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Cyber Security Services 3 DPS


There are 131 clarifications for this DPS

12. Re - 'Please provide a description for this standard Selection Questionnaire' (step 2 of SQ) is this the description that will be shared with buyers or is this for our own SQ tracking purposes only? Thanks
This is for your own SQ tracking only. Your SQ will be shared with buyers subject to your approval and only if they are awarding a contract to your organisation following a further competition.
28/01/2020 08:11
11. Hi, I am in the process of completing our Supplier Questionnaire, which is showing as 'complete' however it is not completed and I am still working through this. Could you please confirm the date we are able to continue making edits until? Thank you
Please contact the NQC Team at support@nqc.com who can provide further support with your DPS submission
23/01/2020 14:15
10. Timings. In the "Read First" document it is specified that the DPS is open to buyers competition from 13/02/2020. Could you please confirm how long does the assessing of applications take by CCS? What are the timeframes between the "Assessing" status flag and the "Agreeing" status flag?
CCS have 15 working days in accordance with the PCR2015 to assess a suppliers submission in the event they enter into 'assessing' status, if they fail to meet one or more of the mandatory requirements for this DPS, as specified in the READ First DPS Needs document. However if a supplier successfully completes their DPS submission, they can be 'appointed' to the DPS on the same day that their submission is completed and electronically signed.
23/01/2020 14:20
9. I have downloaded a copy of the Selection Questionnaire as a document. Is the DPS Questionnaire included as part of the above document? Or is the DPS Questionnaire a new set of different questions please?
CCS can confirm the Attachment 6 - Selection Questionnaire PDF in the bid pack is for information only and provide bidders with visibility of the selection questions contained in the electronic DPS platform in advance of bidders commencing their DPS submission.
23/01/2020 09:04
8. Hi Team: Question on Attachment 1 - Cyber Services 3 Filter Matrix v1 lists the CNI sectors. Row 11 contains "Civil Nuclear Communications". Is this a typographical error and should read "Civil Nuclear" and "Communications" as a separate entry?
CCS are currently amending the Civil Nuclear Communications sub filter, which will be changed to 2x filters (Communications and Civil Nuclear in the CNI category. CCS will issue a notification to all suppliers once the DPS and all corresponding bid pack documents have been amended.
28/01/2020 08:10
7. Your emailed response to a Cyber Services 3 DPS clarification question today did not indicate which framework this was for, which is confusing for anone registered on more than one. Please can you include the relevant reference in future?
Thank you for your feedback
18/02/2020 12:54
6. Dear CCS, Please confirm within parts 3 and 4, whether the following documents are to be added, or intentially missing: Part 3 - Doc 9 Part 4 - Docs 3 and 11 Many thanks!
Joint Schedule 9 (Minimum Standards of Reliability) is NOT USED Order Schedule 3 (Continuous Improvement) is NOT USED Order Schedule 11 (Installation Works) is NOT USED
22/01/2020 08:14
5. nothing seems to be on DPS Schedule 2 (DPS Application) from attachment 7b, is this correct?
CCS can confirm that the DPS Schedule 2 - DPS Application should read 'Please refer to Attachment 6 - Selection Questionnaire PDF' within the Bid Pack. CCS will amend this schedule and replace within the bid pack in due course.
22/01/2020 10:26
4. 1. Timings. In the "Read First" document it is specified that the DPS is open to buyers competition from 13/02/2020. Could you please confirm how long does the assessing of applications take by CCS? What are the timeframes between the "Assessing" status flag and the "Agreeing" status flag? 2. NCSC assured services a. Considering that 'Cyber services 2' (which was for NCSC certified services) is replaced by this new framework, what is the updated process to get certified by NCSC in relation to this new framework? b. How are existing NCSC certifications applicable to the new categories of services in 'Cyber services 3' which were not in 'cyber services 2'. Example BCDR? 3. Pricing mechanism options In schedule 5 (pricing details), if the option 'fixed price' is selected, does it mean the supplier must also provide the price or does this pricing option be accepted by the supplier as part of a tender process?
1. CCS have 15 working days in accordance with the PCR2015 to assess a suppliers submission in the event they enter into 'assessing' status, if they fail to meet one or more of the mandatory requirements for this DPS, as specified in the READ First DPS Needs document. However if a supplier successfully completes their DPS submission, they can be 'appointed' to the DPS on the same day that their submission is completed and electronically signed. 2a. NCSC certification is independent from CCS and this agreement. The process for getting certified has not changed. More information can be found on the NCSC website at: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/section/products-services/ncsc-certification 2b. NCSC certification does not apply to all the service types offered under this agreement. For example, BCDR is not covered by an NCSC scheme and will be "greyed out" under the filter for NCSC assured suppliers. Services not covered by NCSC schemes will be available via the filter for Non NCSC Certified and Assured Services 3. A fixed price model normally requires the supplier to providea price for a contract based on the specification and terms and conditions. The buyer will decide on the pricing model and will provide instructions to suppliers on the pricing information required, as part of a further competitionunder this agreement.
24/01/2020 13:33
3. Section 1.3 of the Buyer's Needs document reads: 'G-Cloud 11 no longer offers a route to market for non NCSC certified suppliers. The intention is that when live, all requirements for Cyber Services will go through this DPS Agreement.' Is this correct?
Please note that, as highlighted, the document narrative is incorrect. G-Cloud 11 still offers a route to market for non-NCSC assured services (NCSC assured services are not in scope for G-cloud 11). CCS will be amending the Buyer's Needs and Specification within the T&Cs document as v2.0 by close of play Monday 20th of January.
20/01/2020 10:48
1. Good Morning The deadline for receipt of our application is unclear, please can you confirm? Thank You
There is no deadline for completing your DPS submission, as the DPS remains open for the lifetime of it's duration. However, CCS would recommend completing your DPS submission as soon as possible to enable your service offerings to be available for buyers.
20/01/2020 10:43

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