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Communications Marketplace


There are 217 clarifications for this DPS

17. 2. Qu. 2 - What is required for the Selection Questionnaire Description? I'm not sure what/who this is for.
You can state 'Communications Marketplace DPS'.
12/08/2021 18:24
16. Qu. 3 - What are the CPV codes that are required for this framework please? There don't seem to be any that relate to any of the services that are are listed on question 73 of the questionnaire.
You should refer to the Contract Notice for details of the CPV codes which are associated with the Communications Marketplace.
16/08/2021 16:48
15. Can you please confirm what we need to enter in the box on p108. DPS expiry date and DPS option extension period?
CCS can confirm that this date will be auto-populated by the system when you reach this stage of the process.
13/08/2021 12:03
14. On timings, is there cut off for us submitting the DPS questionnaire?
You can apply for the Communications Marketplace DPS at any point up to it's closing date of 5 Sept 2025
12/08/2021 15:20
13. you answered "CCS can confirm that Selection Questionnaire questions 133-135 are not applicable for the Communications Marketplace. " for one of our clarifications so should we leave these questions as N/A for our selection questionnaire?
CCS can confirm that you can leave these blank, please progress to the next available question.
12/08/2021 14:13
12. Is there a way to preview questions/requirements for the DPS questionnaire? At present I am only able to download and prepare responses for the SQ.
Please review the document 'RM6124 Communications DPS SQ_DPSQ v1'. This provides the Selection Questionnaire and DPS Questionnaire so you can review the questions and question guidance before you commence the online application.
12/08/2021 13:32
11. The SQ asks that we confirm that we have Cyber Essentials basic certification in place, as a minimum, at Question 155. As a small business, is it acceptable to demonstrate that we will put the certification in place if we reach the Agreeing stage? This would mean that the cost of the certification could be deferred until later and thus reduce the cost of bidding for smaller businesses?
CCS can confirm that in order to be 'Appointed' to the DPS and to be in a position to bid for opportunities published by Clients Agencies must be able to evidence that they have Cyber Esentials certification. If an Agency does not hold a valid Cyber Essentials basic certificate this will be classed as a 'Fail' and their application will be rejected until they have a valid Cyber Essentials basic certificate.
13/08/2021 11:56
10. Please could you confirm what is meant by registration/request to participate and what action is needed (Start Date - Open DPS to Agencies to request to participate)? Should we be completing the Selection Questionnaire and DSP forms from now (05/08/2021) or should we wait until the DPS Open to Clients requirements and Competition Procedure goes live (06/09/2021)?
You can apply to join the Communications Marketplace DPS at any time. Please refer to the document 'READ FIRST RM6124 - DPS Needs_v1.0' for details about registering and the application process. The DPS will open to Clients on 6/9/21, from this point Clients can use the DPS filters to enable them to start the Competition Procedure.
11/08/2021 14:18
9. Can you please confirm why the information on Contracts Finder and the CPV codes published (Advertising material - 22462000, Portable computers - 30213100, Television and audio-visual equipment - 32320000, Catering services - 55520000) do not accurately reflect the information in the Bid pack?
The published CPV codes reflect the services that are covered by the Communications Marketplace DPS. Agencies should note that Clients will not be able to use the DPS to procure catering services or portable computers (for example) unless as part of an overarching marketing, communications, creative services, recruitment advertising and events requirement.
11/08/2021 14:18
8. Can we confirm that in the Selection Questionnaire we are asked to provide details of 3 example contracts but then in the DPS we will only be asked for 2 Contract examples?
CCS can confirm that Selection Questionnaire questions 133-135 are not applicable for the Communications Marketplace. Agencies are required to provide 2 contract examples as part of DPS Questionnaire questions 53-59.
11/08/2021 14:18
7. Q151 We are not sure what is required for 'Certificates of Performance'. Can you clarify what we should be providing and how many will be needed?
CCS can confirm that Selection Questionnaire question 151 is not applicable for the Communications Marketplace.
11/08/2021 14:17
6. Q150 We are unsure of the requirement, do you need us to supply a list of our relevant clients for the past 3 years?
CCS can confirm that Selection Questionnaire question 150 is not applicable for the Communications Marketplace.
11/08/2021 14:17
5. Q147-Q149 are asking questions about steel supply and aren't relevant to our organisation can you clarify what we are meant to respond to these if they are relevant?
CCS can confirm that Selection Questionnaire questions 147-149 are not applicable for the Communications Marketplace.
11/08/2021 14:16
4. Q112 in Selection Questionnaire can you provide a definition of 'any members of your organisation'. Does this mean any employees of our organisation?
Q112 in the Selection Questionnaire relates to you, your organisation or any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control in the organisation."
16/08/2021 16:46
3. Question 1 Can ISO 27001 be considered a viable alternative to Cyber Essentials as it contains many of the same requirements as Cyber Essentials? It has been acceptable to many of our Public sector clients in the past, so we are checking if there is any leeway here. Question 2 I've looked through all the previous webinar Q&As and I can't seem to find much information on the nature of the types of contracts that will be advertised in the Marketplace - re. value and type. Are the opportunities on the Marketplace also advertised in Contracts finder? If so, what's the advantage of being on the Communication Marketplace? (e.g contracts of differing value/type? Easier competition requirements?) Many thanks, The Team Brand Communications
Question 1 - CCS requires Cyber Essentials certification. IS0 27001 will now be accepted as an equivalent standard. Question 2 - CCS is unable to provide details of the types and/or values of customer requirements as these are not yet known. CCS cannot guarantee to suppliers any business through this DPS Agreement. Agencies who match the Clients filter options will be invited to bid for the opportunity. Although the original opportunity is not published on Contracts Finder Clients are required to publish a Contract Award notice on the Finder a Tender Service portal.
11/08/2021 14:14
2. Is there a page or word limit for each contract example?
CCS can confirm that there ae no page or word limits in place for each contract example description (DPSQ questions 55 and 58).
09/08/2021 15:14
1. We understand we have to supply 2 contract examples that demonstrate one or more of the services within the communications marketplace agreement. We are selecting multiple services in our response and would like to clarify what we should do if our contract examples can't cover the full list of services we will be selecting, would we be able to provide more examples?
CCS requires you to only submit two contract examples. You do not need to address all of the services you are registering for within the contract example. In response to questions 55 and 58 you are required to describe how the performance of the contract example you have provided demonstrates one or more of the services within the Communications Marketplace Agreement.
09/08/2021 15:15

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