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Learning and Training Services


There are 207 clarifications for this DPS

7. We noted there was a pricing matrix in the bid pack for the OTS lot - Is there a pricing matrix for the bespoke offering?
No there is only 1 pricing matrix for OTS training as each requirement will be different under Bespoke Training, Learning Technologies and Education Services.
01/10/2021 15:28
6. Could you please clarify what is meant by 'off the shelf'? - Does it include accredited/qualifying courses and non-qualified courses?
Off The Shelf' is both accredited/qualifying courses and non-qualified courses, that require little or no customisation. Any OTS course offered under RM6219 must be delivered by the training provider themselves (no subcontracting or aggregators).
01/10/2021 15:28
5. We are on the CSL framework, working with KPMG and based on the two supplier engagement sessions that we've attended with you, we understand that this framework isn't targeting Central Government - is that correct?
Yes that is correct, all Central Government Depts need to follow the Cabinet Office Spend Control process where RM6145 is the default commercial agreement.
01/10/2021 15:28
4. Where is the framework's target audience and where will it generate activity?
The target audience is the Wider Public Sector by which we mean Local Authorities, NHS, Emergency Services, Charities, Not for Profit, Devolved Admins
01/10/2021 15:27
3. We are also keen to understand who the intended clients are i.e. is it more for training people in the community or providing programmes for employers? We deal with Senior Managers up to Director level and design and deliver bespoke leadership and management development programmes. We also have a small selection of off-the shelf non-accredited programmes.
The scope of RM6219 is quite wide and the intention is it will cover both training for employees of public sector organisations and community learning.
01/10/2021 15:27
2. We're aware that RM6219 has replaced an MLS framework, we would like to understand what the differences between the two are?
RM6219 is not a replacement for MLS, this has already been replaced scope wise by RM6145 - Learning and Development.
01/10/2021 15:27
1. Good afternoon Could we request Attachment 6 in MS Word please so we can respond to the DPS requirement? Can you confirm that Attachments 2-6 are all we need to respond to and submit for consideration? Kind regards Colin
Attachment 6 is a copy of the SQ and DPSQ questions you will be asked to complete in the DPS once you start your application. We do not have a MS Word version as these have been taken directly from the DPS. No, other than attachment 2 which must be completed monthly once a call off has been awarded, the others are dependent on your organisation how you will deliver the services. Please refer to the READ FIRST document in the bid pack for guidance.
01/10/2021 13:58

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