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Open Banking


There are 35 clarifications for this DPS

15. Can CCS provide the security policy referred to in DPS Order Schedule 9 - Security.
No, this is an order schedule. This will be included by buyer / supplier as part of their contract.
11/01/2024 08:22
14. Can the CCS confirm whether suppliers who are intending on providing COP services fall under Part A or Part B of the Security Requirements?
No, as this is an order schedule, the buyer will dictate which security requirement is appropriate based on their requirements within their contract.
11/01/2024 08:22
13. Regarding questions on parent companies in Attachment 3a FVRA tabs 3.2 and 3.3, and OBSQ sections 3.1.3-3.1.7: Our parent company does not produce audited financial accounts. Our parent company is a non-operating/holding company. As such it only holds shareholder funds and incurs only minor legal costs, and does not have an obligation to produce audited accounts. Please can you advise how we should answer questions/sections asking for audited parent company accounts?
You can include this information on the FVRA itself if you cannot provide the parent company accounts. in the section 2 tabs, covering evidence, please include as much information to cover this as possible. This will be viewed and assessed by commercial finance colleagues when they undertake the FVRA assessment.
11/01/2024 08:21
12. This text appears within the supplier questionnaire - but there is no question 1.33.2? "Note: if you have indicated 'no' at question 1.33.2 your action plan must also address steps taken to pay within agreed terms."
There is no question 1.33.2 in the Open Banking questionnaire. Please ensure you're accessing this correct selection questionnaire. Access the DPS Marketplace, scroll to 'Open Banking' and click 'access as a supplier' to ensure you're accessing the correct questionnaire
11/01/2024 08:20
11. Please can you confirm what information you require for questions 3.8.4-7 in the supplier questionnaire?
As answered in clarification question 1, The Open Banking SQ does not have questions 3.8.4 - 3.8.7; please make sure you are using the Open Banking SQ and not the standard SQ. Access the DPS Marketplace, scroll to 'Open Banking' and click 'access as a supplier' to ensure you're accessing the correct questionnaire.
11/01/2024 08:20
10. For Supplier Questionnaire section 3.9: 1) Please can you advise what is meant by Carbon Reduction Plan? Does it need to include a suppliers supply chain and their clients or only the suppliers own operations? 2) Please can you advise what data is required re Scope 3 emissions? 3) There is reference to "Steel in major projects" - as this opportunity relates to Open Banking, we assume this is a N/A answer and you are not seeking information on (for example) aspects of a supply chain sustainable engagement programme?
Further information on the carbon reduction plan (CRP) can be found in the bid pack, along with a CRP template. This information is in 'bid pack part 1 (general)'.
11/01/2024 08:19
9. Regarding 2.3.2 (payments in - payments page design and build) - is there an expectation to build and manage a new platform for the technical provision of back end solutions? If the provision of a specific platform is not on offer, are suppliers excluded from the wider payments in opportunity?
A full detailed overview of each of the services available on the DPS is included in the DPS Specification (DPS Schedule 1). It is recommended to read that before selecting your service offerings to ensure you match the criteria.
11/01/2024 08:18
8. Please can you clarify who the supplier is in the context of supplier questionnaire question 5.1?
The organisation applying to join the DPS is the supplier in this instance.
11/01/2024 08:18
7. Please can you provide additional information regarding the Settlement Route question (3.16.5) in the supplier questionnaire?
Further information can be found in the DPS Specification - DPS Schedule 1
11/01/2024 08:17
6. We assume we need to submit the initial supplier questionnaire before a second Open Banking specific questionnaire will be accessible via the portal? As with previous HMG procurements involving the completion of supplier questionnaires, is it possible for suppliers to download the 2 questionnaires in a more usable format than PDF?
The questionnaire is completed online via the DPS Marketplace on the 'Supplier Registration' platform. A PDF of all potential questions, covering both the selection questionnaire element (SQ) and Open Banking specific questions (DPSQ) in one document is within the bid pack to review in advance of completing the questionnaire online. There is no other available means of accessing the questionnaire.
11/01/2024 08:17
5. Hi, I am unsure what Qu 3.20.8 (commercially sensitive information) needs as a response - can you please explain what to enter here?
This question asks for details around commercially sensitive information relating to your application for the DPS - if any. If there is no commercially sensitive information to declare, please just put NA and proceed to the next question.
11/01/2024 08:16
4. Hi, For Q1.2.1 Professional or Trade register details - is this where we add the OB register details? And 1.4.1 add FCA FRN registrations details? Just want to make sure I have it the right way round. Thanks
For Q1.2.1 please input the registration number you hold for the Open Banking Directory and for Q1.4.1, please input the number you hold for the FCA register.
20/12/2023 14:20
3. Hi Team, Is there a way to remove a questionnaire submission to and/or to resubmit it
Please contact the Supplier Registration Service support team using the "contact us" information in the Get in touch section of the SRS portal (in the footer section).
20/12/2023 09:56
2. Hello team, if a supplier does not have the Cyber Essentials certificate but confirms they have it (are in the process of applying and receiving it), can they be appointed and be visible on the DPS from January if everything else is in order? How much time do we have to then provide the actual certificate? (it seems to take around 2 months from application to approval)
It is a mandatory requirement that suppliers hold a current, valid Cyber Essentials certificate. This will be checked during the assessment to join the DPS using your cyber essentials number which must be provided as part of your application. If you are in the process of obtaining cyber essentials, it may be best to wait until you have your cyber essentials to include as part of your DPS application.
19/12/2023 10:11
1. Hello team, Please can you confirm what specific information you require for sections 3.8.4. - 3.8.7 from bidders? Also, please can you clarify what evidence you require to support this? Thanks
The Open Banking SQ does not have questions 3.8.4 - 3.8.7; please make sure you are using the Open Banking SQ and not the standard SQ.
15/12/2023 11:39

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