There are 101 clarifications for this DPS
105. Hi,
In Question 57 Cofirmation of Services asks: Please confirm if you wish to provide a second contract example. We have provided already a letter for one of the Schools Project details I submitted previously.
The guidance of the question says 'if you are applying to provide services under only one service heading then you are required to supply one contract example. If you are applying to provide services under more than one service heading then you are required to supply 2 contract examples', my question is what do you mean with service heading? Is it mandatory that we need to provide another Confirmation of Services letter?
The term 'service heading' is relating to the technical or professional service you are providing. You are asked for an example of a contract where you have delivered services, similar to those you have ticked as able to provide in the filter matrix (sectioned into services headings such as Architectural design services / Environmental Engineering etc) If you select more than 1 service, it is mandatory to provide another contract example specifically relating to that service.
31/07/2023 16:34
103. Is the Carbon Reduction Plan relating to what we design or about our own carbon emissions?
The organisations own carbon emissions. The Carbon Reduction Plan should detail the organisation's commitment to reducing carbon, within the plan you are required to briefly provide details of some of your completed carbon reduction achievements. This may include environmental management measures such as certification schemes like ISO14001 or PAS 2060, signing up to SBTI or specific measures you have taken such as;the adoption of LED/PIR lighting controls, changes to policy resulting in reduction in company travel and flights or the electrification of the company fleet
Guidance / resources & tools such as a carbon reduction report template are available to support suppliers construct their carbon reduction plan.
Please refer to PPN 06/21 Policy note and guidelines
12/07/2023 14:56
102. Is there an acceptable alternative means of getting evidence of completion, as we are not comfortable asking CEOs to sign off completion certificates?
Hello, Your original query has been answered in your most recent question 2603.
29/06/2023 17:11
101. We are applying to the Construction Professional Services DPS aka RM6242, and are wondering whether there is an acceptable alternative means of getting evidence of completion, as political tensions at particular authorities mean we are not comfortable asking CEOs to sign off completion certificates?
Unfortunately there is no other way to evidence completion of a service. Perhaps an example with another customer could be used or you could ask someone else from within the organisation for a reference or sign off.
29/06/2023 17:10
100. Please could you confirm if it is possible to apply for the DPS twice? Once as a solo company and again as a consortium? Many thanks
To confirm it is acceptable to apply to the RM6242 DPS as both a solo company and a consortium, you will need to complete the application process for both.
27/06/2023 10:51
99. Hello, in relation to questions 58 and 60 of the DPS, please can you confirm if the question 'Please describe the contract and how its performance demonstrates construction professional services for customers' is scored? We note the character limit is only 500 so would therefore like to provide more information if so. Many thanks
Unfortunately you cannot exceed the character limit given per question. You will be required to condense your answer down in order to move onto the next question.
28/06/2023 11:31
98. In the READMEFIRST RM6242 Document, it states that Q133-135 requesting contract examples is not applicable. However in the Confirmation of Services question in the DPSQ as below it asks the following:
'53. Please confirm you are able to provide details of your contract example for RM6242.
If a contract example is not provided your organisation will be deemed as non compliant and will therefore be rejected from the RM6242 DPS.'
Could you please clarify, as it seems the 'I confirm' box following this question needs to be ticked to proceed.
Many thanks
The contract examples within the Selection Questionnaire are not required for joining the Dynamic Purchasing System. There are questions in the Selection Questionnaire that are not applicable for the RM6242 Construction Professional Services DPS Procurement. Therefore please note a response is NOT required to the questions as detailed below..
Part 1- (Contract example 1) - Question 133 - Are you able to provide details of your First example contract? Part 1- (Contract example 2) - Question 134 - Are you able to provide details of your Second example contract? Part 1- (Contract example 3) - Question 135 - Are you able to provide details of your Third example contract? Part 3- (The safe supply of Steel) Question 147- Question 149 Part 3- (Supply Chain) Question 147 Question 150- 154
14/06/2023 16:22
97. In Response to clarification 2571 my query relates to Questions 153 and 154 of the DPSQ and not the SQ, I've reworded my query below.
Can CCS please confirm why at least one option has to be selected for the Additional Capability Options in questions 153 and 154 of the DPSQ? The guidance in these questions suggests that an answer shouldn't have to be provided.
These questions are mandatory because suppliers need to have at least one of the listed Security Clearance Levels & at least one of the Data Security Accreditations in order to be appointed to the DPS.
01/06/2023 10:24
96. Can CCS please confirm why an answer has to be provided for the Additional Capability Questions 153 and 154? The guidance in these questions suggests that an answer shouldn't have to be provided.
CCS can confirm that bidders are not required to answer questions 150-154. Confirmation of this can be found at paragraph 73 of the DPS needs document.
30/05/2023 15:26
95. I am in the process of completing the Construction Professional Services questionnaire. I only provided 2 of the 3 possible contract examples and in order to proceed with the rest of the questionnaire declined the option of providing a third example at the time. I would now like to go back and provide the third contract example but do not seem to have the option to edit this part of the questionnaire anymore. Are you able to advise how to resolve this.
The Selection Questionnaire is not editable once it has been submitted,
However the contract examples in this section of the application are not required for joining the Dynamic Purchasing System:
There are questions in the Selection Questionnaire that are not applicable for the RM6242 Construction Professional Services DPS Procurement. Therefore please note a response is NOT required to the questions as detailed below..
Part 1- (Contract example 1) - Question 133 - Are you able to provide details of your First example contract?
Part 1- (Contract example 2) - Question 134 - Are you able to provide details of your Second example contract?
Part 1- (Contract example 3) - Question 135 - Are you able to provide details of your Third example contract?
Part 3- (The safe supply of Steel) Question 147- Question 149
Part 3- (Supply Chain) Question 147 Question 150- 154
04/04/2023 16:33
94. Hi there. Please could we receive a response to the query we submitted last month? We are keen to conclude the registration process. Thank You.
Your original query has been answered.
07/02/2023 09:07
93. Hi there. Please could we receive a response to the query we submitted last month? We are keen to conclude the registration process. Thank You.
Your original query has been answered.
07/02/2023 09:07
92. What is construction professional services?
The RM6242 DPS is a public sector Sourcing tool for Construction professional, technical and associated services and it supports the Construction Professional Services Framework
Services offered under the scope of this agreement will include (but are not limited to):
Project Management, Engineering and Cost Consultancy and Design Services
Architectural, urban planning, building services and surveyors
Environmental and sustainability services: for example, Carbon Neutral, green advisory and planning for smart cities
Please follow the below link to find more information.
06/02/2023 09:53
91. '59. Please describe the contract and how its performance demonstrates construction professional services for customers:'
Is above question marked? If so how?
Hello, this question is marked on a pass/fail grading system. Please find the compliance criteria below:
Examples can be public or private sector;
Examples provided must relate to contracts performed during
the past 3 years, prior to this DPS application to be valid; (CCS
confirms that it would be acceptable if the project
examples/programme had a phase that covered a defined piece
of work and the bidder had completed all activities and
deliverables associated with this phase)
Customer contact provided must be notified by you that they
may be contacted by the Authority (the Authority reserves the
right to verify the accuracy of contract details provided);
Example must be for Services and capabilities that you selected
within the DPS Filter and examples clearly and unambiguously
fall within the scope of the requirement;
Example of a contract awarded under a Framework Agreement
via a Call Off contract will be considered valid, but Framework
Agreements themselves will NOT be considered valid;
Customer contact provided must not have been employed or
appointed by your organisation, or from within your associated
group of companies, within the past 3 years prior to this
application to the DPS;
Example may cover situations where your organisation was
acting as prime contractor, subcontractor or part of a Group of
Economic Operators
10/02/2023 15:17
89. We are on the agreeing stage of the DPS, currently reviewing the appointment form and T&Cs. Could you confirm if there is a deadline in which we need to complete and sign those documents by?
There is no deadline as such, however please send at your earliest convenience, so that your status can move to appointed.
25/01/2023 10:28
88. We are answering Q179 and Q180 - how many examples do we need to provide?
Question 179 & 180 do not require an upload of documentary evidence. Rather, Bidders should describe contract examples at the relevant question in the DPSQ (ie, question 56) and upload a letter of confirmation of works at the relevant question of the DPSQ (ie, question 58)
25/01/2023 10:27
87. We have recently completed the last phase of the Questionnaires and the query has been returned to say that we need to have a CRP in place. We did include in that answer that we are actually completing our Plan at the moment for publishing in early 2023. Is this not acceptable to move forward with the application? Thank you.
CCS can confirm that the completion and publication of a Carbon Reduction Plan is a mandatory requirement for DPS appointment where suppliers will be delivering contracts of over £5m in value. Please note PPN 06/21 references these plans for services with an anticipated contract value above £5m per annum (ex vat)
20/01/2023 14:35
86. We have already provided contract examples at stage 1 and 2 of the questionnaires. What do you mean by provide documentary evidence for a list of relevant principal contracts for goods/and or services provided in the last 3 years. What evidence do you require?
CCS can confirm that bidders are not required to answer questions 150-154. Confirmation of this can be found at paragraph 73 of the DPS needs document.
20/01/2023 14:35
85. Our SQ is already submitted however a particular contract example does not match up with one we have provided in the second stage of the questionnaire so we would like to change it please, is this possible? Also, our first set of contract examples have limited information so was wondering if you required more information.
Unfortunately, the Standard Selection Questionnaire cannot be amended once submitted and must be completed again.
We would advise you to contact who will be able to assist in copying the information you have provided into a new application, saving you the trouble of re entering it all. At that point, you will be able to amend your responses accordingly.
For assistance with your application, could you please liaise with the support service for Supplier Registration at:
SRS service desk; +44 (0) 161 413 7982
20/01/2023 14:34
84. Are you able to clear this question up, I am a little confused and could you please answer previous question asked regarding contract examples.
149. Please select the Additional Capability in which your organisation is able to provide services for. Tick all that apply.
Contract / Fee Value
Security Clearance Level
Data Security
Question 149 allows suppliers to indicate their Additional Capability in relation to Contract Fees/Values they are able to deliver up to, Security Clearance Levels held and Data Security measures held (For example Cyber Essentials Plus). This question should be completed in line with the DPS Guidance provided.
20/01/2023 14:34