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Demand Management and Renewables


There are 39 clarifications for this DPS

41. Re, ITT: itt_77133 - Ministry of Defence UKSTRATCOM Project SANTA ANA I want to submit a response. Re, no.3, the Commercial Response. It is just asking for a 'Total Price'. Do you require a spreadsheet breakdown of the commercials, as per included in the bid pack? How do I upload a spreadsheet if that info is required?
This clarification should be submitted directly to the project itt_77133 using the messaging function on the e-sourcing portal (Jaggaer) to ensure the Buyer organisation can view and respond if required.
24/12/2024 09:23
40. I have two questions about the Financial Viability Risk Assessment Tool: 1) On tab 1.1a (Lead Financial Input). When I input the information from our published accounts, the Balance Sheet Check (line 142) returns as FALSE, and Cell B142 highlights a warning/error (rather than OK being displayed in Cell A142). I was wondering if you could explain what causes FALSE rather than TRUE to be returned and if I am filling it out correctly. 2) Our most recent published accounts only have a balance sheet and not a profit and loss sheet as we are a micro entity. Can we leave the profit and loss cells blank or do we need to fill them in?
1) Without seeing the specific example it is not possible to ascertain what is actually causing the FALSE return. However, please note that the FALSE result returns when the information input on the Balance Sheet doesn't balance correctly. 2) It is correct that CCS asks for published accounts to be provided and this can mean that micro entities only therefore provide the Balance Sheet only. In order for a full evaluation to take place on the FVRA template it is recommended that as much information be provided to help aid a bidders assessment. If it is possible to provide the Profit and Loss information a more comprehensive evaluation can be completed without the need potentially for any clarification questions being asked.
03/09/2024 09:14
39. Does the DPS allow for any contracts with supplier funding or investment (i.e. investment into a customers assets/infrastructure)?
No, the agreement does not allow for supplier funding investment as the agreement is under standard public sector contract regulations 2015 and not the Concessions regulations
26/06/2024 09:24
38. Can a 15 year power purchasing agreement (PPA) for direct-wire solar panels and battery storage be signed using this framework ?
No, the agreement only allows for the design, build and maintenance of solar panels and battery storage. The option to procure the supply arrangement would need to be procured separately due to the bespoke terms and conditions required for a Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA)
27/02/2024 10:47
37. Can the framework provide suppliers for electric boiler installations to sites?
Yes, Suppliers can provide decarbonised or electric boilers as a route to market through the energy efficiency in buildings filter or the biomass boiler filter option
16/01/2024 11:39
36. Can you please confirm if the CCS: Demand Management and Renewables DPS framework is appropriate for suppliers which provide the following services: 1.Engineering services to support low carbon powertrain vehicle programs at all stages of development. 2.Conversion of vehicles from traditional petrol/diesel engines to electric. If yes, which Main Value is appropriate? Transport? Hydrogen, fuel cell technologies and synthetic fuels? Energy Storage?
As per the DPS Agreement Specification, the Transport filter is for consultancy services only not for full end-to-end solution. If you're services fit with the hydrogen fuel cell technologies we would recommend you select this as your offering across the sub-filters (design, installation, mainteance, full end to end) Alternatively, please refer to the Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Solutions (VCIS) Dynamic Purchasing System as this may also suit your business offering.
20/07/2023 14:26
35. Can the Authority please confirm that the Buyer and Supplier will have the opportunity to agree which schedules and what appropriate levels of insurance and liability will apply to each opportunity as it arises under this Framework.
The set insurance levels for the Demand Management and Renewables agreement can be found in the DPS Needs document within the Bid Pack (General folder) . This is mandatory for all Suppliers, except where exceptions are stated in the document. Buyers may be able to agree with Suppliers at call off stage different levels of insurance if appropriate
20/06/2023 11:43
34. Can the Authority confirm that the Supplier will not be required to accept any and all requests that are issued to the Supplier under this Framework once registered?
Yes, Suppliers only need to respond to tenders that are relevant to their offering and if they have the scope to deliver the works within the Buyers requirements
13/06/2023 16:09
32. Hi r.e Subcontractors We intend on being the main contractor, however, if we were to use sub contractors at a later stage, would we be able to fill this information in at a later stage? Thanks
Suppliers are able to amend and update their offering at any time throughout the lifetime of the DPS agreement including sub-contractors. We would also advise that you stipulate potential use of sub-contractors with the Buyer at call-off stage
25/05/2023 12:04
31. Hi We are a start up company so do not yet have accounts. We have a large parent company that does not publish its accounts. As such, we are unable to complete the financial viability risk assessment - please can you advise if we are still able to apply to be a supplier on this DPS? Thanks
Dear Supplier, if you are able to upload any draft accounts to the FVRA section on the DPS Selection Questionnaire our Commercial Finance team will review these and assess accordingly. Obviously this is dependent on when you started trading. If there are really no draft accounts, is it possible to nominate a guarantor? If not, unfortunately we would not be able to assess your financial standing and accept you onto the DPS
15/05/2023 15:28
30. Can you confirm what is meant by the H score on the Financial Viability Risk Assessment Tool (on the Lead Ancillary Input tab)? Thanks.
The H score is a credit score that is calculated by the credit agency 'Company Watch'. If a bidder is not signed up for Company Watch we do not expect this score to be provided as we don't require a bidder to sign up just to provide this. As a side note we use D&B for any credit score references for any evaluations. Therefore please be advised that the H score is not required.
22/03/2023 15:22
29. Please can an explanation regarding the change to holding Product Liability Insurance be provided?
It has always been a requirement for all suppliers to hold product liability insurance, the change will mean that only suppliers that select certain services have to have product liability insurance. If a supplier comes into assessing that does not hold product liability insurance a check on what services the supplier has selected will determine if it's required or not. If it is required then you will be contacted via the normal process to clarify your response regarding not having Product Liability Insurance
15/03/2023 14:06
28. Good afternoon. I have followed the link to the "suppliers area" for the DPS Ref RM6313 but the questions don't appear to match those detailed in the attachment 6 of the bid pack, or how others have referred to questions through the Clarification process. Could you please confirm if we are to complete attachment 6 and where we can upload/add this information? Many thanks
You may have created a profile on the DPS Supplier registration and have not yet moved to the Demand Management and Renewables Selection Questionnaire stages. Please contact the platform host NQC at support@nqc.com or on 0161 413 7982 who will be able to guide your registration profile to the DMR supplier questionnaire section.
21/12/2022 15:29
27. Can you advise where we can download the DPSQ questions please?
The DPSQ questions are available to download in the Bid Pack. Please refer to Bid Pack Part 1 (General) - Attachment 6 - Standard_Selection_Questionnaire_v1.0.
14/12/2022 16:13
26. I'm still struggling to extract several documents from Attachment 8 because the file path names are too long, and I can't seem to rename anything other than the highest level folder. Please could you advise?
The Bid Pack has been reissued on the portal. Attachment 8 - Bid Pack Part 5 Non-Core (Terms and Conditions) (2) now includes all files within this folder. The way the previous version was issued included separate folders for NEC3, NEC 4 and JCT which caused issues with paths for some users. Removing the sub folders has resolved the issue. If you download the Bid Pack you should be able to access all files.
12/01/2023 10:15
25. We hold Cyber Essentials Plus. We have completed the initial SQ and moved to the second section. Q7 refers back to Q.155 of the SQ and requires Yes/No response as to whether we are able to supply a Cyber Essentials certificate. Answering NO seems to be an automatic fail but we do not have this as we have the higher level accreditation so cannot answer Yes. N/A is not an option. We are unable to proceed without responding to this. Please advise.
Please refer to the Selection Criteria i), (i) and Cyber Essentials sections in Bid Pack Part 1 (General) - READ FIRST RM6313- DPS Needs. If you hold Cyber Essentials Plus, you can answer Yes as Cyber Essentials is part of Cyber Essentials Plus certification.
14/12/2022 16:15
24. Our understanding is that once our request to participate in the framework, including completion of the SQ and DPSQ, is agreed by the CCS then we will be a listed supplier. However, there are several references to "competition" throughout the "READ FIRST RM6313- DPS Needs" document provided by the CCS (attached for reference), which suggest there may be more of a competitive bidding process to be selected as a supplier. Please could you confirm whether there are further steps to become a listed supplier beyond the SQ and DPSQ, for example a competitive bidding process? If there are further steps, is this what the 18th January 2023 date from our question above refers to?
This Demand Management and Renewables DPS is not a prerequisite for the RM6314 Demand Management and Renewables Framework. They are two separate agreements and routes to market for customers. Suppliers are able to register onto this DPS at any time during the 4 years the agreement is live This Supplier Questionnaire is assessed by our DPS team who review your application and answers to the SQ
08/12/2022 11:41
23. Section IV.2.2 on the Gov.uk contract notice page states that there is a "time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate" of 12PM on 18th January 2023. This time limit also applies to IV 2.7, "conditions for opening of tenders". Our understanding is that suppliers can join the framework at any time, but this clause within the contract notice seems to contradict this. Please could you confirm whether there is a hard deadline for participation for suppliers?
This Demand Management and Renewables DPS is not a prerequisite for the RM6314 Demand Management and Renewables Framework. They are two separate agreements and routes to market for customers. Suppliers are able to register onto this DPS at any time during the 4 years the agreement is live
08/12/2022 11:40
22. Good afternoon. Will you accept any alternative certificates to Cyber Essentials please? Thank you
The DMR agreement only accepts Cyber or Cyber Essential Plus accreditation. Please refer to the READ FIRST RM6313- DPS Needs - Selection Criteria and Cyber Essentials sections where you will find information relating to the Cyber Essentials requirement for appointment to the DPS agreement.
05/12/2022 10:06
21. Good afternoon. We do not currently hold Cyber Essentials or equivalent, does this mean we cannot apply please? Thank you
Please refer to the READ FIRST RM6313- DPS Needs - Selection Criteria and Cyber Essentials sections where you will find information relating to the Cyber Essentials requirement for appointment to the DPS agreement.
02/12/2022 15:33

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