There are 101 clarifications for this DPS
43. Are questions 162 & 163 a pass/fail? Can we still be successful on the DPS without any of these and just Cyber Essentials Basic?
CCS can confirm that both questions 162 and 163 are mandatory and do require a response in order to progress.
Cyber Essentials certificate requirements are not related to Questions 162 or 163.
26/11/2021 15:48
42. I am progressing through the online SQ. If a section does not apply to ourselves, i.e. Steel, do we leave the section blank or input N/A? Also I have selected yes to a couple of questions instead of no, but can't seem to be able to amend this. Please could you advise how? Many thanks
CCS can confirm that a response is not required for all questions in the Selection Questionnaire. Please refer to paragraph 72 of the DPS needs document for confirmation.
If a Bidder is unable to amend their SQ, they must contact who will be able to assist them. Unfortunately, CCS are not able to amend information in a Bidder's Selection Questionnaire.
For assistance with your application, could you please liaise with the support service for Supplier Registration at:
SRS service desk; +44 (0) 161 413 7982
18/11/2021 16:11
41. Hi there,
We submitted our DPS application today, however, the selection questionnaire is showing as expired, and Construction Professional Services is showing as assessing. They both have the same reference number.
Is there anything else that we have to do at this stage to complete our application or is our submission with you now for review?
Once a submission is in the 'Assessing' stage, CCS has up to 15 working days to investigate and assess the application. During this time, if anything more is required from a Bidder regarding their application they will be contacted. Once this assessment has been completed, Bidder's applications will then move to the 'Agreeing' stage.
18/11/2021 16:10
40. Good morning,
Can you please respond to clarification no. 30?
Please see the response to this clarification question
18/11/2021 16:14
39. The query I have is that on question 77 it asks the Architectural Services we are able to provide which I have answered. It then jumps to question 98 which supports question 77 by asking which industrial sectors our organisation is able to provide services to which I have ticked all. Then it jumps to question 99 through to 108 asking all other services we can provide as below which reads to us if we can provide police, ambulance, fire services etc to these services. Please advise as we are Architects only and not police, ambulance, fire services etc.... Are these questions actually asking the same question as 98 but in more depth or has there been an error and the incorrect questions have appeared?
Questions 99 to 108 are below:
99. Please select the Blue Light services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Police✔Ambulance✔Fire Services
100. Please select the Education services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Higher Education✔Further Education✔Schools
101. Please select the Energy & Utilities services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Carbon Net Zero (Energy)✔Energy Efficiency Nuclear Oil and Gas Off-shore Renewables✔Wind Power✔Water and Hydropower
102. Please select the Environment services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Sustainability Waste✔Carbon Net Zero (Environment) Disaster Resilience✔Ecosystem
103. Please select the Clinical, Health, Social Care services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Hospitals✔Social Care✔Laboratories✔Life Sciences✔General Practice / Integrated Care / Community Care
104. Please select the Housing and Buildings services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Social Housing✔Accommodation✔Temporary Accommodation✔Heritage✔Commercial✔Office✔Leisure / Hotel✔Retail✔Sports, Stadia and Venues✔High Rise✔Mixed use
105. Please select the Justice services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Custodial✔Courts
106. Please select the Defence and Security services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply. Cyber security✔Physical security✔Aviation/Aerospace✔Maritime Intelligence Security Services
107. Please select the Transport services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Rail✔Bus / Rail depots and stations✔Aviation✔Maritime✔Submarine✔Ports✔Highways, Tunnels and Bridges
108. Please select the Urban Regeneration services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Town Centre Regeneration Smart Cities
CCS advises that Question 77 refers to Filter 1 and the actual Technical Services that you can provide, where as Questions 99-108 are specific to Filter 2 - Industry Sectors.This Filter will enable Buyers to down select those suppliers with the relevant experience and capability, in the specific Industry sector required. Suppliers are are asked to tick the high level Industry Sector and subsectors, that they believe they are able to provide construction professional and technical services to.
04/02/2022 16:12
38. Can you please clarify the questions below;
150. Can you supply a list of your relevant principal contracts for goods and/or services provided in the last three years?
Could you please clarify the requirement here, is this simply a list of contracts we have delivered in the last 3 years?
180. Upload documentary evidence for a certificate for each principal contract for goods and/or services provided in the last three years
Could you please clarify what is meant by a 'Certificate', the contracts we deliver do not have 'certificates'. Also as a large organisation we will have delivered many hundreds of contracts in the last 3 years.
CCS can confirm that bidders are not required to answer questions 150-154. Confirmation of this can be found at paragraph 72 of the DPS needs document.
Question 180 also does not require an upload of documentary evidence. Rather, Bidders should describe contract examples at the relevant question in the DPSQ (ie, question 56) and upload a letter of confirmation of works at the relevant question of the DPSQ (ie, question 58)
18/11/2021 16:10
37. Confirmation of Services Questionnaire:
Q55. - We have not done any historic work on this framework, so we are unable to upload a contract example specific to RM6242. I can't move on until this question is completed. Please advise if there is anything else we are able to upload as an example.
The contract example is not specific to any CCS contract. We are asking for an example of a contract, where you have delivered services, similar to those you have ticked as able to provide in the filter matrix. Examples of work with any customer or via other contracting vehicles.
18/11/2021 15:03
36. Part 1 - Q6 Immediate Parent Company (IPC)
We are asked to provide a Post Code for our Immediate Parent Company. Our IPC is based in Sweden so doesn't hold a UK Post Code.
Please advise how we should populate is field ?
Please enter the Swedish equivalent of a UK postcode for your organisation's Immediate Parent Company. Select the required country as Sweden. This will not cause any issues with your DPS application.
18/11/2021 15:06
35. While we expected to be asked questions about payment to subconsultants, the online portal did NOT ask us the questions which were asked in the file "Attachment 6 - DPSQ - RM6242 Construction Professional Services" which asked for evidence of: A copy of your standard payment terms for all of your supply chain contracts; Details of the systems which are in place to ensure that suppliers are paid Promptly; A copy of your procedures for resolving disputed invoices promptly and Effectively, Details of any payments of interest for late payments you have paid in the past 12 months(...); A copy of your standard payment terms used with sub-contractors on public sector contracts subject to PCR 2015.
Could you confirm with urgency that this information is not needed at this stage please? Many thanks
CCS can confirm that the information you have enquired about is not required at point of application.
Please see page 161 of Attachment 6 of the bid pack in which it is confirmed that there is currently no evidence submission required.
This evidence may be sought by a customer at call for competition stage.
18/11/2021 16:11
34. I would like to query the requirements for submitting a response for the RM6242 Construction Professional Services DPS.
After reviewing the documents, we are a bit confused as to what needs to be submitted for Stage 1. We have assumed that the document titled 'Attachment 2a Selection Questionnaire' gets submitted first? However, when you get to question 1.11 Part 2B Your Bidding Model continued there are no lots available for selection. We have done an extensive search throughout all the documentation provided and we can't see any reference to the Lots.
CCS can confirm that an attachment 2a is not applicable for this DPS. Instead, Bidders should apply to be appointed using the 'access as a supplier' tab on the Supplier Registration Service (SRS).
Please download the bid pack provided on the SRS page for RM6242 Construction Professional Services. Please also note that for a DPS, there are no Lots as such but rather Filters. Please see Attachment 1 of the bid pack for details of the filters and services that suppliers must complete as part of their bid to be appointed to this DPS.
Attachment 6 of the RM6242 bid pack provides Bidders with an overview of the questions Bidders must answer.
18/11/2021 16:12
33. Good Afternoon,
Please could you confirm if the 2 projects examples have to be completed.
Many thanks
CCS can confirm that 2 Contract examples must be completed if a Bidder selects Filters for more than 1 high level Service.
18/11/2021 16:12
32. Good Afternoon,
Are we able to send contract comments to yourselves for consideration?
Thank you
CCS can confirm that Contract Examples must be provided in line with the guidance in the DPSQ. Bidders must describe the contract and how its performance demonstrates construction professional services for customers in the free text box provided at the relevant question in the DPSQ
18/11/2021 15:02
31. Can we please ask in case we are not successful the first time when will we be able to apply again?
Thank you
The DPS will remain open for anybody to apply during its lifetime. If your application does not initially meet the requirements set out, you will be able to re-apply to the DPS at any point after this
05/11/2021 10:45
30. Good morning,
we have already submitted SQ1 and therefore cannot check the questions anymore. Was there a question on Carbon Reduction plan in SQ1 as a clarification question seems to suggest? We believe questions on the Carbon reduction plan are only in DPSQ. Can you please confirm ?
CCS can confirm that the questions regarding a bidders Carbon Reduction plan are numbers 51 and 52 of the DPSQ
02/11/2021 15:00
29. Can we please ask you to clarify whether by answering NO to Q51 "Please confirm that you have detailed your environmental
management measures by completing and publishing a Carbon
Reduction Plan which meets the required reporting standard." and YES to Q52 "Please confirm that your organisation is taking steps to reduce
your GHG Emissions over time and is publicly committed to achieving
Net Zero by 2050." would not constitute a FAIL.
We are working on a Carbon Reduction plan and aimed to complete it in the next couple of weeks.
Thank you
In accordance with the Guidance on adopting and applying PPN 06/21, CCS can confirm that should a bidder not provide a Carbon Reduction Plan, their bid will fail unless the reason that the bidder is unable to provide a Carbon Reduction Plan is that the bidders organisation is less than 12 months old.
If a bidding organisation is less than 12 months old and can confirm their commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2050 and that they will publish a Carbon Reduction Plan as soon as possible (providing details as to when it will be published), then under these circumstances, their bid will not fail.
In all other circumstances, a bidder must provide a Carbon Reduction Plan in order to be appointed to the DPSQ.
For clarity, the question applies to all bidders to the DPS, regardless of the size of the bidder, because there is potential for contracts to meet the threshold of £5m annual value. The Carbon Reduction plan must include the bidder's current carbon footprint and its commitment to reducing emissions to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050. SME bidders may find the list of potential resources & tools at the end of the FAQ document useful in establishing their footprint to begin developing their plan.
02/11/2021 15:00
28. Hi,
In your response to the Carbon Reduction Plan query you stated that "PPN 06/21 references these plans for services with an anticipated contract value above £5m per annum".
Is a Carbon Reduction Plan therefore not required if we select Contract / Fee Values less than £5m in response to Question 152 of the DPSQ?
In accordance with the Guidance on adopting and applying PPN 06/21, CCS can confirm that should a bidder not provide a Carbon Reduction Plan, their bid will fail unless the reason that the bidder is unable to provide a Carbon Reduction Plan is that the bidders organisation is less than 12 months old.
If a bidding organisation is less than 12 months old and can confirm their commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2050 and that they will publish a Carbon Reduction Plan as soon as possible (providing details as to when it will be published), then under these circumstances, their bid will not fail.
In all other circumstances, a bidder must provide a Carbon Reduction Plan in order to be appointed to the DPSQ.
For clarity, the question applies to all bidders to the DPS, regardless of the size of the bidder, because there is potential for contracts to meet the threshold of £5m annual value. The Carbon Reduction plan must include the bidder's current carbon footprint and its commitment to reducing emissions to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050. SME bidders may find the list of potential resources & tools at the end of the FAQ document useful in establishing their footprint to begin developing their plan.
02/11/2021 14:59
27. Please clarify if we are required to complete the letter of confirmation of services and if so, where do we submit these.
You are required to complete the letter of confirmation. This should be submitted by uploading the document at question 58. of the DPSQ.
28/10/2021 16:18
25. Q144 to 146 asks us to confirm 'Skills and Apprentices' through this contract. Please can you confirm whether or not this is a pass/fail question
CCS can confirm that this question is not Pass/Fail
19/10/2021 12:04
24. We understand that the requirement for a Carbon Plan is a mandatory requirement, however this is not stated in the READ ME FIRST document section 43.
Please can you advise how we go back and include this in the questionnaire if we have submitted SQ1 Thanks
Thank you for raising this.
Unfortunately, the Standard Questionnaire cannot be amended once submitted and must be completed again.
We would advise you to contact who will be able to assist in copying the information you have provided into a new application, saving you the trouble of re entering it all. At that point, you will be able to amend your responses accordingly.
For assistance with your application, could you please liaise with the support service for Supplier Registration at:
SRS service desk; +44 (0) 161 413 7982
19/10/2021 15:12
22. Sq Q 58_Letters of Confirmation:
Could you amend the letter template to omit the initial reference to an Agreement. It will make our clients think we are asking them to enter into some sort of contractual arrangement which is then not explained. We suspect that some clients would refuse to sign this as a result (we would if faced with the same terminology)
CCS can confirm that the Attachments 1a and 1b - Letter of confirmation of works will not be amended.
These are standard documents that are used across all of CCS' DPS bid packs and so in the interest of consistency, they will remain unchanged.
04/11/2021 10:19