There are 217 clarifications for this DPS
140. On submitting evidence for 180 - 'documentary evidence for a certificate for each principal contract for goods and/or services'. Would a letter of appointment be suitable?
CCS can confirm that a completed attachment letter of confirmation is required for both contract examples to clearly provide evidence regarding the principle contract for the goods and services undertaken.
12/11/2021 12:28
139. On submitting evidence, for 179 - 'Upload documentary evidence for a list of relevant principal contracts for goods and/or services provided in the last three years'. What type of evidence is expected? Case studies, contracts themselves?
You are required to describe how the performance of the contract example you have provided demonstrates one or more of the services within the Communications Marketplace Agreement.
12/11/2021 12:30
138. Q172 - Documentary Evidence for Parent Co. Guarantee
Is it suffice for this to be a statement on our Parent Co.'s headed paper?
Please upload on headed paper, if further inform is required, this will be requested once you have submitted your application.
04/11/2021 09:02
137. Q185. Upload documentary evidence for cash flow for the most recent year of trading for the organisation
As a small business, this is not a requirement in our published accounts. Is it therefore suffice to upload this on headed paper, or does it require certification and if so, from whom?
Please upload on headed paper, if further inform is required, this will be requested once you have submitted your application.
04/11/2021 08:59
136. Q182, 183, 184 Documentary evidence for statement of the turnover, profit & loss, liabilities and assets
These are all contained in our published accounts. Is it suffice to upload these individual portions of our published accounts?
CCS can confirm you can upload individual portions
04/11/2021 08:58
135. Good afternoon. With reference to questions 117 to 121 of the DPSQ, should any of the named supplier contacts change after being appointed as a supplier on the Communications Marketplace DPS, is the appointed agency required to resubmit its application to the DPS?
CCS can confirm if changes are made to the application, in this instance, updating contact details, the application will move back to 'assessing'. We will review the changes, update our records and move back to agreeing which will enable you to 're-submit' application with no further changes.
12/11/2021 12:27
134. Within document 'Attachment 4 - Additional Sub-Contractor(s) v1', columns N and O do not give any drop down answers to choose from. Can you please provide an updated version of the document?
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
CCS can confirm that an Attachment 4 - Additional Sub-Contractor(s) version 2 is now available to be downloaded from the SRS and Contracts Finder
10/11/2021 16:43
133. Good Afternoon,
As a Media Agency, our core discipline is Media Planning and Buying. Please could you confirm that you would expect there to be significant opportunities for Media Planning and Buying in terms of relevant call-off contracts through the DPS?
CCS cannot guarantee you will receive business if you are appointed onto the DPS. Buyers may choose to advertise up coming opportunities on Contracts Finder, link below.
12/11/2021 12:26
132. Hi there,
We have the Forestry Commission (DEFRA) and MCA as contracts we'd like to use as our 2 example contracts. However, DEFRA have initially said it's their policy to not give references and CCS should know that. I've queried this by advising that it's not a reference, but it's a confirmation of work?
Please can you advise if you foresee this to be an issue?
CCS can confirm that the letters of confirmation of works are not references. They are a confirmation between both parties that the work has been carried out by/for an organisation and when.
Please refer to paragraph 83 of the DPS needs document within the bid pack for guidance as to how CCS handles confidential or commercially sensitive information.
Bidders must provide Confirmation of Works in order to be appointed to the DPS
12/11/2021 12:26
131. I have received the signed contract examples from clients and am trying to upload to the DPS. However, I am getting the below error message when I try and it's prohibiting me from progressing to completion. How do i move forward?
"The content you are trying to access does not exist or has expired. Please try again or go to the Home page".
Please refer to NQC - -who can support you through the process of uploading these docs
01/11/2021 13:32
130. Can you please define what the required contacts are for:
Authorised Representative - authorised to do what?
We can confirm the named authorised representative would be those who has powers of representation, decision or control in the organisation.
12/11/2021 12:24
129. Can you please explain what you mean by 'must have concluded and have an end date'? We have put that the contract end date as 01/01/2023 - the campaign work described in this contract has concluded but our contract is until 2023 with the client, where new campaigns will be created. Can we change the dates to the campaign dates and not the contract?
CCS can confirm - Yes, you can use these examples if the work has concluded.
01/11/2021 13:35
128. With the letters clients submit in support of our contract examples, can they simply supply a digital signature, or do they need to print off and sign the letter manually and then scan it in? Please confirm
CCS can confirm Digital signatures are accepted.
01/11/2021 13:36
127. I have received an email asking me to complete a further questionnaire (SAQ 4.0) on the website:
1. Do I have to complete the SQ Evidence Submission now or at some specific point in the future?
2. Will not completing this now hinder our ability to see/receive new tender opportunities?
3. Is there a way of bringing the information already entered into the system across and into the system?
1,2,3. The website you have mentioned does not relate to CCS and therefore has no impact on your application to the DPS
4. CCS do not operate the supplier assurance website and cannot provide advice relating to it
12/11/2021 12:23
126. 1. Do I have to complete the SQ Evidence Submission now or at some point in the future?
2. Is it a mandatory element in the process or will documentary evidence be requested where required as suggested by other responses to questions?
3. Will not completing this now hinder our ability to see/receive new tender opportunities?
4. Many of the questions are very similar and or overlapping. Is it mandatory to respond to every single one or will, for example, the audited accounts for the last 2 years suffice for evidencing the financial standing on the company?
1 & 2. Please respond to questions as described in the bidpack SQ_DPSQ v1 pdf. We may contact you to request evidence in support of answers you gave in your applications such as insurance levels. This will be clearly titled and come from an mailbox.
For example please see RM6124 Communications DPS SQ_DPSQ v1 page 142 - Top right paragraph 'Guidance' .
3. Yes. Unless appointed onto the Communications Marketplace DPS your organisation will not be one of those exported by the buyer for products and services they select
4. Please respond to every applicable question and for those that are not please see the Read first document in the bidpack specifically Page 16 - Q72 Selection Questionnaire - Not Applicable questions.
We will ask if we require more financial evidence however we will only request this if your organisation's dun and bradstreet score falls below threshold.
12/11/2021 12:22
125. Is there a maximum length for the contract examples? Words / characters?
CCS can confirm that there are no page or word limits in place for each contract example description (DPSQ questions 55 and 58).
26/10/2021 16:30
124. With regards to client contract value - our private sector client would not be happy with us disclosing this as it would break confidentiality agreements. Are we able to decline revealing this information based on the client NDA that we have signed? Our public sector client is happy for us to share this information as it's publicly available information.
Please see response to question 79 '' CCS can confirm that the works described in the contract example must have concluded and have an end date in order to be considered''.
Please only provide examples of work that has concluded and that you are able to share the information we have requested
01/11/2021 13:39
123. The Public Relations CPV code that I entered at the start of the process, doesn't seem to be listed in the initial contract notice (codes below are those listed in the initial notice and none of them relate to PR / Communications). If I have entered the wrong CPV code - what are the consequences - and can I amend this? I asked the question via email some time ago and it has not been answered.
Advertising material - 22462000
Portable computers - 30213100
Television and audio-visual equipment - 32320000
Exhibition equipment - 39154000
Database and operating software package - 48600000
Catering services - 55520000
Multimedia Message Service (MMS) services - 64212300
Analysis services - 71620000
Business analysis consultancy services - 72221000
Project management consultancy services - 72224000
Data services - 72300000
World wide web (www) site design services - 72413000
Application service providers - 72416000
Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security - 79000000
Motion picture and video services - 92100000
Radio and television services - 92200000
Sports-event promotion services - 92621000
Sports-event organisation services - 92622000
If you have entered in the wrong CPV code as long as you specify the correct services via the filters you are able to provide as an agency you will receive relevant contracts relating to the services you have said you can provide.
17/01/2022 10:44
122. Regarding the Communications Marketplace Planning spreadsheet, I would be very grateful for some clarity regarding our core competency: Media Planning and Buying.
It isn't a 'niche' discipline, particularly: every ad you see or hear has been planned to reach a particular target and bought to get the best value for the Client.
We plan and buy all media: TV, Radio, Press (traditional 'offline' media) as well as Online: Social, Progammatic and Display in ways to maximise coverage and frequency and/or encourage response.
There really should be a "Main Value" that encapsulates Media Planning and Buying definitively, with sub-sections for various media and competencies. If we can have some clarity on this, we would be really very grateful and it would give us the opportunity to pick up contracts that we can fulfil to our best ability (and the Client's satisfaction!).
Media Strategy and Planning sits as a stand alone lot on our Campaign Solutions 2 Framework agreement which was awarded to six agencies following the procurement for these services.
01/11/2021 13:43
121. Good Afternoon,
We have 2 clarification queries please:
1) As an appointed agency, please can you confirm the procedure for adding additional specialist sub-contractors who may be relevant to a particular bid, but who may not be currently listed on our registration. Are we taken back to the 'Assessing' point at this stage, and if so how long does this take? Would we have to wait for approval before continuing to bid for this piece of work? Similarly, if we are mid bid on another concurrent procurement, is this halted until the assessment is complete?
2) Please can you advise where we would obtain further information on the marketing collateral we can produce to add to our profile?
Thank you for your assistance.
Q1. Once a supplier has accepted T&C's they are appointed, any changes will result in you going back into the assessing stage. We will manage those changes and check what changes have been made. Depending on the new assessment, if all is OK, move your application back to agreeing.
Additional subcontractors can be handled between CAM and Supplier
Q2. CCS will send the marketing collateral information to you directly.
01/11/2021 16:14