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Learning and Training Services


There are 207 clarifications for this DPS

157. We have raised a ticket with NQC and spoken to CCS' Helpdesk regrading an unresolved issue with the Learning & Training questionnaire. We are unable to submit the requested evidence as all of the upload questions are mandatory, when in fact only 3 are required to be answered for the purpose of the DPS. Please can CCS confirm that it will be acceptable to upload blank documents for the evidence that is not relevant to progress to the next stages?
Yes you can upload blank documents, to proceed to the next stage but this will be assessed to ensure you have submitted the required evidence.
01/06/2023 11:16
156. I am the Finance Manager at Nudge, currently completing the Learning and Training DPS SQ. I require clarification on the following questions: Part 3: Relevant Experience - Please can you clarify, does this mean examples of any past contracts we have signed to provide the same service we are applying for, with customers not necessarily in the public sector? Part 3: Past Performance. Are you able to clarify for us what a 'performance certificate' is? I have since seen guidance that these questions should be ignored for the purpose of our application. I see the Cyber Essentials Certification is a minimum requirement, however we are already certified under ISO27001 which covers all the requirements of the Cyber Essentials Certification and more. Could you confirm if we are still required to complete the Cyber Essentials Certification or if this requirement can be waived given the above
Relevant experience is examples of where you have developed and/or delivered training to the public or private sector, so examples of past contracts are ok. Questions 150 to 154 of the SQ are not applicable to this DPS please mark the answers as N/A. Cyber Essentials certification is a minimum requirement. ISO27001 is not accepted as an alternative.
05/05/2023 08:38
155. How do we update the compliance officer if we have already completed part of our application to be on the framework?
You can either complete your application to become Appointed and then amend this afterwards by 'Updating your DPSQ' or you will need contact NQC's helpdesk support@nqc.com or 0161 393 4191 and they should be able to assist you by manually moving you back a stage.
07/02/2023 12:13
154. Thank you for your reply. I have successfully reached the DPSQ questionnaire and have made it to the generic training services questions. I saved the generic services questionnaire and logged out. I now cannot find it again. My dashboard shows me the DPS registration 1 & 2 submissions. When I select 'continue questionnaire' I go straight to evidence submission. Can you tell me how to find the generic training services questionnaire again?
This may be a technical issue: you can call NQC (our service provider) on 0161 413 7982 or via email on support@nqc.com .
01/06/2023 11:17
153. Hello, I have completed and submitted the Selection Questionnaire but I must have made an error as I was not directed on to the DPSQ. The SQ is now no longer available. Is it possible to still complete the DPSQ? Or do I have to start another SQ in order to be able to access the DPSQ?
I cannot see your application within the L&TS DPS, but if you have responded to an SQ, this will be the generic one that is hosted on the SRS homepage. What you need to do is go to the L&TS DPS Webpage and click on the link to 'Access as a Supplier' once you are logged in, on the right hand side you should see another link under Get Started - Start Selection Questionnaire from here you should be able to copy and paste over the answers to the L&TS SQ and then you will be able to complete the DPSQ etc. If this is not the case, please contact NQC's helpdesk support@nqc.com or 0161 393 4191 and they should be able to assist you."
25/01/2023 15:43
152. In regards to the Schedule 8 - Self Audit Requirements, bidders are required to confirm orders/invoices procured that we could not do through this DPS. What are the penalties if this could have been done via the DPS? What are the implications of customers choosing not to use the DPS? If we are encouraging customers to use the DPS as opposed to their initial procurement method, this could jeopardise any potential business or cause bidders to be excluded from other public sector tender processes.
There are no penalties specifically in the core terms for not fulfilling obligations under DPS Schedule 8 but DPS Schedule 8 forms part of the contact and to not fulfil any part of it could be considered a Default. But in this context, as long as you have made a customer aware that they could have procured their requirement through the DPS that is acceptable.
04/05/2023 17:19
151. Under the Learning and Training services section for Off The Shelf prospectus data, it is required we enter the delegate mixes our organisation can provide training for. We can provide both closed and public mixes, however, some courses we can only provide on a closed basis. Is there anywhere we can stipulate this?
You cannot reference this on the OTS prospectus itself, but you can add this against a particular course on the relevant pricing matrix in the Delegate Mix or Additional Information column.
08/03/2023 15:03
150. Under the Learning and Training services section for Off The Shelf prospectus data, it is required we enter minimum and maximum number of learners to deliver training for each Delivery Mode. We have multiple courses within the Off The Shelf learning category and all have a different number of learner number requirements. Please can you advise how we can answer these questions?
You can add this information against a particular course on the relevant pricing matrix in the Additional Information column.
08/03/2023 15:04
149. Good Morning, We are at the Qualified Stage of the submission and are now required to complete the Location Prospectus. The granularity of the questions are particularly problematic due to the scope of service we offer. We are able to provide training for a minimum of 1 person and deliver all over the country, without exception. Please can CCS advise how this should be approached as the questions do not allow for this magnitude of service to be properly represented. Can CCS consider allowing for a bespoke prospectus being submitted in place of the current structure on the portal? Ultimately, we do not want this to limit the opportunities we can bid for once appointed onto the Agreement.
At the Qualified stage you are required to complete the Generic Prospectus and at least one of the service types prospectuses (Off the Shelf, Bespoke, Learning Technologies or Education Services) depending on your capabilities. In the Generic prospectus you are able to add more detail about your offering and all the response fields are free text so you can add what you see fit, we have just put some examples of questions to answer in the documents.
11/01/2023 16:17
148. Good morning, we are aware this DPS opportunity notice was published in September 2021, but last edited in December 2022 - can you please indicate what DPS documents have been updated since the published date/based on the edited notice?
The documents within the Bid Pack that have changed are: Attachment 2 - RM6219 Learning and Training Services DPS MI Template v2.0 (1).xlsx RM6219 - DPS Schedule 1 - Specification v5.0.pdf RM6219 - DPS Joint Schedule 2 - Variation Form v.2.0.docx DPS_PROFILE_LEARNING - v7.pdf READ FIRST RM6219 - DPS Needs v2.0.pdf RM6219 - Customer Needs v3.0.pdf
03/01/2023 15:07
147. Within the selection questionnaire I accidentally ticked learning technologies which is we will not be providing. How can I amend this to reflect just bespoke and standard off the shelf services?
If you do not wish to appear under this service/filter you can just not add any prospectus information to this section during the 'Qualified' stage of your application (this is the current stage of the application), as you will not appear in any search unless this has been completed.
04/01/2023 10:02
146. Hello, I understand that we are required to have employer's liability insurance. However, as a team of 3 co-founders, we do not actually employ anyone. How flexible is this requirement? Thank you
Please can you confirm if you are exempt under the Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 and if so under which reason.
20/10/2022 16:10
145. There is a prior information notice CS22415 that requires me to register on DPS first. The opportunity becomes live on Oct 17th. Do I need to register on the DPS before this date, or can I still access the opportunity if I don't register on the DPS until after this date (but before opportunity closes)?
The additional text on the notice states: 'Only suppliers registered on the Standard off the Shelf Training Courses, Coaching & Mentoring and Leadership & Management Learning Category will be invited on the day on launch' So you would need to appointed onto the DPS, on the 17th October to participate.
14/10/2022 11:53
144. Hello - It shows on my Dashboard that I have now been Appointed as a supplier (since Monday 3rd October). However, I cannot see my organisation on the list of appointed suppliers for Learning and Training Services?
This may be a technical issue: you can call NQC (our service provider) on 0161 413 7982 or via email on Support@nqc.com .
06/10/2022 16:54
143. If we want to add a subcontractor, do we do this when responding to a specific opportunity by including schedule 6, or do we have to register the new subcontractor in advance of responding to the opportunity?
Yes, you would include them on Schedule 6 when responding to a specific opportunity.
16/09/2022 15:30
142. Whilst we employ apprentices, as a SME, we will not be bidding for contracts in scope for PPN14/15 (i.e. >£10m and we do not intend to use a supply chain to deliver). We would therefore be grateful if you could confirm if questions 144-146 in Part 3 (Skills and Apprentices) apply to us, or whether they are mandatory.
Questions 144-146 are not mandatory so if they do not apply, you can leave them blank.
09/09/2022 08:06
141. We are a member of a group of companies with an intermediate and ultimate parent companies. As such the Person of Significant Control (PSC) recorded at Companies House is our intermediate parent, and in turn the PSC recorded for them is the ultimate parent company. We would therefore be grateful if you could confirm whether we should provide details of the intermediate parent company as recorded at Companies House or the PSCs for the ultimate parent company in the Persons of Significant Control section. Thanks
This question should be answered with the bidding entities information only
12/09/2022 09:42
140. We note that the DPS Core Terms must be accepted in their entirety as part of the application on to the DPS. Is a Buyer permitted to agree amendments to the Core Terms with a successful bidder at Order Contract stage, following a call for competition under the DPS Agreement, if such amendments are appropriate/ necessary for a particular service provision?
Yes that is correct.
18/08/2022 14:39
139. To support us in assessing resourcing and product selection, are CCS able to provide data on the types of services most often procured, and the types of public sector entities that most often utilise the framework?
Unfortunately as there is no obligation to post on the DPS any contract award notices, the only information we receive are from Supplier MI Returns and these vary in detail.
16/08/2022 13:42
138. Good Afternoon, Is the SOTS Pricing Matrix the only pricing document that need to be completed or are there any others Pricing Matrix such as Bespoke Training? Also, on the SOTS Pricing are you referring to price per day or per course? Thank you,
Yes that is correct, there are no other matrices to complete. With regards price per day or per course, you are free to state either on the matrix.
18/07/2022 16:07

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