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Communications Marketplace


There are 217 clarifications for this DPS

223. 1. Are we permitted to subcontract work to companies based outside of the UK?
2. The main bidder has the certifications, insurance and eligibility criteria mentioned in the bid docs. Is it compulsory for the subcontractor to have the certifications and insurance? If yes, can the subcontractor obtain it before the contract award and after the project commences?
3. Have you set any financial conditions, such as minimum turnover, that apply both to the main bidder and the subcontractors?
4. Are subcontractors required to provide their insurance coverage, or will the main bidder's insurance suffice?
5. Can we subcontract the project to a UK company whose resources are working remotely in their Indian base?
6. Can we use Public Cloud Hosting (AWS, Azure, Oracle) for this project? 7. Can you please define the definition of offshore services from below? A. Are you expecting to have our business registered offshore to provide offshore services? B. We have our associated business with established contractual terms to operate as our offshore centre. C. Under contractual terms, we are using a third-party offshore service
1. Are we permitted to subcontract work to companies based outside of the UK? Yes 
2. The main bidder has the certifications, insurance and eligibility criteria mentioned in the bid docs. Is it compulsory for the subcontractor to have the certifications and insurance? If yes, can the subcontractor obtain it before the contract award and after the project commences?
The lead supplier takes full responsibility for the the subcontractor, therefore the subcontractor does not need to have the same level of certifications or insurances as the lead supplier, however the lead supplier holds all the risk for this. 3. Have you set any financial conditions, such as minimum turnover, that apply both to the main bidder and the subcontractors?
No 4. Are subcontractors required to provide their insurance coverage, or will the main bidder's insurance suffice? As per Q2 the full risk for the contract sits with the lead supplier therefore sub contractors do not need to supply their insurances 
5. Can we subcontract the project to a UK company whose resources are working remotely in their Indian base? Providing the supply chain is compliant with core terms then yes work can be carried out outside of the UK 
6. Can we use Public Cloud Hosting (AWS, Azure, Oracle) for this project? This would be managed at call off level
20/01/2025 14:02
222. I notice that CCS requires a payment of 1% on confirmed bookings. As a venue finding agency we offer a free service to everyone and we receive our payment of 10% commission of the net booking value from each venue after the event has taken place and been paid for in full by the client. So for example, if we book an event for CCS in a venue with a net value of £100,000, we would invoice the venue for £10,000 after the event. Is your 1% calculated on the net value of the booking or on the net value of our revenue from the event? When do you expect to be paid this 1%? I would be very grateful if you could clarify this for me as soon as possible.
The 1% CCS management charge would be applicable to the revenue. When the supplier submits their MI return they should only report the revenue. CCS will then issue an invoice for 1% of what is reported. Payment is usually requested within 30 days of receipt of invoice.
08/01/2025 08:44
221. We note in the bid pack that a Carbon Reduction Plan is a requirement for acceptance to this framework. However, we cannot see where in the SQ or DPSQ we would submit a link to our Plan. Please can you advise if this is a requirement for Communications Marketplace, or perhaps we will be asked to provide the link at a later stage?
A Carbon Reduction Plan is not a requirement for the onboarding of this agreement, however you win a contract of over £5mil with a Central Government department, you will then be required to submit one.
20/12/2024 15:05
220. We are in the process of making an application to register on the Research and Insights DPS and have a query regarding the Carbon Reduction Plan question. We note that it is a mandatory requirement to submit one if working on central government contracts. However, we are in the process of completing the online application and are currently working on a Carbon Reduction Plan. Is this a mandatory requirement to submit with our application or can this be submitted when finalised if we can submit our application before then? I did add a note to question 51 on the supplier registration portal that it is currently being worked on, however, our Head of Sustainability has since prepared a full explanation on why it is not yet available and the steps we are taking, that we would like to attach to our application. I have been advised that we can have the final CRP with you in a month or so as we do not want to miss out on any potential opportunities. Is it possible to amend the question to include the explanation that our Head of Sustainability has provided as I am unable to do so as the edit function is not available, or do I need to create a new application and copy/edit the one I started?
Good Afternoon, This is the clarifcations page for RM6124 Communications Marketplace, I have passed your message to the Research and Insights Clarifications Page
28/11/2024 14:52
219. Good day, how are foreign companies assessed on this one?
All companies are assessed through their Selection Questionnaire, DPS questionnaire and their compliance with the required insurances and certifications.
21/10/2024 15:45
218. If you can please confirm we are understanding below correctly on the DPS Appoint Form Variations to Core Terms:- The DPS Appointment Form forms the framework "DPS Contract" on the "Core Terms" for services which will be delivered through future specific "Order Forms" (under which each specific "Order Contract" is agreed) and any relevant variations to Core Terms for a particular service can be done through two different means:- 1) at a framework level by adding Special Terms to the DPS Appointment Form or 2) at an 'Order Contract' level by adding Special Terms to the Order Form As our company provides numerous different types of services, if we can have confirmation that once the DPS form is signed, we can make any sensible amendments that might be required in subsequent Order Forms where we can show the Core Terms do not fit the particular services requested to be provided under that Order Form. Thank you
Any changes to specific services provided by suppliers on the DPS is managed via the Supplier Questionnaires on the SRS. Suppliers can make amendments to the services they provide at any time.
02/09/2024 16:43
217. Dear Procurement Team, We are keen to submit an application for RM6124 Communications Marketplace DPS, do we require an Invitation Code to gain access to the application?
No invitation code is required. Suppliers can started their application by registering and following the steps set out to fill in the Supplier Questionnaire and DPS Questionnaire
07/08/2024 15:43
216. Dear Madam/ Sir, Question 166 in Attachment 6 of the Bid Pack requires us to provide documentary evidence of audited accounts for the last 2 years. Our external accountants have advised that we are entitled to exemption from the requirement to obtain an audit under section 477 of the Companies Act 2006. Please Advise.
If you are exempt, you can answer with N/A Exempt
22/07/2024 14:52
215. Dear Sir/Madam, We have sent project examples as part of part 1 of the questionnaire, so what details do they need as evidence of each of the following two questions? 179. Upload documentary evidence for a list of relevant principal contracts for goods and/or services provided in the last three years 180. Upload documentary evidence for a certificate for each principal contract for goods and/or services provided in the last three years Thank you for your response in advance. Looking forward to you response.
Please see below previous responses provided as clarifications to these questions: For question 179: You are required to describe how the performance of the contract example you have provided demonstrates one or more of the services within the Communications Marketplace Agreement. For question 180: CCS can confirm that a completed attachment letter of confirmation is required for both contract examples to clearly provide evidence regarding the principle contract for the goods and services undertaken.
26/03/2024 09:41
214. All our clients are NHS or local authority so are not registered companies at companies' house - the Letter of Confirmation of Works template you provide asks for the company number. Can you advise on what I add instead please?
Please refer to the following previously published response to a similar question concerning the Letter of Confirmation of Works template: CCS can confirm that Bidders must only amend the yellow highlights and insert their answer as requested - If it is a public sector organisation and therefore does not have a company house number then entering NA in this field is acceptable. Any additional amendments to the documents will result in the bid being deemed non compliant
26/03/2024 08:41
213. Core Terms. 4.6An Agency invoice is only valid if it: (a)includes all appropriate references including the Contract reference number and other details reasonably requested by the Client; (b)includes a detailed breakdown of Delivered Goods or Services and Milestone(s) (if any); and (c)does not include the Management Charge (the Agency must not charge the Client in any way for the Management Charge) but, for the avoidance of doubt, may include the GCS Management Charge where applicable.. What is the difference between the Management Charge and the GCS Management Charge? And is each worked out on a % of what is invoiced? and what is this %? thanks
RM6124 has 2 management fees associated to it - 1) 1% CCS Management fee. This fee is applicable to all contracts via the agreement and should be paid by the supplier.This will be invoiced by CCS to the supplier each month. This should not be passed on directly to the customer 2) 1% GCS Levy - This fee is applicable to Central Government customers only. Suppliers should add this as a separate line on all invoices.The customer will pay the supplier the 1%, CCS will then invoice the supplier and the 1% is passed on. Therefore, suppliers that hold contracts with Central Government departments via RM6124 should expect to receive an invoice for 2% each month
08/02/2024 14:23
212. With regards to clarification question 201. We're on the 'SQ Evidence Submission' page but Qs 171 and 172 (about a parent company) are not relevant to us - yet leaving them blank creates an error which reads 'you have not added enough files to this answer - the minimum is 0' and the page reloads and you cannot progress. How do we get past this? There are no fields to insert a '0' into. Also, what 'documentary evidence' is required for Q179: 'Upload documentary evidence for a list of relevant principal contracts for goods and/or services provided in the last three years'? Your response is "Hi, we have responded to this question via email reference - 01452213" can you please share this response as I would like to have the same questions answered.
The first question seems to be a functionality issue with the SQ, If the Q in relation to a parent company isn't relevant to you then you should be able to leave it blank. In relation to the latter, contract examples need to have concluded within the last 3 years and the templates provided need to be used with a signature.
22/01/2024 16:52
209. Hi, 179 asks - upload documentary evidence for a list of relevant principal contracts for goods and/or services provided in the last three years. What kind of evidence should be provided here? How detailed does this need to be? E.g can we list the brand names worked & then sign in letterhead format?
Yes you can list brand names. And you must use the templates provided in the question with the CCS letterhead and electronic signatures
20/12/2023 16:46
208. Q162. Which of the following CESG cyber certifications does your organisation currently hold? Please tick all that apply. Please could you confirm if any of these are mandatory, thank you.
Hello, this information should be in the bid pack document which should be read before joining as a supplier
14/11/2023 15:43
207. We've completed our SSQ and our research and insights DPSQ. Immediately following submission the supplier questionnaire had the status 'completed' but this now says 'expired'. (The research and insights dspq has the status of 'assessing'.) Please can you explain why the SSQ status is expired and whether we need to take any action and, if so, what? Thank you.
Hello. Thank you for your email. Our NQC team can advise on this as they run the SRS portal - support@nqc.com or 0161 393 4191
27/10/2023 15:21
206. We have been asked to provide evidence (e.g supporting policy documents) as part of the selection questionnaire. How do we provide these? And do we need to provide everything listed or only the items that have a tick next to them?
Please contact our support team support@nqc.com who run the SRS portal who can advise on this please.
29/09/2023 14:15
205. In the contract questionnaire for GSR / communications marketplace asks for two contract examples*. We don't have any specific company contracts as a very new company who have been working as sole traders. We have been supplying the govt dept (Active Travel England / Dept of Transport) for almost 12 months in this capacity. We have a collection of official purchase orders (POs from Dept of Transport) related to provision of video content (xxK each for specific number of videos etc). Can we use these as an example of 2 x contracts? We also have been supplying others in the same freelance fashion but tends to be single jobs (videos) and not long contracts. Do they count also? Can you advise please? Paul Boyd Yoyo Video
Suppliers can provide any contract that has now concluded. The length of the contract is irrelevant, however the services provided on that contract must match that of the scope of the agreement
29/09/2023 14:13
204. We have completed the Modern Slavery Assessment but now need to link our selection questionnaire (that we're half way through) with an invitation code. Where do we find this invitation code? Could this please be resent if this should have come through as we don't seem to have it.
Please contact support@nqc.com. They operate the SRS portal.
29/08/2023 10:33
203. Hi, We are going through the DPS Communications Marketplace selection questionnaire for a public relations brief and have the following question, if you could please clarify. Questions 150-153 relate to 'past performance in relation to competency, management systems, supplier performance and any breaches of health and safety legislation', and so doesn't seem relevant. Equally, having read the supplementary doc 'Procurement Policy Note 04/15 Taking Account of Suppliers' Past Performance', it states that In-Scope organisations are those where a contract value is £20m+, which is not the case with the contract we're going for. So should I just tick 'no' to Questions 150-153 as they are not applicable?
Yes the supplier can click no as they are N/A to them
29/08/2023 10:30
202. Hello We are applying to GSR to enter the Comms Marketplace. Is below (Cyber Essentials certification) essential? If we answer 'No' would that exclude or impede us? -- Part 3: Cyber Essentials You are 82% through this questionnaire The 'Cyber Essentials' section outlines whether your organisation has relevant Cyber Essentials certification. 155. Does your organisation have Cyber Essentials certification? --- CE is almost £400 and aimed at larger orgs with IT depts and expertise. We are a tiny 2 person startup who works via Gmail and Google Drive. We have already been supplying the govt body (Active Travel Engand) on a sole trader / freelance basis for 9 months also. Thanks
Hi Paul. Cyber Essentials is a must requirement in order to be an eligible supplier via RM6124
11/07/2023 15:19

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