see a clarification from the organisation asking this clarification question so cannot confirm. Clarifications raised under this DPS are related to Adult Skills and Learning, CCS Commercial Agreement no. RM6348. There is another DPS (RM6219 - Learning and Training Services) which has separate clarifications and is a unique DPS which you may wish to self-assure that you are referring to the right DPS your organisation is intending to engage with.
16/08/2024 16:01
32. 207. Q3.2.3 Regarding the upload of our parent company accounts: we have tried to minimise the size of these files but are unable to reduce to under 5 MB - the file size limit. I note also that zip files can't be uploaded. We can provide our parent accounts during the course of the tender evaluation. Would it be possible to upload a note explaining this as our response to this questions, or can you suggest another solution to this issue? Thanks very much.
Please send the parent company accounts to info@crowncommercial.gov.uk with the CCS commercial agreement number (RM6348) and your organisations name stated in the subject line so this can be directed to the relevant team.
16/08/2024 09:34
31. As a non-accountant, pls can you give me some advice on completing the FVRAT for a small private company with accounts that give a typical SME-level of detail. In particular, how should I go about calculating * the Net cash flow from operating activities? * the average month end net debt? Thank you in advance for your assistance
Net cash flow from operating activities (After working capital and tax) - to calculate operating cash flow you add together a company's net income, non-cash items (adjustments to net income), and working capital. Average Month End Net Debt - guidance is provided on the spreadsheet against the cell as follows: 'the average month end debt is the preceding 13 month-end net debt positions divided by 13. This is used to calculate a new metric (Average month end net debt to EBITDA) being piloted which may provide a better representation of the financial indebtedness of Construction businesses.' Please also ensure make full use tab 3.1. this is where cells are provided to allow you to provide additional narrative to support financial information and metric outputs.
13/08/2024 13:30
30. This may have been answered via clarification question #12, but can you please confirm that for Filter 1 on the Products and Services Matrix, you are selecting delivery locations where you can deliver face-to-face AND virtually? (i.e., there is no expectation that you can deliver face-to-face in every location selected.)
Correct - for the purposes of the filters the mode of delivery doesn't matter. When a buyer outlines what they want as part of their call off contract, they may ask for specific deliver modes, for example face-to-face, online.
07/08/2024 15:57
29. What does q 3.19.2 of the DPSQ read? Somehow in the pdf qq 3.19.2 and 3.19.3 have got overprinted, and are thus illegible.
"3.19.2 Please provide a link to your most recently published Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) which: confirms your commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2050; contains emissions reported for all required Scopes (in accordance with the required methodology); indicates the environmental management measures that you will apply when performing the contract; and has a reporting period of no greater than 12 months prior to the date of commencement of this procurement. Is published on your company website. In order to submit a parent company CRP in lieu of an individual CRP, you must be wholly owned by parent company, the submitted CRP must: apply to both you and your parent company, must confirm your joint commitment to achieving net zero by 2050. be adopted jointly and with environmental management measures clearly applied to you when performing the relevant contract. Where the response is being completed on behalf of a consortium of suppliers, a link should be provided to the CRP of each consortium member. 3.19.3. If emissions in the Carbon Reduction Plan(s) are not reported for any Scopes or only for some Scopes, or the reporting period is more than 12 months from the date of commencement of the procurement, please provide an explanation why. (optional)" Note that the Carbon Reduction Plan section is only required of suppliers who indicate that they will bid for contracts with an annual value over £5,000,000 excluding VAT.
07/08/2024 12:15
28. The SQ asks whether the organisation has Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus. If an organisation has CE Plus, should the answer to the basic CE question be 'yes' or 'no'?
If you answer "Yes" to the "Does your organisation have Cyber Essentials certification?", there is a follow-up question asking about Cyber Essentials Plus.
05/08/2024 12:25
27. This question is in reference to the answer to 21. relating to the FVRA Attachment. It states I should attach this document to question 3.2.1. However, 3.2.1 asks "How many contract examples?" and I cannot upload a file do this question.
There are two questionnaires. Referring to the attachment in the Bid Pack titled 'RM6348 - Adult Skills DPS Questionnaire.pdf', the 3.2.1 you refer to is at page 108 which is part of the Section Questionnaire. However, once you have completed this Selection Questionnaire you will then go on to complete the Adult Skills and Learning Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) Registration questionnaire (shown in the document 'RM6348 - Adult Skills DPS Questionnaire.pdf' starting at page 126. You should upload the FVRA when you get to 3.2.1. of this questionnaire (as detailed on page 127 of the 'RM6348 - Adult Skills DPS Questionnaire.pdf').
02/08/2024 15:41
25. Question 3.2.2 asks: 'Are you able to provide your published accounts as detailed in Attachment 3 Financial Viability Risk Assessment Tool Instructions?' Should a small private limited company answer 'no' as it does not publish accounts? Will answering 'no' mean the application is rejected?
Bidders are required to present their financial position for analysis. They do this by completing the FVRA template and providing supporting evidence for the numbers entered into that template. A bidder should complete the FVRA and provide supporting information to support their FVRA. They can use draft accounts or management accounts it does not necessarily have to be the statutory financial information. The more information they provide the better, we will then be able to reach a conclusion as their financial risk profile. If you answer "yes" for now, this can be clarified later. Make full use of tab 3.1, as this is where you can provide additional narrative to support your financial information.
05/08/2024 10:20
24. The DPS Appointment Form refers to 'CCS Core Terms - DPS (version 1.0.3) '. Please can you confirm where this can be accessed, as it does not form part of the bid pack currently. Many thanks
The document titled 'DPS Core Terms v1.0' is contained within a sub-folder titled 'RM6348 - Bid Pack Part 2 (Terms and Conditions)' of the Bid Pack. This document is the document being referred to, the reference to "version 1.0.3" will be amended in due course, but please proceed with the current issued version as this typo will be acknowledged having addressed this clarification.
02/08/2024 10:40
23. Will suppliers be able to update their location and qualification offers throughout the lifetime of the DPS?
Yes, it is encouraged that suppliers keep their service offerings up-to-date during the lifetime of the DPS to ensure buyers have an accurate list of suppliers based upon the filters they apply.
02/08/2024 10:20
22. Can you please confirm how we should complete the Financial Assessment Document. We do not have a parent company, ultimate parent company or will use subcontractors, therefore who is the third party. If we are uploading our last 3 years accounts do we need to complete this document?
Yes, all bidders are required to complete and return the Financial Viability Risk Assessment (FVRA) denoted as 'Attachment 3a' in the Bid Pack. Not all companies will have a parent or an ultimate parent. Therefore, if this does not apply to your organisation, you should proceed by entering your organisations details. This is included as the FVRA is a template which can be used by a vast array of organisations across CCS as an organisation, it has not been made specifically for this commercial agreement. If you do not believe something applies and Attachment 3 nor does the 'Bidder Instructions' tab within Attachment 3a expressly mandate the input of data, it would be assumed you can move on from this. Note: the FVRA Tool has an inbuilt checker which should indicate where data is missing or incomplete.
02/08/2024 15:15
21. Within attachment 3FVRA Instructions it is stated to "complete Attachment 3a - Financial Viability Assessment Tool and upload when prompted when completing your questionnaire at 3.1.1.", however in Appendix 2 (within the same instructions document) states I should attach to 3.1.7. Both questions 3.1.1 and 3.1.7 do not allow file uploads. Thus, which question should I attach the completed FVRA document (Attachment 3a) to?
Please attach the completed FVRA to 3.2.1.
02/08/2024 15:18

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