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Housing Maintenance and Repair


There are 32 clarifications for this DPS

34. Re RM6241, is the Standard Selection Questionnaire (SSQ) the only thing that needs to be completed at this stage? Also, I can only see the SSQ in a PDF format. Is this to be completed online, and where?
The RM6241 Housing maintenance and Repairs DPS is open to onboard for the lifetime of the agreement. If you want to onboard, please follow this link https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/dps?fh=1#buildingcleaningservices and ensure you are viewing the housing maintenance and repair DPS and select 'access as a supplier' and follow through the steps to onboard. If you want to read the 'read first document' this can be found through this same link, beneath the housing maintenance and repairs DPS, labelled 'bid pack' within here, you will find the Read First Document.
29/11/2024 14:33
33. Good afternoon. Can you confirm if RM6241 is still open and if yes, explain how to register as a supplier? The document READ FIRST RM6241 - DPS Needs v1 does not seem to be on the list? Thank you.
The RM6241 Housing maintenance and Repairs DPS is open to onboard for the lifetime of the agreement. If you want to onboard, please follow this link https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/dps?fh=1#buildingcleaningservices and ensure you are viewing the housing maintenance and repair DPS and select 'access as a supplier' and follow through the steps to onboard. If you want to read the 'read first document' this can be found through this same link, beneath the housing maintenance and repairs DPS, labelled 'bid pack' within here, you will find the Read First Document.
29/11/2024 14:33
30. We have finished submitting what we can for this DPS yet it is showing expired. Can you confirm we can still apply to the DPS and can you check whether any of our submission has been received?
CCS can confirm that we have received your submission for RM6241 Housing Maintenance & Repair DPS. For assistance with your application, could you please liaise with the support service for Supplier Registration at: SRS service desk; +44 (0) 161 413 7982 Support@nqc.com
19/06/2023 11:13
29. To whom it may concern Thank you for publishing this DPS opportunity. We are reviewing the information however could you please clarify the following; 1.Is there any committed or guaranteed spend / planned works with volumes for this DPS? If so, how much does this DPS generate in spend? 2.Please could you confirm or clarify the published start date on the notice of 24th January 2027?
CCS cannot advise guaranteed or committed spend or planned works through the DPS, however CCS do continually promote the DPS and work with Buyers across the Wider Public Sector to raise awareness as can suppliers to buyers. Also any pipelines are advised to appointed to suppliers regularly. The start date of the DPS was 24th January 2023.
26/04/2023 14:12
28. Hi - We submitted our questionnaire on 2nd February and it is still showing as 'assessing'. Are you able to provide an update? Many thanks
It does not appear that a questionnaire has been submitted by yourselves for RM6241 Housing Maintenance & Repair DPS. For assistance with your application, could you please liaise with the support service for Supplier Registration at: SRS service desk; +44 (0) 161 413 7982 Support@nqc.com
22/03/2023 13:49
27. I wonder if you can give me some general advice on the Standard Selection Questionnaire; my questions are: Q147 relates to procurement of steel - as a business, and especially on Repairs and Maintenance Contracts, the requirement for large volumes of steel is very limited and probably not relevant. How should we respond to Q's 147 and 148? Q149 re breaches of H&S legislation - this questions sits under the steel section but I assume that the question relates to all H&S issues / notices. Is that correct?
There's some guidance around this in the DPS Needs document: There are questions in the Selection Questionnaire that are not applicable for this RM6241 HMAR procurement, therefore please note, a response is NOT required to the questions as detailed below: Part 1: (Contract Example 1) - Q133 Part 1: (Contract Example 2) - Q134 Part 1: (Contract Example 3) - Q135 Part 3: (Steel) Q147 - Q149 Part 3: (Supply Chain) Q150 - Q154
15/03/2023 12:11
26. How do I apply for Cyber Essentials Basic and what are the costs associated with this?
Please see this link from NCSC which lists frequently asked questions and answers around the Cyber Essentials certification, including how to obtain this and the costs involved. https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/cyberessentials/faqs
08/03/2023 11:07
25. Having reviewed the Contract Notice it is not clear if the contract involves Asbestos Surveying or consultancy services, would you be able to confirm this for me? If it does include Asbestos surveys and you can bid for this separately to the asbestos removals work, would it be possible to send me the link to how you apply? I seem to be going round in circles on the links on contacts finder.
The DPS does indeed include asbestos surveying/consultancy services. As you look through the filter structure you'll see Asbestos Surveys or Asbestos Removal & Management etc. The filter structure has been kept purposely top level to allow buyers to fully tailor their requirements at the order stage. To get started and to find out more about the onboarding process, please head to the SRS DPS Marketplace and scroll to Housing Maintenance & Repair. From here you can access the 'Bid Pack' which includes more information in the 'Read First RM6241 - DPS Needs' document about how to actually onboard to the DPS. Suppliers are able to sign up for the individual services they can provide.
25/01/2023 10:18
24. Hello, we submitted the SQ and which has disappeared from our dashboards. It didn't follow through to the SQ evidence, so we are not sure if it was received your end, and how to proceed. Many Thanks
Unfortunately we have not received anything on our end regarding your submission. For assistance with your application, could you please liaise with the support service for Supplier Registration at: SRS service desk; +44 (0) 161 413 7982 Support@nqc.com
18/01/2023 11:53
23. Regarding the Gold FVRA, must a supplier be fully green to obtain a place on an agreement? What happens during the selection process if there are a couple of amber results? What other financial checks would the CCS do for such suppliers?
It is important to reassure suppliers that no supplier will be excluded from the bidding process should any amber or red threshold metrics appear. Commercial Finance will look at the financial standing of the whole company and not just individual metrics. However it is key that suppliers follow the bidder instructions which show a requirement that tab 3.1 be populated in the circumstances that amber and red thresholds are flagged. This gives the supplier an opportunity to provide a bit of extra commentary to explain and offer assurances how they see fit to aid us in our assessment. In terms of financial checks we use the provided 3 years accounts as a starting point (in some instances we may ask for sight of more up to date draft accounts if they are willing to provide them). Along side the accounts we will cross reference their D&B credit report which we will download as part of the assessment process.
22/12/2022 11:41
22. For the FVRA, we are expected to provide 3 years worth of accounts alongside this. Can CCS clarify whether these need to be full, or whether abbreviated accounts will be acceptable?
It is required for all suppliers to provide the last 3 years worth of accounts. We request that it is the published accounts that are provided, so if abbreviated accounts are submitted then these are acceptable. However if during evaluation we would like more information regarding the figures input we may reach out to you at this point for some clarity.
22/12/2022 11:40
21. In regards to the FVRA, where the format of a supplier's published accounts does not fully align with the format of the data requested in the FVRA tool and therefore in a small number of cases the requested data is not available, how should the supplier respond, e.g. 'not available'?
The FVRA has numerous lines of data that could be input onto. It is designed to capture all data listed on a suppliers set of published accounts as it is known that not all suppliers will have the same format. There will be several cases of where all the lines are not used on the FVRA template, it is expected that the supplier just leaves these blank.
22/12/2022 11:39
20. In regards to the FVRA, please can you confirm if you would accept another credit reference agency as evidence of financial status.
We undertake the financial assessment using the data we ask you to provide in Attachment 5a. We do use credit agencies as part of this assessment to validate the data provided, but it is not required for the bidder to provide their own credit agency reference .
22/12/2022 11:39
19. In regards to the FVRA, if a supplier does not meet the "typical annual value" in the Thresholds tab of the 5a Financial viability, will this be considered a fail ? Does this annual value have to be met each year, for the time period as requested in the Summary accounts ?
It is important to stress that we don't exclude any bidder if they fail any of the metrics outright. We look at the company as a whole. Bidders get an opportunity to provide assurance and commentary on any metrics that come out as high risk. However the reason for the Turnover/annual contract value is to ensure we are comfortable that the bidder has the trading capacity to fulfil a potential high value contract hence the importance that all bidders tick the appropriate Lot that they are to be assessed against. The annual value doesn't necessarily have to be met for each year though it goes without saying that if the 3 years accounts show steady decline it may go against them during the evaluation process. We are also aware that Turnover against the annual contract value may have been impacted by things like COVID and therefore lockdown and will take this into consideration.
22/12/2022 11:39
18. In the FVRA document, tab 2.1 Lead Ancillary Input, cell c15, c39 and c62 of the Attachment 5 Financial viability risk assessment tool (FVRA), could you clarify what does H score means please?
H score refers to the suppliers current Credit score with Companies Watch. If they have a current credit score from any credit agency they can provide this here. However should they not have a credit score it can be left blank. CCS are not requesting that any supplier signs up for any Credit Agency.
22/12/2022 11:38
17. Do all bidders regardless of financial standing now have to provide a guarantor? Previously we could select whether this was necessary based on our Dun & Bradstreet risk score. If it is not a mandatory requirement to provide a guarantor please can the portal be updated to allow this selection to be made.
The FVRA is designed to give an overview of the financial stability of the whole corporate family which includes the Parent and Ultimate company. Not all bidders will require a guarantor.
22/12/2022 11:38
16. Please can you advise in regards to the FVRA on what the financial parameters are to which Attachment 5 will be evaluated against. Previously Dun & Bradstreet financial risk scores were going to be used.
The details regarding financial parameters and metrics used in the assessments of bidders and associated companies in the FVRA are listed within the document itself. Please see the "Authority RAG thresholds" tab for details on thresholds. The "Metric Definitions" tab explains the metrics used and how they are calculated.
22/12/2022 11:38
15. As we are now an appointed supplier are we allowed to state this on our website/social media? Can you confirm if there is a marketing directive associated with this DPS that we need to adhere to?
Information in relation to marketing your place on the DPS, and any subsequent Order Contracts, can be found in section 7 of DPS Schedule 4 - DPS Management.
22/12/2022 11:37
14. If we are not successful in applying to the DPS, will we be able to apply again?
The DPS will remain open for suppliers to apply during it's lifetime. If your application does not initially meet the requirements set out, you will be able to re-apply to the DPS at any point after this.
22/12/2022 11:36
13. Is it possible to join the RM6241 Housing Maintenance & Repair DPS after the 24th January 2023 go live date?
Suppliers are able to onboard to the RM6241 Housing Maintenance & Repair DPS at any point during it's lifetime. The DPS ends 24th January 2027. The DPS remains open to onboarding at all times unless the DPS expires or is terminated in accordance with the DPS Agreement.
22/12/2022 11:36

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