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Automation Marketplace


There are 122 clarifications for this DPS

129. What is the last date to apply as a supplier to apply for AI-DPS RM 6200?
The end date for this agreement is 15/11/2026
28/11/2024 13:34
128. Hello, are the terms and conditions for this DPS the same as they were for G-Cloud 14?
No the terms and conditions for the Automation Framework are different with it being a DPS agreement, than G-Cloud 14 which is a "traditional" Framework agreement
28/11/2024 13:33
127. Hi, Do we need tp resubmit our responses for the recently announced extension or will our profile automatically carry over?
There is nothing for you to complete for the extension, your profile will automatically carry over
14/08/2024 12:22
126. Is it acceptable that we uphold an Employee Code of Conduct in place of a Supplier Code of Conduct, encompassing the following areas? POSH - Prevention of Sexual Harassment Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Forced and Child Labor Health and Safety Grievances and Complaints Personal Actions and Appearance Use of Property Policy Commitment Diversity & Inclusion
Yes, this will be ok.
02/08/2024 13:08
125. Dear Sir/Madam, We have sent project examples as part of part 1 of the questionnaire, so what details do they need as evidence of each of the following two questions? 179. Upload documentary evidence for a list of relevant principal contracts for goods and/or services provided in the last three years 180. Upload documentary evidence for a certificate for each principal contract for goods and/or services provided in the last three years Thank you for your response in advance. Looking forward to you response.
You are required to detail what goods/services you have successfully delivered to a customer that is relevant to the DPS agreement and these documents need to be singed by the customer.
02/08/2024 13:07
123. Dear Procurement Team, We are looking to submit an application for RM6124 Communications Marketplace Dynamic Purchasing System Agreement framework, however we wanted to confirm that there are no rates to submit, or any rate caps that we need to be aware for either of them? Thank you in advance for your guidance with this. Kind regards
That is correct, you do not need to submit any rates to get a place on the DPS, unlike with a framework agreement. It will be at the call-off stage where your pricing is assessed.
12/03/2024 11:16
122. Dear Procurement Team, We are looking to submit an application for RM6173 - Automation Marketplace Dynamic Purchasing System Agreement framework, however we wanted to confirm that there are no rates to submit, or any rate caps that we need to be aware for either of them? Thank you in advance for your guidance with this. Kind regards
That is correct, you do not need to submit any rates to get a place on the DPS, unlike with a framework agreement. It will be at the call-off stage where your pricing is assessed.
12/03/2024 11:16
121. Dear Sir/Madam, there is a question in SQ nr "178. Upload documentary evidence to demonstrate the process that ensures your supply chain supports skills, development and apprenticeships in line with PPN 14/15". However the PPN 14/15 is not valid anymore. If and how is this question to be answered? Best Regards
This PPN has been superceded by PPN 06/20. Please answer the question using PPN 06/20 rather than PPN 14/15.
22/01/2024 10:46
120. The bid pack makes reference to the supplier's "Data Protection Officer" in the DPS Joint Schedules (1 and 11); the Appointment Form; and DPSQ (question 75). In the Joint Schedules 11, clause 11 it appears that a DPO only needs to be appointed where required by law. The other references appear to make it mandatory to have a DPO in order to register under the DPS. We do not have a DPO because we are not legally required to have one for the work we currently undertake. We would not apply for any work under the DPS which legally required us to have a DPO. Please could you clarify whether it is a requirement to have a DPO in order to register with the DPS and/or whether it is necessary to enter into a contract with a buyer. If it is not mandatory we assume that we can answer DPSQ question 75 and the appointment form fields with 'N/A'.
Having a DPO is only necessary where required by legislation (as stated in Joint Schedule 11 'Processing Data'. Not having one does not preclude you from joining the DPS, however you would not be able to bid for work where a DPO was part of the requirements.
22/01/2024 10:44
119. The 'Buyer Needs' document lists several technical standards which must be complied with in order to register with the DPS. ("comply with the appropriate Standards (or equivalent)") Please could you confirm whether the supplier must hold a certificate for each of these standards in order to register with the DPS. Please could you confirm whether the supplier must hold a certificate for each of these standards in order to enter into a contract with a buyer. The relevant standards are:- BS EN ISO 9001; BS 7858:2012; ISO 10007; BS EN ISO 14001; ISO/IEC 13066-1:2011; and ETSI TS 103 645."
You do not need to have all of these standards in place in order to join the DPS. However, you will need to have the relevant standards in place where you are bidding for work under the DPS and the customer has stated that this is a requirement of their call off.
22/01/2024 10:43
118. Good morning, we would like to ask the following questions: 1.(DPS Schedule 1 - Specification v6.0, Standards) Could you please clarify whether all listed standards are prerequisites for all lots, or if certain standards pertain to specific lots? 2a. (DPS Core Terms V1.0.1, 4 Pricing and payments, section 4.8) In what circumstances would CCS or the Buyer decide it necessary to either require the Supplier to adopt more favourable commercial terms for relevant items or engage in agreements with subcontractors or third-party providers for materials, goods, or services? 2b. (DPS Core Terms V1.0.1, 4 Pricing and payments, section 4.8) If such a decision is made, could you elaborate on the process employed by CCS to carry out this action? 3.(DPS Core Terms V1.0.1, 14 Data protection, section 14.3) Does the requirement to create backups of Government Data which is stored in an off-site location and supply copies to the Buyer every six months pertain to all work carried out by the Supplier, or is it specific to certain lots?
Good morning, we have looked into the clarification and can confirm the following- 1. There are no lots on a DPS, these standards relate to the filter categories. You need to self certify that if asked by a buyer at call-off level you would be able to meet these standards. You do not need to have them in place when awarded a place on the agreement. 2a. This type of provision is commonplace in public sector commercial terms although its relevance varies. The rationale is that if the Supplier is contracted to provide an assemblage of deliverables of varying origins it may be that the public sector customer can secure the relevant items from alternative sources and/or on better terms than the supplier prime contractor can. In such circumstances the customer could choose to invoke Clause 4.8 and reduce the overall cost of the deliverables to be provided by the supplier. In practice, for the type of deliverables that are the subject of the AI DPS it's difficult to foresee circumstances in which CCS would invoke the Clause. 2b. Such a decision would necessitate a change to the DPS Agreement which would need to be handled in accordance with Clause 24 of the Core Terms, using the Variation Form at Joint Schedule 2. 3. Application of the Clause applies to all Order Contracts placed via the DPS.
28/11/2023 12:24
117. In the RM6173 - Automation Marketplace document, you specified the timeline for the request to participate in the submission of the OJEU Contract Notice by 13/02/2020. I would like to confirm if it is still possible to participate at this time and if yes, whether we need to submit only the selection Questionnaire document.
If you are referring to the published contract notice for RM6173 Automation Marketplace then the date for receipt of tenders contained within the notice refers to the initial procurement exercise to establish this agreement. However, as this is a dynamic purchasing system (DPS), you are able to apply at any time during the life of the agreement. You will be required to submit a Selection Questionnaire and any other documents requested within the bid pack. The bid pack can be accessed on the Supplier Registration System (SRS). Please refer to section 'How to Request to Participate' within the READ FIRST DPS Needs document within the bid pack, which explains the process.
06/07/2023 16:27
116. Good afternoon. We are about to undertake an application for the Automation Marketplace DPS, however; We understand from the Bid Pack that applications close on 15th March 2023, and that the framework will end on November 15th 2023. We note that in order to be approved as a supplier, we need to complete; Supplier Registration SSQ and then finally the DPS specific SSQ. In-between that, we must wait for our application to be assessed. Are we still able to join the framework if we are waiting for our Supplier Registration SSQ to be evaluated; if so, what are then the timeframes for submitting the DPS specific SSQ. Kind regards
"CCS has made the decision to extend the RM6173 DPS agreement for a period of 8 months, in addition to the initial 12-month extension, to allow an appropriate amount of time to develop the replacement agreement. This means supplier onboarding will continue on the DPS until the 15 November 2023. You will need to wait for await confirmation that your registration onto the Supplier Registration Service platform has been completed prior to completing both the standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ) and the subsequent your DPS Specific Selection Questionnaire (DPSQ). Once the DPSQ has been submitted, the Assessing process is initiated, provided you have answered the Qs correctly and up to date compliance evidence, this process would normally take less than 48 hours. The submission will then progress to the Agreeing stage where you will asked to electronically agree to the DPS Terms and Conditions and once this has been completed you will receive confirmation of being 'Appointed' as supplier to the DPS."
24/03/2023 12:43
115. Hello, I was hoping to get some clarification on the tiers of suppliers in the Modern Slavery Assessment. What exactly do these refer to, and is this an essential question for suppliers with a nonphysical (SaaS) product?
Tiers of suppliers refer to how many different organisations are used to transform the basic raw materials into the finished products that an organisation then sells onto your customers. Do any of these intermediary businesses engage in Modern Slavery. For suppliers of non physical products, it depends on how thorough you wish to be, for example even though you do not sell computers, you buy computers to use in your administrative functions, is the supply chain for your computers Modern Slavery Free? Generally speaking CCS will accept that your organisation continues to review your supply chain regularly for any threats of Modern Slavery.
08/03/2023 14:28
114. Dear sirs, we are interested in applying for the Automation Marketplace DPS, and are already a supplier on the RM6181 Contact Centre framework. Could we please clarify there are no restrictions between the two frameworks - i.e., if we were successfully appointed by a buyer through the DPS to provide consultancy on automation, which then goes on to form part of a tender on the RM6181, we will not be excluded from bidding on the subsequent contact centre tender?
Good morning, If a supplier was successfully appointed by a buyer through one DPS to provide consultancy on RM6173, which then goes on to form part of a tender on the RM6181, they will not be excluded from bidding on the subsequent contact centre tender. However, the buyer must carry out an open and transparent call for competition and award the contract to the successful bidder, in line with the order and award procedure for that agreement. This means that the buyer must be open to awarding the contract to an alternate supplier if they are the highest scoring supplier. Subsequently the supplier must be open to not winning the bid for the same reason. Kind regards, Crown Commercial Service
13/12/2021 08:54
113. Good afternoon, We are trying to amend one of our answers to the SQ however there does not appear to be an option to do so. Do we have to start the application process again? If so, how do we do this?
Dear bidder, Suppliers are unable to amend/update any of their answers within the Selection Questionnaire (SQ) and Registered 1 stage. This is reflected within the bid pack READ FIRST DPS Needs document which explains 'Please note - you CANNOT amend your responses to any of the standard Selection Questionnaire responses once you have progressed on to the DPSQ.' If suppliers wish to amend/update any of the SQ questions, suppliers will have to contact the platform helpdesk at NQC to delete the previous application and re-submit and restart the application process with the amended/updated answers before progressing onto the specific DPSQ.
20/04/2021 14:17
112. Please can you confirm that contract examples are not required as part of the submission?
This is covered in the bid pack First Read DPS needs document I can confirm there are questions in the Selection Questionnaire that are not applicable for RM6173 Automation Marketplace procurement, therefore please note, a response is NOT required to the questions as detailed below: • Part 1: (Contract Example 1) - Q133 • Part 1: (Contract Example 2) - Q134 • Part 1: (Contract Example 3) - Q135
14/04/2021 12:24
111. I am already a DOS5 supplier . I wish to be a supplier for Automation technology and platform . Can I check how do I get registered as a supplier ?
The Automation DPS can be applied for by clicking the "Access as a Supplier" option within the DPS landing page. https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/dps#technology
08/04/2021 12:42
110. How can an appointed supplier check currently open or on-going Automation Marketplace opportunities/pqq/ITT ?
Dear bidder, there are no platforms on our Automation Marketplace which centrally show customer opportunities. This is dependant on where the customer runs the opportunity and via their chosen eSourcing portal for the opportunity. However, CCS would typically expect the contract to be posted to 'Contracts Finder' post-award.
23/03/2021 10:27
109. The language in the DPS Core Terms v1.0.1 clause 11.5 "In spite of Clauses 11.1 and 11.2, the Supplier does not limit or exclude its liability for any indemnity given under Clauses 7.5, 8.3, 9.5, 12.2 or 14.9 or Order Schedule 2 (Staff Transfer) of a Contract." references a clause 14.9 that does not exist in the document. We note that in the Appointment Form v1 Special Terms 2 the Core Terms Clause 11.5 is replaced with "In spite of Clauses 11.1 and 11.2, the Supplier does not limit or exclude its liability for any indemnity given under Clauses 7.5, 8.3, 9.5, or 12.2 or Call-Off Schedule 2 (Staff Transfer) of a Contract. In spite of Clauses 11.1, 11.2 but subject to Clauses 11.3 and 11.4, the Supplier's aggregate liability in each and any Contract Year under each Contract under Clause 14.8 shall in no event exceed £10 million." Could the Authority please confirm that the language in the DPS Core terms referencing clause 14.9 is incorrect and should be disregarded in favour of clause 14.8 as included in Appointment Form v1 Special Terms 2?
Special Term 2 has precedence over the DPS Core Terms and in this case replaces Clause 11.5 of the DPS Core Terms. Any and all text at DPS Core Terms Clause 11.5 is replaced with the text within Special Term 2 including any and all references to other clauses.
26/02/2021 15:35

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