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Cyber Security Services 3 DPS


There are 131 clarifications for this DPS

32. The 'register' questionnaire ends at 81/83, with page 81 stating "93% through this questionnaire". Please could the DPS review all documents and re-release a definitive bid pack.
The Selection Questionnaire PDF is for information only, to provide bidders with an overview of the questions that they will be presented with in the DPS digital platform as part of their submission.
31/01/2020 11:30
31. Within the Selection Questionnaire, the pages seem to skip from page 123 > 136 > 143 (PDF page count is 123, 124 & 125). It then returns to a "normal" count. Please advise, if the document is missing content ASAP.
The PDF shows all possible questions for the standard Selection Questionnaire, dependent on a Users answers the dynamic build will only present a User with the questions related to their answers. The PDF does not include pages 124 - 135, as these are questions within the workflow that a Buyer would see, i.e. request evidence. Therefore, are not included in the PDF as these are not relevant to a Supplier's journey.
31/01/2020 11:15
30. Attachment 6 Selection Questionnaire Page 137 Does the scope of the "similar service" extend beyond Certified Professionals? We note that qualifications from different bodies are already referenced in the Certified Consultancy application.
The scope extends beyond certified professionals. Providing a company is able to offer these services, whether certified or not (as individuals or an organisation) then you can be listed under the non-NCSC assured route. However, the buyer will provide more detailed specifications when calling off via this agreement and these may include specific certifications which you would need to be able to evidence.
28/01/2020 08:21
29. Attachment 6 Selection Questionnaire Page 137 Can the authority confirm that the term "assured" as in assured cyber services should be interpreted as certified as per the NCSC website? (See https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/section/products-services/ncsc-certification)
NCSC have confirmed that NCSC assured is the same as NCSC certified. NCSC will be changing the language as they transform their services in the future.
28/01/2020 08:20
28. Please could the Framework confirm which bid pack(s) are correct?: There is a disparity between those on the 'contracts finder' site and the DPS site. Contracts finder has individiual folders (7, 7A, 7B and 7C) but none included the Selection Questionnaire. The DPS site has one overall folder, with all folders (7, 7a and 7b) apart from folder 7C. It does include the Selection Quesionnaire (215 pages). Is the DPS one correct and does it supercede the documents & folders on the contracts finder site? Thank you.
Please disregard the bid pack on Contracts Finder, and utilise the bid pack documents in the Supplier Registration Service (SRS). Contracts Finder will be amended in due course to replicate SRS.
28/01/2020 08:19
27. Hi, In reference to the document "READ FIRST RM3764iii Cyber Services DPS Needs v1.PDF". Paragraph 4.35 states various questions which are NOT required for submission. For Paragraph 4.36, can you please clarify if the questions numbers listed (i.e. Q166 - Q172, Q174, Q176, Q179 - Q185) are Required or NOT-Required for submission? Many thanks
"These questions are not applicable and no evidence is required as part of your DPS submission. Awarding buyers only may request for evidence in accordance with their statement of requirements at award stage. Apologies, the 'Respond' option will only be visible to the User completing the 'Registered 1' submission. This link will be before the 'View' and 'Delete' options.
28/01/2020 09:56
26. General Also, please note that in a number of DPS Order schedules, the language has errors such as 'provided that the operation of this paragraph Error! Reference source not found.' Please could this be corrected?
CCS are reviewing the Order Schedules and will amend all error references and republish in due course.
28/01/2020 08:17
25. Joint Schedule 6 Key Subcontractors 1.6.2 of this Schedule requires that we flowdown to our subcontractors a right 'under CRTPA for CCS and the Buyer to enforce any provisions under the Key Sub-Contract which confer a benefit upon CCS and the Buyer respectively'. The contract is with the Supplier and it is for the Suppler to manage Subcontractors. Please provide an example of this in practice. We would respectively request that this clause (1.6) is removed in its entirety.
This provision is well bounded and will not be removed. It is difficult to provide a specific example without referring to a particular contract. However, there may be circumstances where it will be necessary for CCS or the Buyer to step in and enforce provisions under a key subcontractor contract which confer benefits upon CCS and the Buyer respectively.
10/02/2020 15:16
24. Schedule 8 Schedule 8 describes the requirements of a Guarantee but does not obligate a Supplier at this point. In what specific circumstances would a Guarantee typically be required? If the Supplier is able to demonstrate financial standing/viability by other means (i.e sharing previous years' account history), would any Guarantee still be a necessity?
CCS can confirm that a guarantor may be required subject to CCS Commercial Finance team assessment, in the event that a supplier fails to meet the financial threshold score (40) for this DPS, and any subsequent additional financial requirements as specified at section 4.11 - 4.20 of the READ First DPS Needs document which forms part of the bid pack. Guarantors are corporate guarantors and will only be permissable at CCS request as above.
31/01/2020 11:31
23. 14.3 Core Terms In consideration of the protection GDPR provides, why is it necessary that 'the Supplier must make accessible back-ups of all Government Data, stored in an agreed off-site location and must send to the Buyer copies every 6 Months'.
This is a long standing provision in CCS agreements and not considered over burdensome. If the circumstances of a particular call-off are such that the requirement could not apply then then provision will not be operative.
10/02/2020 15:15
22. 11.5 Core Terms We note that the Supplier's liability relating to data protection, as per Article 11.5 of the Core terms are uncapped, thereby subjecting potential supplier's to a disproportionate amount of risk for this opportunity. This would appear to be out of step with the accepted normal contracting practice in the industry and may potentially require supplier's to account for contingency measures which could further increase cost in later opportunities. We would request that this be reconsidered as capped. 11.5 Core Terms Further, it is also stated that liability is uncapped for claims regarding an act or omission of the Supplier, any wilful misconduct and any Default by the Supplier relating to any applicable Law to do with the Contract. It further removes a cap for any non-payment of tax and Supplier transfer. The inclusion of such broad terms effectively negates the limit of liability for Suppliers as denoted in 11.2 and therefore again introduces added risk. We would request that these items are limited inside the stipulated cap.
CCS can confirm that following further review of the clarification questions received in relation to the liability clauses within the Core Terms of the Terms and Conditions, a Special Term (7) has now been included in the DPS Appointment Form. The DPS Appointment Form is electronically signed by the Supplier in the DPS Agreeing stage, to enable a Supplier to become 'Appointed' to the DPS (as detailed in Section 6 of the READ First DPS Needs document within the bid pack). This special term (7) removes the unlimited liability on Suppliers for GDPR breach and replaces it with a £10m cap. CCS consider this a reduction in exposure which should reduce Suppliers' perceived risk. Please refer to Attachment 7 - Part 2, in the DPS Bid Pack to locate the amended DPS Appointment Form V2.0 for information.
13/02/2020 11:12
21. 10.5.2 Core Terms 10.5.2 stipulates that when the contract ends, the Buyer's payment obligations under the terminated Contract stop immediately. Could you please clarify if that applies to obligations completed by the Supplier for which payment is due?
This clause does not strike out any obligation by the Buyer to pay any existing charges which have been properly incurred.
10/02/2020 15:14
20. 10.7 Core Terms It is understood that within the public sector, consent with regards to Key Subcontractors is often a requirement. However, the contract stipulates 'at the Buyer's request, the Supplier must terminate any Subcontracts if there is a Change of Control of a Subcontractor which isn't pre-approved by the Relevant Authority in writing. What specific circumstances would cause a Buyer to request such termination?
One example would be where a subcontractor is brought under control of an organisation that the public sector would not want to be associated with, or where the public trust in the Authority would be diminished as a result.
10/02/2020 15:12
19. 4.8 Core Terms 4.8 stipulates that if CCS or the Buyer can get more favourable commercial terms for the supply at cost of any materials, goods or services used by the Supplier to provide the Deliverables and that cost is reimbursable by the Buyer, then CCS or the Buyer may either require the Supplier to replace its existing commercial terms with the more favourable terms offered for the relevant item or enter into a direct agreement with the Subcontractor or third party for the relevant item. This clause seems conditional upon being 'reimbursable by the Buyer', in what circumstances would that arise? Additionally this does not factor into account all variables of the commercial terms a Buyer might achieve Vs what we as a Supplier achieve. All opportunities are won in competition so this does not accurately represent a 'level playing field'.
CCS or the Buyer reserves the right to source third party goods and services where it is clear that these items could be sourced at more competitive rates, in order to achieve the best value for money for the public sector. The provisions in question will remain as drafted.
10/02/2020 15:11
18. General Are all of the terms and schedules provided non-negotiable? Are terms negotiable at the order Form stage?
All terms and conditions provided for under CCS Terms and Conditions are non-negotiable. Special terms will be set by the buyer prior to releasing their tender documents (including the order form) and would also be non-negotiable.
28/01/2020 08:16
17. There are two Questionaires to fill in; Attachment 6 referred to in a previous questions is the SQ with no DPS specific questions. Where can you get digital access to the DPS SQ?
Attachment 6 is for information only. Suppliers should read the READ First DPS Needs document for full instructions on how to apply for the RM3764.iii Cyber Security Services 3 DPS on the Supplier Registration Service (SRS) digitial platform.
27/01/2020 13:51
16. We have just registered and been approved as a supplier to the DPS. However - within the questionnaire, there is no-where for us to specify, that we are NCSC approved for Data Destruction services? All those listed for CESG services, do not relate to Data Destruction? We are a CAS-S supplier and can therefore destroy data, to secret level, but there was no where within the questionnaire to specify this service? Also when completing the questionnaire, under "CESG approved services" data destruction was greyed out? Who should I speak to about this please? I obviously want to ensure we are listed, for the services we can provide?
Following consultation with NCSC, CCS are in discussions with the DPS provider to enable the data destruction and services filter under the NCSC assured route as well as the non-NCSC assured route. In the meantime you can state that you are able to provide these services under the non-assured route. A buyer will request CAS-S certification under this filter if it is what they require. CCS will update all suppliers once the necessary amendment to the Data Destruction filter has been implemented.
28/01/2020 08:14
15. For question 130 and 131 in Part 3: Economic and Financial Standing of the Standard Questionnaire, we have responded with "no" as we do not have an ultimate parent company. In this case, is that what you would expect as the response?
CCS would expect potential providers to respond as appropriate in accordance with the question, Yes, No or N/A in accordance with your organisations status in the context of the question.
28/01/2020 08:12
14. Hi, In reference to the document "READ FIRST RM3764iii Cyber Services DPS Needs v1.PDF": - Paragraph 4.35 states various questions which are NOT required for submission. - For Paragraph 4.36, can you please clarify if the questions numbers listed (i.e. Q166 - Q172, Q174, Q176, Q179 - Q185) are Required or NOT-Required for submission? Many thanks
"These questions are not applicable and no evidence is required as part of your DPS submission. Awarding buyers only may request for evidence in accordance with their statement of requirements at award stage. Apologies, the 'Respond' option will only be visible to the User completing the 'Registered 1' submission. This link will be before the 'View' and 'Delete' options."
10/11/2020 14:50
13. Referring to the "Read First" document, page 15 and 16 - Selection Questionnaire - Not Applicable questions: 4.36 Evidence submission stage for the following questions • Q166 - Q172; • Q174; • Q176; and • Q179 - Q185 Can you please clarify if we are required to submit evidence against these questions? If we do not need to provide evidence here, can you please advise on how we can proceed through the questionnaire as there is no N/A option?
These questions are not applicable and no evidence is required as part of your DPS submission. Awarding buyers only may request for evidence in accordance with their statement of requirements at award stage. Apologies, the 'Respond' option will only be visible to the User completing the 'Registered 1' submission. This link will be before the 'View' and 'Delete' options.
31/01/2020 11:34

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