There are 207 clarifications for this DPS
113. Could you also clarify if CCS would accept commercial and business reasons (eg supplier considers it doesn't have sufficient resources available), as acceptable reasons for not participating in a further competition?
Yes these would be acceptable.
22/12/2021 09:15
112. •According to DPS Schedule 7 (Order Procedure) we understand that a Supplier can always decide not to tender, when invited to do so. However, clause 3.8 of DPS Schedule 4 (DPS Management) indicates that a failure to bid could lead to a suspension from the DPS if a Supplier repeatedly fails to bid on further competitions without an acceptable reason. Could you please clarify what does CCS mean by "a repeated failure to bid" (how many refusal to bid? - over which period of time? - would be considered under this clause).
This would be treated on a case by case basis, depending on the reason for the declines.
22/12/2021 09:15
111. In regards to question 22 to 29 in RM6219, I was hoping you could provide some clarity.We will be able to provide you with the information for our third party suppliers, as there is a handful of companies that we work with. However in regards to our setup for delivering sessions, we have a very large pool of coaches who are technically sub-contractors. When we work with a client we will scope who is the best coach from our pool to use (based on criteria such as the audience, learning needed and industry). Therefore, would it be sufficient for us to submit 5 coaches' details (VAT, DUNS and Company Registration Number ), and then if we are selected for work, we can provide the specific coach details for the project.
Yes that is ok, any subcontractor used must be recorded on Schedule 6 - Order form template and order schedules
13/12/2021 08:18
110. In regards to question 133 in RM6219 'Are you able to provide details of your first example contract? Can we provide this for 2nd and 3rd contract?: (Yes/No) Please provide details'. Confirmed with our Legal Department, we cannot share actual client data with anyone as we cannot share the personal details of client contacts (not authorized the disclosure of commercially sensitive information; name of customer, start and end date and estimated contract value, etc). But on Question 137 in RM6219, 'If you cannot provide at least one example customer contract (Question 133), in no more than 500 words please provide an explanation for this e.g. your organisation is a new start-up or you have provided services in the past but not under a contract'. Is none of those situations, the reason is explained above (not authorized the disclosure of commercially sensitive information), but we can relate to RM6145 where you already have a contract with us on this), would you need also our MSA template?
Please just confirm in Q137 the reason why you cannot provide details i.e. not authorized the disclosure of commercially sensitive information.
13/12/2021 08:19
109. In regards to question 21 in RM6219 'The approximate % of contractual obligations assigned to the sub-contractor', will you please be able to clarify what this question mean? We are not very clear on what % it is indicating to. We have a very large pool of coaches who are technically sub-contractors. When we work with a client, the % will vary massively from coach to coach - we have some coaches who deliver for us on a regular basis whereas others only deliver a handful of times a year.
The % is only an indicative number, but you must enter 1% or more to progress with your application.
13/12/2021 08:20
108. Could CCS please confirm if SQ questions under the heading "Part 3: NHS Requirements apply to this DPS? In the SQ document within the Bid Pack the final SQ questions are regarding Cyber Essentials, however we have clicked continue and have an additional page of questions to answer as below:
Part 3: NHS Requirements
You are 86% through this questionnaire
This section gathers information required from organisations applying for NHS and health related contracts in the public sector.
158. Does your organisation provide temporary labour to the health sector?
159. Is your organisation a member of The Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC)?
160. Is your organisation a member of any other Professional/Trade Association?
161. Does your organisation have a fully comprehensive occupational health screening service in place?
Yes (additional questions requiring attachments appear if Yes is selected for this question)
No these questions are not relevant, so please ignore.
12/04/2022 07:54
107. With regards to the Self Audit Certificate and report requirement, please could CCS define what is meant by an "appropriate and legitimate procurement route"?
Furthermore, are suppliers expected to inform CCS which customers the invoices inspected that are not supplied under the DPS relate to? It is a common occurrence in public sector contracts that confidentiality clauses in agreements will prevent this.
For any order that has been placed outside of the DPS by a Public Body, it has been procured in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
No, details are not required.
06/12/2021 12:42
106. There is a 300 word limit per free text box in the prospectuses - does that equate to each text box in the exported PDF version of the box having a 300 word limit? I.e. in the Generic Prospectus, under the section 'About your organisation', would that have a 300 word limit?
Yes that is correct.
02/12/2021 16:10
105. Thanks you for the response you provided on the 3rd of November which stated "No, the only pricing required for this DPS is for Standard Off The Shelf training". For the Learning and Training Services (Learning Technologies) the MI Template (Attachment 3 in the bid pack) identifies for the categories LMS Consultancy and LMS Software delivery and content that the pricing model can be either (or both) Bespoke or Standard_off_the_Shelf. The Learning Technologies prospectus (Attachment 1d) sets out the requirement for our response regarding how we would implement, advise, improve and integrate these technologies in a client organisation (for which we would expect to propose Bespoke pricing). It also sets out questions concerning training delivery (such as delivery modes, locations, delegate numbers etc). We don't believe we would provide training of this nature. Are we correct to assume that we can propose a 'Bespoke' only response for this area?
Yes that is correct.
02/12/2021 16:11
104. •Is the expectation for courses under this DPS to be deliver onsite at customer premises or within providers' own premises? Again this limits the usefulness of Table 1 on the SOTS pricing matrix as an increase or reduction of cost cannot be standardised between these two delivery methods.
If you can offer both options then we would recommend you add 2 lines on the matrix and state in the Delivery Platform / Location column (column G) where training can be provided and if there are any discounts available state this in column L - Additional Information / Link to course material
02/12/2021 16:11
103. •With regards to the Customer Satisfaction KPI, please could you confirm what the customer satisfaction survey looks like? Is this something CCS will make available to customers?
This is something that our Customer Service Centre (CSC) manages , where an NPS survey is sent out for all enquiries received via
21/12/2021 11:07
102. •With regards to the Supplier Responsiveness KPI, please could you confirm if the time measurement of this KPI is paused if we as a Supplier require further information from a customer before we can resolve/full respond to correspondence?
This KPI would normally be in relation to the Performance Indicatiors in DPS Schedule 4 - DPS Management, but yes if it was in relation to a customer then the time measurement would be paused to allow a response.
02/12/2021 16:12
101. •Could CCS please confirm if Suppliers are bound to accept any award through the DPS, be it via Standard Award or through Rapid Award?
No, suppliers are not bound to accept any award.
02/12/2021 16:12
100. Please advise, in regards to Standard OTS Training, what learning category HR training would fall under?
Business Skills
01/12/2021 16:49
99. Please clarify if the link for Q 133 will be in the public domain or will it only be available for DPS Buyers to access. Our link will contain commercially sensitive information (e.g. pricing) and we would like to ensure it is only used for the purposes of the framework.
No, only DPS Buyers that access the system will be able to see this link.
01/12/2021 07:18
98. With regards to providing a link to a Quality Assurance Report/Policy for Q37 - suppliers bidding for multiple service types could have multiple documents that could apply to this question given the nature of each service and particular sector regulations/requirements, and furthermore these are not things that may not typically available via hyperlink. Please could you advise how or if multiple documents can be provided and if considerations could be made for attaching them rather than providing links?
This forms part of the Selection Questionnaire and will only be viewed by CCS in the first instance unless a customer request's further evidence at the award stage.
29/11/2021 11:45
97. Could you please confirm which documents have been updated/replaced since 21st October?
Attachment 2 - MI Template
Customer Needs v2.0
Schedule 1 - Specification v4.0
29/11/2021 11:45
96. We are concerned that the 'Standard OTS Training' tab on the OTS pricing matrix will not work efficiently or effectively as multiple courses could be offered within a given Learning Category, each with differing costs that impact ability to offer discounts and resits etc. How can customers evaluate the true benefit of information given on this tab?
We note from a response to another bidder that we are advised to explain the differences within the text box on this tab, but is there not a risk that customer evaluations will potentially be flawed and unfair as a standardised comparison is not possible per course?
As per previous advice we would recommend where possible you input your prices including any discount. If you feel additional explanation is need we again advise to put this in the text box provided or alternatively in the 'Additional Information / Link to course material' column on the matrix itself.
As with any bid evaluation it would be the responsibility of the buyer / customer to contact a supplier(s) to clarify any areas they are unsure about before making any award decision.
29/11/2021 11:46
95. Please would it be possible to confirm if there is a way to receive automatic updates when any clarifications questions are answered relating to this DPS and not just those raised by ourselves?
No unfortunately the system is not configured in this way.
29/11/2021 11:46
94. Please would it be possible to confirm the number of customers that have signed up to use the DPS at this stage?
No unfortunately, the registration process for SRS is not DPS specific.
29/11/2021 11:47