There are 67 clarifications for this DPS
8. Are you able to provide any update on the clarification question below? The issue still remains and means we are unsure whether we can submit our completed SQ without it:
"Further to the question and your answer about the sub-contractor questions: We have answered Q21 as 'yes' to using sub-contractors and have completed details about that sub-contractor in Q22, but Q136 is still not appearing on the portal. Any help appreciated."
This is a technical error. If it is experienced please contact the CCS category team to look into this:
12/01/2023 17:02
7. The previous version of the DPS (RM6172) had a rate card that Suppliers had to agree too. Has this requirement been removed for RM6322?
Correct. There is a maximum margin percentage instead. This was also in RM6172. We have chosen to retain this for this agreement.
05/12/2022 12:04
6. DPS Schedule 3: The indexaction reference in 5.1.4 states that Annex 1 of Schedule 3 can list pricing components that are "subject to indexation", however said Annex 1 of Schedule 3 currently shows only one provision for a Maximum Margin Percentage with a comment that such shall not be subject to indexation. Can the Authority please confirm that additional price components can be added to Annex 1 of Schedule 3, which can be labelled "subject to indexation"?
The reference in 5.1.4 is a typo and will be removed. Thank you for flagging. Suppliers are free to quote for their services at competition as this will be assessed then. However, they will be capped at the maximum margin percentage as listed in annex 1.
05/12/2022 12:07
5. DPS Schedule 3: An indexation reference has been added to Clause 5.1.4 as an event that allow suppliers to change the pricing. In it, a Paragraph 6 is referenced, which does not exist. Could the Authority please specify and update this provision?
Thank you. This is a typo and will be removed. There is no set pricing, suppliers can quote what they feel is appropriate at competition. Price will be included in buyer weighting when evaluating tender responses. The only consideration is the maximum margin percentage listed in annex 1.
05/12/2022 12:09
4. Is Q148 of the SQ with reference to steel production intended? If not, is Q149 stand-alone or connected to Q148?
As described in the READ FIRST - DPS NEEDS document in the bid pack, Q147 - Q149 are not required for this DPS. Please see the document for other not applicable questions.
05/12/2022 12:04
2. - We understand that answering SQ133 -SQ135 is not required. Can you clarify whether SQ137 is also 'not applicable'?
- also note - SQ136 is not appearing on the portal but asks a relevant question regarding sub-contractors.
- Our organisation is not of a sufficient size to require Modern Slavery policy etc. However, we do have a policy and procedures in place - but this is not published on our website and therefore we are unable to provide a web link to it. Is there an alternative way we can provide the required documentation?
Q137 is applicable if, as the question states, you cannot provide at least one example of a customer contract. Details of which questions are not relevant to this DPS are detailed in the READ FIRST - DPS NEEDS document in the bid pack. Q136 should only appear on your questionnaire if you have indicated in Q21 that you intend to use sub-contractors. The questionnaire example in the bid pack gives suppliers an overview of all questions, however, depending on your answers, not all of them will appear when you are submitting your own answers on the DPSQ.
If your organisation does not fit the criteria for the modern slavery policy then it is not necessary to send your policy. If you did hit the criteria then we would require evidence of the published policy, e.g a website link to the policy. If you do hit the criteria, then the requirement is that this is published and accessible for potential buyers to access the policy publicly. (e.g. via your website). If you still wish to share the policy then it should be publicly accessible.
01/12/2022 09:31
1. Questions 130-132 in the SQ relate to organisations with a parent company. There is no option here to say 'not applicable'. We do not have a parent company, therefore should we simply answer these as 'no'?
Yes, questions 130-132 should be answered as 'no' if your organisation does not have a parent / ultimate parent company. This is initially addressed in Questions 6 and 7; which should be answered with 'not applicable' if you do not have a parent or ultimate parent respectively. All other questions relating to parent / ultimate parent should be answered as 'no' if these don't apply to your organisation.
30/11/2022 16:30