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Communications Marketplace


There are 217 clarifications for this DPS

181. Hi I have a clarification question - Q170 - Upload a statement of funding provided by the owners and/or the bank, charity accruals accounts or an alternative means of demonstrating financial status. As a new start up, my evidence is limited. Would you accept a letter from the bank confirm that the bank account exists? If not, what else would you need? Thanks
If you have a D&B score of over 45, responses to questions 168, 170-172 are not required
03/08/2022 10:38
180. When asking for the last 2 years of audited accounts, would this be accounts provided by accountants, or from our accounting platform?
Accounts provided by accountants. We will ask if we require more financial evidence.
03/08/2022 10:37
179. Good afternoon, we posted the following question shown below on the 14th July, but have not received a response to date. Please can you urgently reply. Thanks. -------------------- Good morning Yesterday, we received the following notification: ---- Question: Good afternoon In our dashboard, it is showing our selection questionnaire as 'submitting'. Could you please confirm when this will change to 'assessing'? Please note, we have not completed the selection questionnaire evidence stage as we are waiting for the result of our selection questionnaire. Thanks Answer: It appears that you have failed the D&B score as there is a risk flag showing on your application under the submission section. Once this is rectified you will be moved to the next questionnaire ---- However: a. We find it highly unlikely that our D&B score was a failure. b. You do not indicate clearly what to do next. How will this be rectified, and by whom? Thank you
Good morning/afternoon, CCS can confirm that your organisation has failed to meet the Dunn & Bradstreet (D&B) financial score assigned to your company by D&B. Your score of (Failure Score) falls below the required threshold as documented in the Financial Assessment Matrix and paragraph 28 contained within in the DPS Needs. This does not automatically disqualify you from the procurement, the process now dictates we perform a financial assessment and identify if the financial risk of your organisation is acceptable. Can you please therefore respond to this message, providing the last two years accounts as per Selection Questionnaire question number 127. Please provide a response to info@crowncommercial.gov.uk Failure to comply with this instruction may result in your 'Request to Participate' being formally rejected as an interim measure until you are able to provide the required information. Kind regards Crown Commercial Service
28/07/2022 16:00
177. Good afternoon In our dashboard, it is showing our selection questionnaire as 'submitting'. Could you please confirm when this will change to 'assessing'? Please note, we have not completed the selection questionnaire evidence stage as we are waiting for the result of our selection questionnaire. Thanks
It appears that you have failed the D&B score as there is a risk flag showing on your application under the submission section. Once this is rectified you will be moved to the next questionnaire
13/07/2022 15:54
176. Are the questions regarding CESG Cyber Certificates relevant for this DPS? If yes, how would I answer these if there is no N/A option?
No they are not relevant. Do not answer questions 162 and 163
13/07/2022 15:53
175. Please can you confirm that our organisation is fully appointed to Communication Marketplace and should be receiving tender invitations for contracts aligning with our services? We have yet to have any through relating to Public Relations and so would like confirmation that we are officially registered on Marketplace
Yes, your organisation is fully appointed on Communications Marketplace. You should have received a Welcome Letter with further instructions on. The category team will contact you seperately to ensure that you have received this.
12/07/2022 10:08
174. We have been appointed to Communications Marketplace since September 2021 and provide every service available in the Public Relations section (amongst others). However, we have not received any opportunities relating to Public Relations since September (despite buyers alerting us to some being live), which would imply the invitations are not coming through. Please can you confirm why this might be happening? In addition, will we be directly invited to opportunities that align with our services, or do we need to actively search for this?
Buyers will receive a shortlist of agencies that can provide the service required by using the filters on the DPS, so any time your agency is shortlisted you will receive notification of the opportunities. Please ensure that the email address that you wish to receive the notifications to is the same one that you have registered on SRS. If you need to check or change this please direct your query to info@crowncommercial.gov.uk and we can assist you further.
12/07/2022 10:08
173. Despite having a D&B score of well over 45, the SQ evidence section is still asking us to complete Qs 168 and 170 - 172 before we can progress to next question. Can you please advise how we should progress?
Hi, we can see you are now on the ITT. Kind regards
20/06/2022 16:08
172. We appear to have now been appointed to the Communications Marketplace. However, we were still in middle of uploading evidence (accounts etc). Do we still need to upload this evidence or are we now fully appointed and ready to bid for work?
You would still need to provide the required documents for registration to remain appointed, please upload to your registration portal
18/05/2022 14:12
171. Hello RM6124 -Communication Marketplace Our dashboard is showing our company as Registered 2 for this framework. Does this mean we can now access opportunities from this framework? with this be via CCS portal.
No, this means that you need to complete the DPSQ sections of the questionnaires and once you have done this and submitted the relevant documents requried for registration (contract examples etc) our team will move you to the assessing stage where you accept our T&C's and then your status will change to appointed. Alternatively for help completing the process, please see the Help link in the top right corner of the supplier registration website. Here you will find guidance and a Contact us option to speak directly with the service providers or email support@NQC.com for further assistance.
09/05/2022 14:06
170. Can suppliers for Communications Marketplace have any ONE of Cyber Essentials, Cyber Essentials Plus or ISO27001 to pass this section of the application - or is one recommended over the others?
Cyber Essentials or ISO27001 MUST be in place before appointment - Confirmation to have in place before commencement of first contract is NOT acceptable for this DPS
09/05/2022 16:14
169. In our application for the Communication Marketplace I have filled in the details for Contract Example 1 - and I have sent the 'Attachment 1a - Letter of Confirmation (Contract Example 1)' to the client for completing and signing. In the meantime, the questionnaire wont let me move on to fill in details for Contract Example 2 until I have uploaded the confirmation letter for Example 1. So, it seems I cant download the Example 2 confirmation letter and send it to the Example 2 client in the meantime! To overcome this delay, can I adjust the example 1 letter and use it for example 2?
Good afternoon. We can see you are already appointed via ITT on our e-sourcing portal. Kind regards
09/05/2022 16:13
168. Please can you let me know if there is anything that needs to be done as we have been in the assessing stage for over a week since making changes that you brought to our attention.
We have sent a number of chaser emails but had no response, we have redirected our email chasers to the email address supplied on the clarification log. We look forward to your responses.
15/03/2022 12:29
167. Our bank need to be given an amount in GBP that they would need to guarantee, please can you specify how much this is?
Work is not guaranteed by signing up to the DPS. It all depends on if a supplier matches a client's service requirements and then win the bidding process. So we cannot guarantee any amount of contract work through the marketplace
01/04/2022 17:32
166. In regards to requiring a guarantor, what does the guarantor actually need to guarantee? If we were to approach our bank, they would require information such as a value, which we are unable to give as we do not have a contract or expected value. Can you please provide further information
You will only be asked to provide a guarantor if your Dun and Bradstreet score falls below the threshold of 45 and our Commercial Finance teams assessment of your accounts are deemed unacceptable. Your guarantor needs to guarantee to cover you for any future contracts you are awarded as part of the Communications Marketplace agreement.
08/03/2022 16:40
165. Not sure whether this question was received, as seems to be missing from the list, so apologies for asking again. With regards to the following questions: Q168 - Upload a bank letter outlining the current cash and credit position Q170 - Upload a statement of funding provided by the owners and/or the bank, charity accruals accounts or an alternative means of demonstrating financial status Q171 - Upload documentary evidence for parent company accounts Q172 - Upload documentary evidence for parent company guarantee We have provided our accounts and have a D&B score of above 45 in all areas. We believe a PCG would not be called for suppliers with a D&B of this rating, therefore as these questions are not relevant, will the portal allow us to submit without uploading in these sections.
If you have a D&B score of over 45, responses to questions 168, 170-172 are not required
09/03/2022 16:36
164. We would like to become a supplier in the Communications Marketplace. I believe we need to have a Cyber Security certificate. Please could you advise how we get this certification. Can we self-certify, in which case what questions do we need to answer or do we need to use a preferred supplier for this? Thanks in advance
Cyber Essentials basic certificate is required and you can apply at the link below. You can download a free copy of the questions you will be assessed against when applying for Cyber Essentials basic. https://iasme.co.uk/cyber-essentials/free-download-of-cyber-essentials-self-assessment-questions/ There is also an FAQ at the bottom of the page under 'FIND OUT MORE'."
08/03/2022 16:39
163. With regards to the following questions: Q168 - Upload a bank letter outlining the current cash and credit position Q170 - Upload a statement of funding provided by the owners and/or the bank, charity accruals accounts or an alternative means of demonstrating financial status Q171 - Upload documentary evidence for parent company accounts Q172 - Upload documentary evidence for parent company guarantee We have provided our accounts and have a D&B score of above 45 in all areas. We believe a PCG would not be called for suppliers with a D&B of this rating, therefore as these questions are not relevant, will the portal allow us to submit without uploading in these sections.
If you have a D&B score of over 45, responses to questions 168, 170-172 are not required
09/03/2022 16:37
162. What do you mean by 'For The approximate % of contractual obligations assigned to the Sub-Contractor'? Does this mean on average throughout a given financial year how much % is sub contract to them? And What timeframe or context does the % applies to?
We do not require all Subcontractors to be disclosed. You need only disclose those Subcontractors who directly contribute to your ability to meet the services you specify you can fulfil in the DPSQ questionnaire. (including under any Contract Agreement you are awarded through this agreement). There is no need to specify Subcontractors providing general services to the Agency (such as window cleaners etc.)
21/02/2022 15:09
161. Hello Our 'Contract Examples' were not accepted and we were given the below reason: "contract examples are current WIP, requested for concluded contracts, moved back to reg 1 to allow for updates" Please can you confirm the exact requirements for our contract examples as we are unclear. Do you want examples of clients we no longer work with or examples where the contract terms are fixed / projects completed? Thanks, Sian
CCS can confirm that the works described in the contract example must have concluded and have an end date in order to be considered
17/02/2022 16:22

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