There are 207 clarifications for this DPS
52. Are there any documents to sign as part of the on boarding process?
No you will complete all the onboarding in SRS including the electronic acceptance to the Terms & Conditions and the DPS Appointment Form.
21/10/2021 12:57
51. Must the prospectuses be completed and submitted in the format they are in when I first accessed them the bid pack? Or do we have free reign to format them and present them as we see fit?
Is there any benefit of formatting the prospectuses professionally? How is the information from the prospectuses translated into the DPS?
The prospectuses are all completed in the SRS system and Customers will export the completed prospectus information into an Excel sheet.
21/10/2021 12:57
50. The organisation I represent is planning to bid for Bespoke Training & Learning Technology lots under this Framework. Can you please confirm that all we have to submit during the on boarding process is 1) the SQ, 2) the DPSQ and 3) a General, Bespoke & Learning Technologies prospectus?
Yes that is correct.
21/10/2021 12:55
49. Please clarify if there is any scoring criteria attached to the DPSQ responses. Our understanding is that once we have passed the pass/fail criteria in the SQ and entered into the agreeing phase, you will not then "score" our DPSQ responses like in a competitive tender process. Instead, these responses will form part of the profile that DPS customers can browse and filter when looking for a supplier. Please confirm if this understanding is correct. Thank you.
Yes this is correct.
20/10/2021 09:20
48. Please clarify if our case studies and contract examples will remain confidential or if they will be distributed to potential DPS customers.
The only contract example questions for this DPS are in the Selection Questionnaire, which customers will only be able to see on request and acceptance by the supplier.
Using the DPS filters customers are able to view/export the prospectus information when doing a Rapid award.
20/10/2021 09:21
47. Can CCS please clarify how it will work if we want to add subcontractors at a later stage after the DPSQ submission?
If this is a to be a Key Subcontractor you will need to notify CCS of this in writing, see Joint Schedule 6 - Key Subcontractors
Any subcontractor(s) used in a contract must also be detailed on DPS Schedule 6 - Order Form Template and Order Schedules.
20/10/2021 09:22
46. Attachment 1 PRICING - we understand that completion of Table 2 is mandatory. But please can you clarify how it will form part of the DPS Agreement to ensure price transparency and assist verification of value for money in provision of the Services? Will this be publicly shared with other providers? On the portal? With buyers?
The pricing matrices will be used by customers only to compare prices for standard off the shelf training courses as a result of a category portfolio search. This information will not be shared with other providers.
19/10/2021 08:05
44. We note in previous clarification answers that the target audience for this framework RM6219 is "the Wider Public Sector by which we mean Local Authorities, NHS, Emergency Services, Charities, Not for Profit, Devolved Admins".
We also note in previous clarification answers that "the services offered through RM6219 are intended to compliment RM6145 and not compete with it."
As the existing RM6145 framework agreement is "open to all UK public sector organisations, including all associated bodies within Central Government, Arm's Length Bodies (ALB's) and Agencies, Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPB's), National Health Service (NHS) Bodies, Emergency Services, Local Authorities, Devolved Administrations and the Wider Public Sector (WPS)" our question is, as an existing supplier on the RM6145 framework agreement, what is the benefit to the end client if they were to access our services via this RM6219 framework instead of the existing RM6145 framework? Thank you.
RM6145 is a direct award framework, where customers access training though a Prime Vendor. In response to customer feedback through our engagement activites, RM6219 offers a direct relationship between customer and supplier and enables customers to find both standard and niche training options, from a wide pool of pre-qualified independent providers (SMEs) alongside large providers, in one system.
19/10/2021 08:05
43. We are now completing Generic Prospectus questions 37 onwards however there seems to be a character count of 300 which is only paragraph to cover all bullets within the questions, is this correct as 300 characters will only cover minor part of the question. Also on the pricing
Please can you clarify when it asks for RRP should we be stating our full RRP or do they want the prices we would charge to their organisations (we would be offering discounted rates).
Also, can you kindly clarify when it says a pricing matrix for each training category can they confirm by learning category. Is Health and Safety' one learning category. Or would first aid be one training category, manual handling one category, fire warden one category etc
Unfortunately this is a system error and will not be fully rectified until the 21st October. You can still progress with your application and you will be able to update the relevant questions to include further detai from the 22nd October onwards.
Please state the discounted prices as this information will be used by customers when doing a desktop evaluation of their options.
A separate pricing matrix is required for each Learning Category. In this example all 3 courses would fall under the Learning Category - Health and Safety, so one matrix is required.
15/10/2021 15:11
42. Apologies if we have missed this, but are we required to complete the Attachment 3 - RM6219 Learning and Training Services Financial Assessment Template v1.0 given? If yes, then where do we upload this file?
No, you only need to complete this if your D&B credit check score is below 50.
Please see READ ME document - Paragraph 51 for more information.
15/10/2021 15:13
41. In regards to Q144-146, can we confirm that "supporting apprenticeships and skills development" refers to a supplier's support for the apprenticeship policy through employment of apprentices in delivery of the services being procured under RM6219?
Yes that is correct.
15/10/2021 15:13
40. In regards to Q54, where there is only space for one postcode next to a delivery method, what approach should be taken if there are multiple venues where training can be delivered?
You can only enter one postcode and radius for each filter option within the questionnaire. With multiple locations you are able to use one postcode and set the radius to the United Kingdom to cover a wider area.
19/10/2021 17:54
39. In regards to Q33, what is CCS's definition of an Authorised Representative?
Someone who has delegated authority to sign contracts on behalf of the organisation.
15/10/2021 15:14
37. Reference Q8. Q37 you have requested website link to quality assurance report. Please clarify your expectation of this as Quality assurance report is not usually in public domain. Thanks
This would be a link to your Quality Assurance Policy.
Q)Would it be possible to upload the policy as opposed to providing a link.
There is no facility to upload a document for this question. But you can provide a link to a PDF document.
20/10/2021 16:26
36. We note in your answer to Question 23. that the target audience for this framework RM6219 is "the Wider Public Sector by which we mean Local Authorities, NHS, Emergency Services, Charities, Not for Profit, Devolved Admins".
We also note in your answer to Question 6. that "the services offered through RM6219 are intended to compliment RM6145 and not compete with it."
As the existing RM6145 framework agreement is "open to all UK public sector organisations, including all associated bodies within Central Government, Arm's Length Bodies (ALB's) and Agencies, Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPB's), National Health Service (NHS) Bodies, Emergency Services, Local Authorities, Devolved Administrations and the Wider Public Sector (WPS)" our question is (as an existing supplier on the RM6145 framework agreement) what is the benefit to the end client if they were to access our services via this RM6219 framework instead of the existing RM6145 framework? Thank you.
RM6145 is a direct award framework, where customers access training though a Prime Vendor. In response to customer feedback through our engagement activities, RM6219 offers a direct relationship between customer and supplier and enables customers to find both standard and niche training options, from a wide pool of pre-qualified independent providers (SMEs) alongside large providers, in one system.
22/10/2021 10:02
35. Hello could you give more detail please on your expectations of what you would like to be uploaded for Q177 & Q179
Q177 - This is confirmation whether or not you that can deliver the services now or something you are looking to do in the future
Q179 - This would be a link to your company's website or a page where you can detail more information about the Standard Off The Shelf Courses you can deliver.
14/10/2021 13:35
34. DPS Order Schedule 17 MOD Terms as found in Bid Pack 4 appears to be the incorrect document. The text within the document refers to Exit Management. Please could you provide the correct version of this Schedule? Thanks.
Yes, apologies this is an error and will be rectified on the 21st October as part of the system update (See Q11).
14/10/2021 13:35
33. We note that the liability for each call off contract under RM6219 is £5m per annum or 150% of fees (whichever is higher), plus £10m per annum for data protection.
In some lots (such as the standard off the shelf lot) there will be a high volume of small orders. How should we interpret the liability clause in this context, as we were not sure that £5m and £10m liability per booking was correct or appropriate? We assume that the liability limit is applicable to the entire annual spend per supplier?
This is per each Order Contract or Contract as written, definitions can be found in Joint Schedule 1 definitions. If further understanding of interpretation is required please seek your own legal advice.
20/10/2021 16:30
32. Section 2.6 of the Core Terms requires that when "...the Supplier is approached by any Other Contracting Authority requesting Deliverables or substantially similar goods or services, the Supplier must tell them about this DPS Contract before accepting their order." Please could I ask how you envisage that this is to work in practice? What steps does the CCS plan to take to monitor contacts between DPS suppliers and non-DPS enquirers?
The terms are as written, if further understanding of interpretation is required please seek your own legal advice.
CCS will monitor this as part of its Supplier Relationship Management process.
20/10/2021 16:36
31. Reference Pricing matrix for SOTS, Standard OTS Training tab:
oIs this entire tab to be completed for each Learning Category (rather than in total across entire response or at a course level)? - there is no cell in the tab to identify which Learning Category it relates to.
oDoes the client recognise and accept that it is not possible to confirm a single price for a re-sit (cell D19) because each Learning Category includes multiple courses with wide ranging levels of cost for the exam element - therefore we will not be able to commit to a single price point and will, instead, have to describe approach in narrative in the text box (B20-D28)
oTable 2 - Does the client recognise and accept that these cost % will be an estimate because each Learning Category contains multiple courses with different weightings of cost components and therefore this will have to be an average based on an assumed weighting of course consumption
•Learning Category tab:
oCan we submit multiple options in column F (i.e. Virtual, and F-2-F and hybrid) all with same price point or do we need to create individual rows for each?
Many thanks
A separate spreadsheet is required for each Learning Category, please input the name of the Learning Category in Row 1 in the 3rd tab - 'Learning Category' so it is clear for the customer.
Yes, please describe this in the text box B20 - D28
Table 2 is a guide to help customers understand your pricing methodology.
Yes you can input multiple options in column F as long as they are at the same price point.
14/10/2021 13:36