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Learning and Training Services


There are 207 clarifications for this DPS

203. Please can you clarify ow we will be notified of "call-off's" from this DPS and which system(s) will be used to undertake such "call-off's?"
If a customer has used a 'Rapid Award' you will be notified either through the DocuSign that a contract has been awarded or by the customer directly. For a 'Standard Award' this would form part of the customers procurement exercise, so again you would be contacted by the customer directly.
04/07/2024 13:42
202. Hello, Can you please provide an estimate of timescale from DPS application submission to approval? Thank you,
There are various factors that can affect how long the application process will take, but it is a fluid process, where you move automatically from one stage to another as long as there are no risk flags raised with the answers you give or the evidence you upload. We recommend you download the bid pack and read the document titled READ FIRST RM6219 - DPS Needs, as this explains the onboarding process and the mandatory requirements you must meet to be appointed on the DPS.
18/06/2024 12:13
201. Thank you for your response I believe this answers the first half of my question. Just to confirm for the Generic prospectus question Q79 (which is only limited by wordcount), is it only postcodes that are allowed?
Yes that is correct
18/06/2024 11:45
200. Hello, Would it be possible to confirm that the postcode/s supplied as part of the generic prospectus (Q79) is not used in a buyers process of identifying relevant suppliers? If this is the case, is it preferred that additional information is provided as part of this question regarding the geographic scope of an organisations delivery up to the wordcount or are responses only intended to contain postcodes as the question suggests? Thank you.
The postcode search filter is used by Buyers who are looking for suppliers that can deliver within a certain radius of a specified location. You can only enter one postcode and radius for each filter option within the questionnaire. With multiple locations you are able to use one postcode and set the radius to the United Kingdom to cover a wider area.
04/06/2024 12:44
199. On the pricing matrix spreadsheets that need to be uploaded for the Off the Shelf Training, in 'Table 2' of the 'Standard OTS Training' tab, we're required to enter % cost component breakdowns. Where we are providing information about multiple courses in a specific learning category are the % breakdowns to be provided as an average of all the courses in the spreadsheet? Or do % breakdowns for each separate course in the spreadsheet need to be provided?
These can be an average of all courses in the spreadsheet.
14/05/2024 12:33
198. Within the SOTS pricing matrix, if there are multiple formats of delivery for a course should that course be entered twice, for example if it can be delivered face to face and virtually? Similarly, if all courses can be delivered through multiple formats is it intended for each to be entered multiple times based on the number of formats it can be delivered through? This may significantly increase the number of entries.
You can also use the 'Additional Information / Link to course material' column to detail other delivery options available rather than using multiple entries.
08/05/2024 13:33
197. we wondered if our previously submitted question (below) is in the process of having a response formulated by CCS, or if the authority have declined to respond? 196. Hello, we are an awarding body providing externally quality assured qualifications and end point assessments to the protective service sectors on a regulated or customised basis; please can you advise which service type we submit an application for, under this DPS? Thank you -- Unanswered
Based on what you have said, this would fit under Standard OffThe Shelf Training Service Type
18/04/2024 14:52
196. Hello, we are an awarding body providing externally quality assured qualifications and end point assessments to the protective service sectors on a regulated or customised basis; please can you advise which service type we submit an application for, under this DPS? Thank you
Based on what you have said, this would fit under Standard OffThe Shelf Training Service Type
18/04/2024 14:52
195. With regards to the off the shelf training template please can it be confirmed whether additional courses can be added. We provide over 100 courses across over a dozen different categories. Do all courses need to be priced and submitted?
We have previously recommended that you put your top 20-30 courses per learning category to help with customer searches and include a link on the price matrices where they can access your full catalogue. But you can add as many courses as you like on each matrix.
23/02/2024 16:38
194. On completing the SQ, Q6 asks Can you provide details of your immediate parent company? Our parent company is not in the UK and when providing the address details we get a validation error because the postcode field 'is not a valid uk postcode' how do we get past this
Please just use a dummy postcode i.e. AA0 1AA
12/02/2024 11:07
193. Hello DPS Team, We have responded to DPS Registration 1 and 2 and the application is in Assessing mode by DPS Email Notifications. Can you provide us with a status on whether there is anything else pending for assessment and what the next steps are? Thank-you.
You are now at the Qualified stage, where you need to submit your prospectus information. Copies of the prospectus templates can be found in the bid pack.
12/02/2024 10:51
192. Page 8 of the DPS Needs document states that the Selection Questionnaire is split into two distinct sections. Please can you provide a link to/copy of the latest: - standard Selection Questionnaire questions - DPSQ questions
The onboarding process is a fluid process, once you complete one stage, you will move on to the next stage automatically.
05/02/2024 17:12
191. Is there a fixed price point for contract opportunities published under this DPS?
No, there is no fixed price point.
05/02/2024 17:12
190. We are having technical issues in trying to progress our application - is there someone we can speak to about this? For example, the Supplier Registration page is showing our organisation as having two live applications, and we are unable to view questions specific to the Learning and Training DPS
Please call NQC (our service provider) on 0161 413 7982 or via email on Support@nqc.com .
05/02/2024 15:18
189. We are having technical issues in trying to progress our application - is there someone we can speak to about this?
Please call NQC (our service provider) on 0161 413 7982 or via email on Support@nqc.com .
05/02/2024 15:18
187. Hello, Response to Clarification Q. 184 mentions "You are currently at the Registered 1 stage, you will need to complete this stage and the next (Registered 2) to get to Qualified" However, the application Reference (SQ-2RD82EZ)still shows 'Assessing' Status and the 'Assigned User' is CCS. How do we access the requirements at 'Registered 1' stage and respond to it?
Please contact info@crowncommercial.gov.uk quoting case number 01525858
30/01/2024 10:01
186. On the standard off the shelf training spreadsheet can you please confirm what you would like added in the fields titled ' Subject area', 'Delivery Platform / Location'? Also, what do you expect to be written in the 'course length' when the 'duration in hours' has already been filled in?
The Subject Area can just match the Learning Category i.e. Health & Safety or you can add a more specific title here i.e. Fire or First Aid. The Delivery Platform / Location, can be Virtual, Virtual Instructor Lead, Face to Face, Workplace, Classroom etc. Course Length would be where you put detail a training programme or qualification i.e. 6 weeks or 1 year if different to Duration
29/01/2024 11:28
184. Hello, We have offered the necessary evidence towards insurance as part of your assessment on Monday, 15th Jan. The application is still in 'Assessing' status. By when might we progress to the 'Qualified' Status?
You are currently at the Registered 1 stage, you will need to complete this stage and the next (Registered 2) to get to Qualified.
29/01/2024 11:25
183. Once you have completed the SQ and SQ Evidence request and the status has changed to 'completed' how do you move on to the DPSQ?
Once your application has been assessed and you meet the minimum criteria, you will automatically move to the next stage and this will continue until you become appointed. You will be notified at each point when you have moved to the next stage.
17/01/2024 10:59
182. As a follow up to Q181 - we do meet the minimum required D&B credit score but the fields that are not required are mandatory so we are unable to skip these. are we ok to upload a blank document in order to bypass these to move to the next questions
Yes or just put N/A
17/01/2024 09:42

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