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Demand Management and Renewables


There are 39 clarifications for this DPS

20. Good afternoon. As a supplier of product only can we apply to join this DPS please? Thank you
Please refer to 2.5 v) of the DPS Schedule 1 - Specification of the Bid Pack where the sub delivery arrangement "Purchase Only" explains how Suppliers can supply their products without follow up installation or maintenance services
02/12/2022 15:34
19. We are bidding to be on the framework to provide a range of consulting and analysis services (which would probably fall under Lot 5 of the original proposed structure) which we currently provide under the HELGA framework, These cover a very broad range of technology / sector topics, and are based around research, analysis, modelling, engagement, etc. The current sector questions are very narrow in their technology areas, and the sub-services for each are entirely based on delivering real projects - design, installation, commissioning, etc. This doesn't apply to the types of services we would be providing. Please can you advise on how we should approach this section of the questionnaire?
"As a reminder, registration onto the DPS is not a prerequisite to gain access to the Framework (RM6314). The new Demand Management and Renewables DPS (RM6313) has changed from the HELGA Service Filter approach. Each product/service offering will have sub delivery arrangements for the Supplier to select based on their organisations offering. Please refer to 2.5 i) of the DPS Schedule 1 - Specification of the Bid Pack or within the Policy-Delivery filters of the DPS (section 4.2 of the Specification) for details of how consultancy services can be provided within the different appropriate industry areas."
02/12/2022 15:34
18. Hello, on questions 75 - 98 none of the categories proposed are relevant to my organisation, the sub sections all seem to be based around design, installation ect, and there doesn't seem to be allowance for consultancy, analysis, research etc. Can you please advise on how to proceed with the questionnaire...it at all.
Please refer to 2.5 i) of the DPS Schedule 1 - Specification of the Bid Pack or within the Policy-Delivery filters of the DPS (section 4.2 of the Specification) for details of how consultancy services can be provided within the different appropriate industry areas
02/12/2022 15:35
17. Hello, I am unable to open the Financial Viability Risk Assessment template. I have downloaded the bid pack twice and it won't allow me to open this document. Is there another version of the template I can get hold of? thank you.
We have downloaded the bid pack and tested the Financial Viability Risk Assessment template and have not able to replicate this issue. We would recommend you contact your I.T. department who may be able to advise you of any technical issues in your organisation that may be impacting you with this. On this occasion we will send you the Financial Risk Assessment file via email from info@crowncommercial.gov.uk.
02/12/2022 14:27
15. In Q100, you ask what international locations we are able to provide services to. However, we do not provide any international services and cannot see an N/A option on the tick list. We are unable to complete the questionnaire as the system will not allow us to progress our application. Can you please look into this? Kind Regards
We are currently reviewing the filters with NQC and will provide a further update in the near future.
01/12/2022 10:25
14. Can you please provide a list of clients who will be using this DPS? Is there a list of clients for the framework (RM6314)?
This is fully detailed in Bid Pack Part 1 (General) - RM6313 Buyer Needs v1.1 - sectionWho are the Buyers of the RM6313 - Demand Management and Renewables DPS Agreement?. An extract from this document is detailed below. Please ensure you refer to this document for further detail: Central Government: - Environment - Defence - Other Central Government Wider Public Sector: - Education - Fire and Rescue - Health - Local Government - Not for Profit (Charitable) - Police - Housing Association Other Wider Public Sector
01/12/2022 10:23
13. Document RM6313 DPS Core Terms v1.0.3 - New/ amended Clause 10.3.2 of the Core Terms includes a reference to clauses 10.5.2 to 10.5.7 which are to apply where Buyer terminates for convenience. However, the bidder notes that 10.5.2-10.5.7 do not exist in the Core terms, therefore please can the Buyer clarify the correct clause references?
The revised Core Terms have now been finalised and approved by CCS Policy and Legal. The new Core Terms have removed the amendment referenced all together as the terms are covered in section 10.6
03/03/2023 16:25
12. Our accounts are larger than 5mb please can you advise how to upload on Q166. I just need to edit one of the first questions in the SQ please can you advise how to edit going back to the first questionnaire Thank you
You are able to compress excel files to reduce the size of the file, this should allow you to upload it. Some parts of the SQ cannot be amended depending on the stage you are at. Should you require support with any technical issues please contact support@nqc.com for assistance.
01/12/2022 10:21
11. Thank you for the update. For absolute clarity can you please confirm that the only amendments to Bid Pack 2 is the inclusion of RM6313 DPS Schedule 6 - Order form template and order schedules v.1.3.DOCX and that no other changes have been made to any of the listed documents shown in the message. Many thanks
All documents listed in the previous response include amendments.
18/11/2022 09:09
10. DPS Schedule 6 (Order Form Template and Order Schedules) appears to be missing from the bid pack part 2 folder, are you able to share us a copy of the same. Thanks.
An updated Bid Pack has been issued 10/11/22 and is available to download from SRS. The Bid Pack includes DPS Schedule 6 Order form template and order schedules v.1.3. A summary of all documents including updates is detailed below: - Bid Pack General Attachment 3 - Financial Viability Risk Assessment Instructions v1.1.docx - Bid Pack General READ FIRST RM6313- DPS Needs v.1.1.docx - Attachment 7 - Bid Pack Part 2 RM6313 DPS Schedule 3 - DPS Pricing v1.1. - Attachment 7 - Bid Pack Part 2 RM6313 DPS Schedule 5 - Management Levy and Information v1.1.docx - Attachment 7 - Bid Pack Part 2 RM6313 DPS Schedule 6 - Order form template and order schedules v.1.3.DOCX - Attachment 7 - Bid Pack Part 2 RM6313 DPS Schedule 7 - Order Procedure v1.1.DOCX - Attachment 7a - Bid Pack Part 3 DPS Joint Schedule 7 - Financial Difficulties v.1.0.DOCX - Attachment 7b - Bid Pack Part 4 DPS Order Schedule 12 - Clustering v1.0.docx
10/11/2022 14:33
9. Can you please clarify what information is required in the following sections of the FVRA report we need to complete: Credit Report (D&B, Experian etc) Credit rating assessment (e.g. Fitch, Moody's, S&P) Thank you
In terms of information regarding a 3rd party credit agency a Supplier only needs to provide a report they have it at hand (we don't require suppliers to sign up with any credit agency). This is because CCS Commercialf Finance will review a Suppliers D&B report that will form part of the FVRA evaluation
08/11/2022 09:04
8. How do I upload Attachment 3a - Financial Viability Risk Assessment Tool?
You will need to complete and upload Attachment 3a - Financial Viability Risk Assessment Tool in an excel format and submit it as part of your tender at Question 54. Please note we cannot accept this document if it is submitted in a format other than excel.
02/11/2022 16:34
7. Do I need to undertake a Financial Viability Risk Assessment?
All Suppliers are required to undertake a Financial Viability Risk Assessment to become appointed on the Agreement as detailed in Attachment 7 - Bid Pack Part 2 (Terms and Conditions) (2), Attachment 3 - Financial Viability Risk Assessment Tool Instructions and Attachment 3a - Financial Viability Risk Assessment Tool. For further information please refer to Bid Pack Part 1 (General) (2) - READ FIRST RM6313- DPS Needs.docx, sections Selection Criteria paragraph 47 Contracting Arrangements for Group of Economic Operators, paragraph 83.
02/11/2022 16:33
6. I'm in the process of filling out the selection questionnaire for the DPS RM6313. I have entered our DUNS number and our registered address, which has recently changed. On the DUNS website, it looks like our old address is still the one attached to our DUNS number. Will this cause issues in getting on to the DPS; do we need to make sure the DUNS number has our new registered address associated with it before submitting the questionnaires, or can this be amended later? Thank you.
Within the questionnaire a Supplier is able to input their Companies House address. If the registered address is different to the Companies House address it will not prevent registration onto the DPS, however CCS may ask for clarification why the address details differ
08/11/2022 09:19
5. Hello Are there any more details/definitions of the officers required in questions: Q117 DPS Agreement Manager (how does this differ from the "Contact" in Q115?) Q118 Authorised Representative (Should this be the authorised signatory?) Q119 Compliance Officer (We have different compliance officers for different accreditations? - ISO27001/9001/14001/Cyber Essentials?)) Thank you
"Definitions for contacts are provided below. Please note for smaller companies, we appreciate this may be the same person and will accept duplication of names. Contact - Main point of contact that Buyers will have access to DPS Agreement Manager - initial contact point with CCS Commercial Manager relating to DPS agreement. Authorised Representative - the contact who is able to authorise the organisation's commitment to the DPS, and the terms of conditions of the contract Compliance Officer - point of contact for any queries relation to supplier assurance and compliance "
18/11/2022 11:18
4. Hello, Should Q100 and Q101 have a "N/A" option? We don't operate anywhere outside the UK but both of these require at least one area to be selected?
We are working with NQC to have this implemented as an option within the international filter
08/11/2022 09:06
3. Good Morning, Is holding Cyber Essentials a mandatory requirement for submission or could we be working towards achieving the accreditation? Best regards.
Suppliers are required to have Cyber Essentials to be appointed to the agreement as detailed in Attachment 7 - Bid Pack Part 2 (Terms and Conditions) (2) and RM6313 DPS Schedule 9 - Cyber Essentials Scheme v1.1.docx. For further information please refer to Bid Pack Part 1 (General) (2) - READ FIRST RM6313- DPS Needs.docx, sections Selection Criteria paragraph 40 i) (i) and Cyber Essentials Certification paragraph 57 - 60.
28/10/2022 15:17
2. With regards to Part 3: Relevant Experience. Can we put any experience in here as long as it relates to any of the service in the DPS?
The Selection Questionnaire - Not Applicable Questions is detailed from point 67 in the READ FIRST RM6313 DPS Needs.doc. Questions relating to Part 3 Relevant Experience are included in this section.
28/10/2022 15:18
1. Can we apply for only certain industries/products and services? I cannot see where in the SQ where we indicate which service we want to apply for?
You can apply for all products and services that your organisation is able to offer. Products and services can be input from question 75 in the questionnaire. You must complete the following sections starting at question 75 as follows: Products or Services Location International Location Project Value.
28/10/2022 15:18

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