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Automation Marketplace


There are 122 clarifications for this DPS

65. Hi Team- awaiting response to the question below please: Based on the latest responses received re some of the order schedules that they are applicable at the order level (not the DPS level) and so the order schedule is subject to changes by individual buyers depending on their requirements. Can you please confirm if we can go ahead accepting the terms with the assumption that we are able to amend any of the framework terms (both core and schedule) at the Call-Off level?
It is only open to Buyers to propose Special Terms and/or amend schedules to make variations to the original T&Cs based on their own requirements.
17/04/2020 11:33
64. I am unable to access the Bid Pack for the above framework, via the website. When I click onto 'Apply for DPS' on the website, and then 'Bid Pack', I am able to download the folder, and all the pdf docs. I am unable to access any of the excel spreadsheets. I receive an error saying the 'file pass is too long'.
This matter has now been reviewed and has been resolved.
31/03/2020 09:09
63. Would you be able to provide the Automation Marketplace DPSQ (second part of the selection process) in a PDF document please?
A PDF copy of the questionnaire is held within the RM6173 Automation Marketplace DPS Bid Pack at Attachment 6.
31/03/2020 09:06
62. Can I please confirm that the following question do NOT need to be answered in the RM6173 Automation Marketplace response and that they are not part of the evaluation process: * Part 1: (CPV Codes) - Q3 * Part 1: (Contract Example 1) - Q133 * Part 1: (Contract Example 2) - Q134 * Part 1: (Contract Example 3) - Q135 * Part 2: (Product Liability Insurance) - Q143 * Part 3: (Steel) Q147 - Q149 * Part 3: (Supply Chain Management) Q150 - Q154 * Part 3: (Department of Health Questions) -Q157 -Q161 * Part 3: (NHS Questions) Q157 - Q161
Please refer to the Automation Marketplace DPS Bid Pack and the section entitled - Selection Questionnaire - Not Applicable questions in the DPS Needs document. This outlines which questions are not applicable.
31/03/2020 09:05
61. We are currently registered with you for XXXX and XXXX. We are now trying to register for the Automation DPS. I have gone into the portal, but it will not allow me to download information from a previous questionnaire.
My Colleagues at NQC will be happy to assist you with this matter. You can contact them on 0845 299 2994 or by using the "contact us" tab at the foot of the Supplier Registration Service (SRS) home page.
31/03/2020 09:02
60. Wanted to become a supplier on DPS but has a question, and that is there any pricing information that he needs to submit at this stage?
You do not need to upload and pricing with your initial submission. Please refer to the attached Automation Marketplace DPS Bid Pack which outlines the information required to join the DPS.
31/03/2020 08:59
59. We are completing the standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ) as the first step of applying for RM6173 (the Automation Marketplace Dynamic Purchasing System) Regarding Question 121 in the SQ: "Within the past three years, anywhere in the world, has the following situation applied to you or your organisation: Been involved in the preparation of the procurement procedure?" We cannot see a definition of the question in the link provided from the DPS Needs document: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/551130/List_of_Mandatory_and_Discretionary_Exclusions.pdf We interpret the question to mean: has you organisation supported organisations within the past three years, anywhere in the world, on procurement topics? We expect the majority of management consultancies applying to RM6173 and other DPSs to answer 'yes', having supported private sector clients on procurement topics. Consultancies that have served work through RM6008 (https://www.crowncommercial.gov.uk/agreements/RM6008:2/lot-suppliers) would also all answer 'yes' Is this a correct interpretation of this question in the SQ?
CCS can confirm that this relates to any involvement in the preparation / design of the procurement procedure relating to the specific tender in question.
31/03/2020 08:57
58. Within the response instructions, it confirms that a response to questions Part 3: (Department of Health Questions) -Q157 -Q161 is not required. The system won't let you move past this page without providing an answer to those questions. Can you please confirm how this should be responded to?
My colleagues at NQC will be able to assist you with this query. You can call them on 0845 299 2994 or use the "contact us" tab at the foot of the Supplier Registration Service (SRS) homepage
31/03/2020 08:54
57. In the evidence questionnaire: Please can you clarify what is needed for q179/q180? Our understanding is that you want the contracts for our 3 given references in the previous stage. Is this correct? Re. q182 - 185, are these questions not covered by q166 with the audited accounts attachment?
Please refer to the RM6173 Automation Marketplace DPS Needs document held within the Bid Pack. Section 72. Selection Questionnaire - Not Applicable questions: There are questions in the Selection Questionnaire that are not applicable for this RM6173 Automation Marketplace procurement, therefore please note, a response is NOT required.
07/07/2020 13:28
56. On the evidence SQ questionnaire, is there a way to go back and amend your answers prior to submitting? There doesnt seem to be an option to review/populate previous answers like there was in the initial SQ questionnaire?
To return to a previous question you can click 'Previous'. To return to the start, you can click 'Continue' then 'Save and view answers', as you view your answers you have the option to amend by clicking on the 'edit' button next to each question.
18/06/2020 13:31
55. Based on the latest responses received re some of the order schedules that they are applicable at the order level (not the DPS level) and so the order schedule is subject to changes by individual buyers depending on their requirements. Can you please confirm if we can go ahead accepting the terms with the assumption that we are able to amend any of the framework terms (both core and schedule) at the Call-Off level?
It is only open to Buyers to propose Special Terms and/or amend schedules to make variations to the original T&Cs based on their own requirements.
22/06/2020 10:56
54. New Joint Schedule 12 (Supply Chain Visibility): the Supply Chain Information Report template is embedded but does not appear to accessible - could you please check and re share?
Annex 1 Supply Chain Information Report Template of Joint Schedule 12 Supply Chain Visibility is now available on the Supplier Relationship System for this RM6173 Automation Marketplace DPS.
22/06/2020 10:40
53. DPS Order Schedule 8 - Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery v1.0, 3.2.3 Calls out "all other industry standards from time to time in force. The industry standards "in force" from time to time is very open ended. Please can we assume we get a specific list of standards applicable at each call off stage of the contracts as a result of this framework?
DPS Order Schedule 8 - Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery v1.0 is applicable at the order level (not the DPS level). The order schedules can be tailored by buyers depending on their requirements therefore this detail can be clarified further by the buyer.
25/03/2020 14:50
52. The service credit calculation in schedule 2.2 (DPS Order Schedule 14 - Service Levels v1.0), does not appear to take into account a service credit cap. We expect the calculation to be subject to a service credit cap. Please confirm that the service credit calculation will be subject to a monthly service credit cap? "
DPS Order Schedule 14 - Service Levels v1.0 is applicable at the order level (not the DPS level) and so the order schedule is subject to changes by individual buyers depending on their requirements. The buyer will add appropriate detail for servcie levels and service credits in Annex A.
25/03/2020 14:54
51. on discussing options with the prospective buyer of automation licensing and services can we jointly sign a variation form? such as perpetual licenses to annual subscription and any new IPR created for the customer by us retains with us.
It is only open to Buyers to propose Special Terms to make variations to the original T&Cs based on their own requirements.
09/04/2021 13:42
50. With regards to the management levy, please can you confirm that this is only payable upon the award of a contract, and not simply upon gaining approval/access to the framework.
The Supplier will pay, excluding VAT, 1% of all the Charges for the Deliverables invoiced to the Buyer under all awarded Order Contracts.
18/03/2020 09:29
49. Good morning. I have not received a response to this clarification question. I apologise, if it is being worked on. "Ref: Questions 133-135 in the SQ. Can you confirm that customer contact details will not be shared with organisations outside of CCS? If they will be shared with other organisations, please outline those scenarios. We need to reassure our customers that their details will not be shared with 3rd parties."
Section 72 in the DPS Needs document (found within the Bid Pack) states that Q133-135 are not relevant to this DPS and do not need to be answered.
25/03/2020 11:33
48. Can the Authority please provide further clarification regarding the DPS Special Terms contained in the Appointment Form. The Special Term 2 refers to changes to clause 11.5 of the Core Terms and includes 2 versions - please confirm which should apply; 1) 11.5 In spite of Clauses 11.1 and 11.2, the Supplier does not limit or exclude its liability for any indemnity given under Clauses 7.5, 8.3, 9.5, or 12.2 or 14.8 or Call-Off Schedule 2 (Staff Transfer) of a Contract OR 2) In spite of Clauses 11.1, 11.2 but subject to Clauses 11.3 and 11.4, the Supplier's aggregate liability in each and any Contract Year under each Contract under Clause 14.8 shall in no event exceed £10 million.
Clause 11.5 in the Special Terms section of the DPS Appointment Form currently reads: "11.5 In spite of Clauses 11.1 and 11.2, the Supplier does not limit or exclude its liability for any indemnity given under Clauses 7.5, 8.3, 9.5, or 12.2 or Call-Off Schedule 2 (Staff Transfer) of a Contract. In spite of Clauses 11.1, 11.2 but subject to Clauses 11.3 and 11.4, the Supplier's aggregate liability in each and any Contract Year under each Contract under Clause 14.8 shall in no event exceed £10 million". Both sentences under clause 11.5 stand and liability under 14.8 is addressed by the second sentence.
15/12/2020 14:35
47. We, as a prime contractor, hold a valid Cyber Essentials certificate. Is it also necessary for any subcontractors to hold their own certificate independently of ours?
Please refer to Clause 2.5 of DPS Schedule 9 Cyber Essentials Scheme, which states 'The Supplier shall ensure that all Sub-Contracts with Subcontractors who Process Cyber Essentials Data contain provisions no less onerous on the Subcontractors than those imposed on the Supplier under this Contract in respect of the Cyber Essentials Scheme under Paragraph 2.1 of this Schedule. Suppliers' Therefore all Subcontractors will be required to comply with Clause 2.1 of DPS Schedule 9 Cyber Essentials Scheme.
22/06/2020 10:38
46. Are answers required to Q162 and Q163 relating to CESG Cyber Certifications as they do not seem relevant to this DPS?
Yes, Q162 and Q163 are required. Suppliers must have a valid Cyber Essentials Certificate and/or Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate in place, and shall provide a copy of this to to CCS at award of the first contract. Alternative certifications will not be be accepted.
18/06/2020 13:35

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