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Learning and Training Services


There are 207 clarifications for this DPS

134. Please can the Authority confirm what the role of the DPS Agreement Manager entails?
The DPS Agreement manager is your nominated contact who will receive notifications from the system. For example advising you of any changes to the T&C, Bid Pack or updating your service offerings.
17/06/2022 12:09
132. Hi, ELS have recently completed the application for RM6219. It advises that we are now 'Qualified'. Can you advise what that means please? On the back of that despite having 'Qualified' status we are required to complete additional questions. Can you advise if these questions are mandatory please?
Qualified is the final stage before being Appointed. As per the READ FIRST RM6219 - DPS Needs document contained within the bid pack (page 24), you need to complete the prospectus(es) in relation to your service offering, as this is what customers export when assessing potential providers. This is mandatory, yes.
11/04/2022 11:09
131. Although our status is showing as Appointed we have received a message asking us to upload pricing, which we did as part of the original submission. Please can you advise how we check that our pricing and brochures are showing as uploaded?
Apologies this seems to be a system error. Please ignore.
06/04/2022 10:20
130. We have been accepted. Can you please tell us how to access the page to upload: Our insurance certificates? Our accounts? Our accounts?
You are at the Qualified stage so once you have completed the prospectus information depending on your service offering you will be asked to submit your evidence.
23/03/2022 13:56
129. Hello, We as Capita have already been successfully registered and listed on the DPS for learning and Training services last year. But to our knowledge recently, we noticed that the status of our registration on the dashboard is showing as " Qualified" . Can you please confirm if we need to do something again on that. Thanks, Capita Team
Your application is now back to qualified and you will need to agree/sign the T and C to show as appointed on SRS.
23/03/2022 13:52
128. Where the authority asks for documentary evidence to demonstrate our processes support PPN 14/15, what would a training provider be expected to provide for this?
This would be for you to demonstrate where applicable, how your current training policy, including any policy on apprenticeships, supports developing and maintaining your employees skills required under the contract.
18/03/2022 16:17
127. Relating to the SOTS pricing matrix- Please can you clarify where we will find the infomration to populate column B please (Subject Area)?
The subject area is the Learning Category, as detailed in Appendix 1 - RM6219 Learning and Training Services DPS Filter Matrix in the Customer Needs document within the Bid Pack
14/03/2022 13:51
126. With regards to providing a link to our Quality Assurance report (Q79, Generic Learning and Training Prospectus Template), please could you confirm whether it is a report, or a policy you require as previous clarification responses suggest it may not be a report?
It can be either, if you have an assurance report that you are able to share with customers, please use that. If not please include a link to your policy.
10/03/2022 09:20
125. In response to question 180 of the SQ Evidence Submission section, can the Authority clarify if there is a certificate template available? Or what type of certificate they are expecting to see evidenced.
Q179 - Q181 are not required for this DPS, please mark N/A
07/03/2022 16:53
124. In response to questions 179 of the SQ Evidence Submission section, can the Authority clarify what they mean by 'principle contract' and if there is a value threshold for these?
Q179 - Q181 are not required for this DPS, please mark N/A
07/03/2022 16:53
123. Re the following question within the Standard off the Shelf prospectus template: "Please provide a link to your organisation's training course information" Could you please explain what providers should do when able to provide multiple training courses within one learning category? Will it be acceptable to simply provide a link to our generic training landing page from which Buyers will need to navigate to an individual course, or is there a way to provide multiple links?
Yes this would be acceptable for the Standard Off The Shelf Prospectus, but within the pricing schedule (Attachment 1f) you are able to provide links for each individual course (see Column L on Learning Category Tab).
04/03/2022 15:29
122. On our Selection Questionnaire after Q156 regarding Cyber Essentials Plus, we appear to be presented with a page of questions that are not listed on the SQ document shared within the Bid Pack. These are Q158 - 161 and titled "Part 3: NHS Requirements", please could you advise if these are relevant?
No these questions are not relevant, so please ignore.
03/03/2022 14:58
121. Categories for off-the-shelf training are stated as: Business Skills Coaching & Mentoring Health and Safety Digital, Data & Technology Financial Services Languages Leadership & Management Legal & Compliance LMS Software, Delivery & Content LMS Consultancy NHS Clinical NHS Non-Clinical NHS CPD Project & Programme Management Specialist / Niche Wellbeing Please can the Authority clarify which category HR training would sit under? Thank you
This would sit under the 'Business Skills' category.
11/02/2022 12:10
120. As a supplier 'Appointed' on the Learning and Training Services DPS, how can we add additional subcontractors to our profile?
Your key subcontractors should have been listed as part of the DPS application and can been updated using Joint Schedule 6 - Key Subcontractors (you cannot update the DPS application itself). Any subcontractor used in the delivery of a requirement must be recorded on Schedule 6 - Order form template and order schedules.
27/01/2022 12:33
119. Following a review of the DPS Core Terms by our Legal Team, please could you review and respond to the below questions? 4.11 Pricing and Payments - This clause appears to be inequitable since the Buyer retains the right to retain/set -off payments of any amount owed (4.7) and it is the Buyer who is liable to make payments. Please would it be possible to either make this right reciprocal at 4.11 or if not to explain this position? 24.5 Changing the Contract - This clause references the unknown and thus appears to be unfair that Supplier to bear all the risk of a General Change in Law. Particularly in view of the current climate and all regulations and orders being issued with regards the pandemic, for example, general changes in the law with immense impact on business operations are not beyond the realms of possibility. Should the Supplier have to bear the cost of say, further more stringent COVID restrictions? Please would it be possible to amend this clause or if not to explain this position? 34.6 Resolving Disputes - This clause may be unworkable depending on the nature of the dispute and is unreasonable the Buyer has the right to terminate or suspend a contract (e.g.10.7). Requiring that work continues regardless, secures continuity understandably, but there ought maybe to be some conditions under which the Supplier is entitled to suspend also. Please would it be possible to amend this clause or if not to explain this position?
CCS will not accept any amendment to the DPS Core Terms as we wish to maintain the integrity of the Contract in its current format.
14/01/2022 09:12
118. Thank you for your response to our previous clarification, however our query is in relation to the timescale for logging and acknowledging complaints within 24 hours as stated at the bottom of Page 5 Schedule 1 Specification, not the timescales for resolution and associated KPIs. "All complaints shall be logged and acknowledged within twenty four 24 hours of receipt". Could you please confirm if this should be 1 working day for the reasons queried in our original clarification?
Yes, this should read 1 working day.
06/01/2022 12:55
117. With regards to the Complaints Handling requirement for all complaints to be logged and acknowledged within 24 hours of receipt, could CCS please clarify; should this be a working day as opposed to 24 hours? It would not be possible to achieve 24 hours in some circumstances e.g., if a complaint was received on a Saturday when supplier staff will not be back in office until the following Monday.
Please see Schedule 4 - DPS Management paragraph 4.1: Complaints shall be resolved within 10 working days of receipt and 100% within 20 working days of receipt unless otherwise agreed with the Contracting Authorities.
06/01/2022 12:22
116. Regarding Order Schedule 6 (ICT Services), the term "ICT Services" is used with capital letters but is not defined. Could you please provide a definition of such term?
This will be defined by the Buyer as part of their Deliverables. Please refer to para 2.1 of DPS Order Schedule 6 - ICT Services.
04/01/2022 08:54
115. •Regarding Schedule 12 (Lease Terms) could you please clarify to which equipment these Lease Terms would apply? Section 1 of this Schedule states the following "The Buyer has decided to lease Equipment under the DPS Contract using DPS Schedule 7 (Order Award Procedure)", however in DPS Schedule 7 (Order Award Procedure) we see no reference to this lease option. If this is something that a Buyer could decide to do at Order Contract level, could you please clarify the scope of this lease option.
The DPS T&C's are standard and the order schedules are optional depending on the requirement / organisations involved. Therefore not all schedules will be applicable as part of the call off agreement that is agreed between customer and supplier.
22/12/2021 09:17
114. •Regarding Order Schedule 11 (Installation Work) could you please clarify to which type of Deliverables this Schedule could apply based on the scope of this Framework? More specifically the definition of "Installation Works" refers to the works that the Supplier has to carry out at the beginning of the Order Contract Period to install the Goods. Could you clarify which type of Good would have to be installed in relation to training/learning services?
The DPS T&C's are standard and the order schedules are optional depending on the requirement / organisations involved. Therefore not all schedules will be applicable as part of the call off agreement that is agreed between customer and supplier.
22/12/2021 09:17

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