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Occupational Health and Related Services


There are 26 clarifications for this DPS

6. 1. Does the new CCS DPS superseed the CCS Framework? If so, when? Thank you
The DPS will replace the existing framework RM6182 following the framework expiry date of 22/03/2025. Until this date they will run concurrently.
26/09/2024 09:24
5. Good afternoon, Please could we a response to our clarification question? Thanks PAM Group
26/09/2024 09:23
4. Are we able to add an additional sub contractor to the providers that we would be using at a later date or do they all need to be added at the start of the process?
Please refer to the DPS needs document (Bid Pack part 1 - RM6296 READ FIRST RM6296-DPS Needs v1.0) around key subcontractors (p7 of DPS needs doc). This states: We recognise that arrangements in relation to Subcontracting and Consortiums may be subject to future change, and may not be finalised until a later date. However, any changes to those arrangements may affect your ability to deliver the RM6296 Occupational Health and Related Services requirements. You must therefore tell us about any changes to the proposed Subcontracting or to the Consortium. If you do not, you may be excluded or removed from the DPS.
26/09/2024 09:21
3. Could the Commissioner please share a copy of the DPSQ that details the procurement specific related questions and requirements we will be asked to complete for each programme.
This will be found in the DPSQ, which details the requirements. A copy of the DPSQ is available in PDF format in the bid pack (Bid Pack part 1 - Attachment 5 - RM6296 Occupational Health and Related Services SQ DPSQ PDF). The SQ sits within the DPSQ, and that deals with procurement specific requirements (such as modern slavery, service lines, etc). This starts on p128 of DPSQ.
26/09/2024 09:18
2. Hi, I have downloaded the bid pack but am unable to find the RM6296 Quick supplier guide - How to apply paperwork. Please can you confirm this is attached in the folder
Please refer to the Read First doc (part 1 of bid pack - RM6296 READ FIRST RM6296-DPS NEEDS v1.0), this gives all the details on how to register.
26/09/2024 09:17
1. Good afternoon, Please see clarification questions below: - Could we receive the questionnaire in an excel format for ease of completion? - Could we please request the pricing matrices as separate attachments for each service so that our team can start working on these? Thanks PAM Group
We are unable to share the questionnaire in Excel or other format, it must be completed through the website. The pricing matrices are available further through the DPSQ - as you go through the DPSQ there will be links to click on and fill in, this all needs to all be completed through the system.
26/09/2024 09:17

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