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Automation Marketplace


There are 122 clarifications for this DPS

45. We cannot answer Q162. The NCSC does not provide either dates or a certificate but a link to their site details our membership. Therefore how should we answer this question which was raised last week yet it has not been answered. This is holding up our submission of Part 1. Please can this be reviewed urgently? Q162 reads as follows. Which of the following CESG cyber certifications does your organisation currently hold? Please tick all that apply. But when selecting CTAS it then asks for dates and a physical certification.
Using the following link https://www.cyberessentials.ncsc.gov.uk/cert-search/?query= you should be also to search for your company name and find certification details including certificate number, dates and accreditors.
25/03/2020 11:33
43. Ref: Questions 133-135 in the SQ. Can you confirm that customer contact details will not be shared with organisations outside of CCS? If they will be shared with other organisations, please outline those scenarios. We need to reassure our customers that their details will not be shared with 3rd parties.
Section 72 in the DPS Needs document (found within the Bid Pack) states that Q133-135 are not relevant to this DPS and do not need to be answered.
25/03/2020 11:31
42. Good afternoon, We do not currently hold Cyber Essentials certification as we rely on being PSN certified. Would PSN certification, and/or the fact that we use an ICT supplier for hosting which does hold Cyber Essentials certification, be sufficient to permit our participation in DPS? Many thanks
To ensure that all bidders are treated fairly and equally, all bidders must meet the minimum requirements for the procurement of which Cyber Essentials is one of those. Information relating to Cyber Essentials can be found in Schedule 9 Cyber Essentials Scheme of the terms and conditions. Within Schedule 9, paragraph 1.1, there is a link to find further information on the Cyber Essentials Scheme as needed. However we acknowledge not all suppliers will hold the required certification at the time of their application to the DPS so have specified proof of certification is not required until point of first contract award.
25/03/2020 11:37
41. Hi, Just wanted to get in touch regarding the SQs we received as part of the Bid Pack. Could you please help with the following queries? Query 1 : Can you provide further information as to what a relevant example contract would be, are you looking for examples of where we have done similar automation work before? Question Reference - 133, 134, 135 and 137 in Attachment 6 - Standard_selection_Questionnaire from the Bid Pack Query 2 : How are these questions relevant to the Automation Services listed in the tender document? Could you please clarify what is expected from this question in relevance to Automation Marketplace? Question reference - 147 and 148 in Attachment 6 - Standard_selection_Questionnaire from the Bid Pack Please do let me know if you need any further details or any concerns. Thanks and regards.
Query 1: Section 72 of the DPS Needs document (part of the Bid Pack) states Q133 - Q135 are not required for this DPS. However, a response is required for Q137. Query 2: Section 72 of the DPS Needs document (part of the Bid Pack) states Q147 and Q148 are not required for this DPS.
13/03/2020 13:48
40. Is it sufficient that our ICT service provider holds Cyber Essentials certification?
To ensure that all bidders are treated fairly and equally, all bidders must meet the minimum requirements for the procurement of which Cyber Essentials is one of those. Information relating to Cyber Essentials can be found in Schedule 9 Cyber Essentials Scheme of the terms and conditions. Within Schedule 9, paragraph 1.1, there is a link to find further information on the Cyber Essentials Scheme as needed.
13/03/2020 13:50
39. Good afternoon, Could the Authority please confirm the deadline date and time to submit the selection questionnaire? Many thanks
The Selection Questionnaire will be open for all Bidders to complete for the duration of the DPS, details on the duration of the DPS can be found at paragraph 1.1 of 'RM6173 Automation Marketplace - Buyer Needs v1.0'
13/03/2020 15:01
38. Good afternoon, Could you please advise how to respond to question 16 date of birth if the Person of Significant Control is a corporate entity and not an individual? Many thanks
Please state the date of birth of the individual of Significant Control within the corporate entity.
13/03/2020 13:50
37. 162. Which of the following CESG cyber certifications does your organisation currently hold? Please tick all that apply - when selecting Tailored Evaluation - CTAS it then asks for dates and a physical certification. NCSC does not provide either dates or a certificate but a link to their site details our membership. How should we answer this question please?
Using the following link https://www.cyberessentials.ncsc.gov.uk/cert-search/?query= you should be also to search for your company name and find certification details including certificate number, dates and accreditors.
22/06/2020 11:02
36. Good afternoon, Could you please confirm that a response is not required for question 148 copied below since we don't deliver any steel? 148. Please provide details of previous similar projects where you have demonstrated a high level of competency and effectiveness in managing of all supply chain members involved in steel supply or production so that there was a sustainable and safe supply of steel. Many thanks
We can confirm a response is not required for this question under this DPS.
13/03/2020 13:45
35. Re: Selection Questionnaire q129. Do you meet the minimum level of economic and financial standing and/or minimum financial threshold specified within the evaluation criteria for this procurement? I note the required completion of Attachment 3 - Financial Assessment Template v1. We have populated this information but it does not give an overall score, so my question is -How do I answer do we meet the financial standing threshold? Also, do I send Attachment 3 Via email , as it's not requested as an upload at this SQ stage
In accordance with paragraph 50 of the DPS Needs document, CCS will undertake an assessment of all bidders economic and financial standing using the DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for your organisation. The score provided by Dun and Bradstreet will be used to assess the level of financial risk each bidder represents. Bidders who receives a score of 35 or more, will continue to proceed in the DPS Selection process. Bidders who score less than 35 will follow paragraphs 53 to 58 of the DPS Needs document. Attachment 3 - Financial Assessment template, will be used by CCS where bidders receive a Dun and Bradstreet score of less than 35 and proceed through paragraphs 53 to 58 to completed the financial assessment. Bidders are not required to complete Attachment 3 - Financial Assessment template.
22/06/2020 10:26
34. In looking through the criteria and requirements I notice several elements that would be incredibly onerous for a small business (e.g. 5-10 employees) to meet, despite potential alignment of their service with the needs of the marketplace, to comply. Specifically, for example I note the requirement of Cyber Essentials and several ISO standards which, we a small business can meet, but will take a long time to get into place. Is there advice, guidance or specific arrangements for small enterprises considering this marketplace?
To ensure that all bidders are treated fairly and equally, all bidders must meet the minimum requirements for the procurement of which Cyber Essentials is one of those. Information relating to Cyber Essentials can be found in Schedule 9 Cyber Essentials Scheme of the terms and conditions. Within Schedule 9, paragraph 1.1, there is a link to find further information on the Cyber Essentials Scheme as needed.
05/03/2020 09:51
33. In the Questionnaire, there is no question regarding the location where we need to provide these Automation services. Could the Authority please clarify and confirm the locations where we need to provide these services.
Locations will be determined by buyers according to their own specific requirements. It is expected individual buyers will state the location required as part of their specification.
13/03/2020 13:43
31. In relation to the below clarification response provided on 28th February, could you please let us know where in the SQ we should state the services that we propose to offer on the marketplace? Questions 65 - 69 of the SQ relates to subcontractor details. "You are required to select which services your organisation is able to provide within the DPSQ, at Questions 65 - 69."
Please refer to the Automation Marketplace DPS Needs Document which is held within the Bid Pack. The secion entitled - Suppliers Approach to Payment section 61 states - Question 52 of the DPSQ asks if Suppliers intend to use a supply chain for this DPS Contract. If you respond 'No' to this question, you can progress to Question 65 of the DPSQ, as this section does not apply to your organisation. Questions 65 to 69 with this DPSQ relates to the bidders confirming the Service Category they are able to provide.
16/06/2020 15:16
30. Q5. Confirm any registered numbers against your organisation Getting error that the format is not valid
Your company registration number will consist of 8 numbers or 2 letters followed by 6 numbers. Please ensure this is entered without spaces.
13/03/2020 15:00
29. Could you please clarify if question 144 refers only to DPS contracts that will be over 10 million as per PPN 14/15 ?
Question 144 requires a response of Yes or No, either response is acceptable.
16/06/2020 15:13
28. Dear all, with regard to Part 3: Skills and Apprentices could you please clarify how questions 144, 145 and 146 will be assessed (i.e. pass/fail, optional ) ? best regards, Soumi Papadopoulou
If you response 'YES' to question 144 to confirm that you will be supporting apprenticeships and skills development through the contract, then you would need to respond to questions 145 and 146. However, if you answer 'NO' to question 144, no response is required to questions 144 and 145.
16/06/2020 15:15
27. Good morning, In relation to the below clarification response provided on 28th February, could you please let us know where in the SQ we should state the services that we propose to offer on the marketplace? Questions 65 - 69 of the SQ relates to subcontractor details. "You are required to select which services your organisation is able to provide within the DPSQ, at Questions 65 - 69." Many thanks
Please refer to the Automation Marketplace DPS Needs Document which is held within the Bid Pack. The secion entitled - Suppliers Approach to Payment section 61 states - Question 52 of the DPSQ asks if Suppliers intend to use a supply chain for this DPS Contract. If you respond 'No' to this question, you can progress to Question 65 of the DPSQ, as this section does not apply to your organisation. Questions 65 to 69 with this DPSQ relates to the bidders confirming the Service Category they are able to provide.
16/06/2020 15:09
26. 1. Questions 133-135 in the SQ regarding Contract Examples. Could you confirm whether we need to provide a response? 2. What should the answer be to questions 130 and 131 in the SQ if our company has no parent company? 3. Question 144 in the SQ - Is this a mandatory requirement? if we answer "No", will we be disqualified?
Please refer to the Automation Marketplace DPS Needs document held within the Bid Pack. Section 72 - Selection Questionaire - Not Applicable Questions. Questions 133 - 135 are not applicable to this DPS and should remain unanswered. Questions 130 and 131, if your company is unable to provide parent company accounts, then they must respond to these questions by entering a response of 'NO'. Please refer to DPS Needs paragraphs 50 to 58 for the Economic and Financial Standing process for the possible requirements for a parent company guarantee to be requested. Question 144, a response of Yes or No is required, whichever response is applicable to your company is acceptable.
16/06/2020 15:06
25. Good afternoon, Clause 14.8 of the core terms contains an indemnity by a supplier for breach of data protection legislation and clause 11.5 states that this would be unlimited. Since many suppliers may be unwilling to give an unlimited liability indemnity for breach of data protection legislation since the introduction of GDPR, please can the indemnity be made subject to the liability capping formula set out in clause 11.2, bearing in mind that the minimum level of cap per call-off contract is £5 million, anyway. Many thanks
Clause 11.5 of the Core Terms has been revised in the DPS Appointment Form to reflect the need for an overall liability cap within this DPS, please refer to the revised DPS Appointment Form which addresses this.
09/03/2020 11:03
24. We have created and completed an SQ questionnaire previously for a place on different CCS DPS. Can you confirm if we need to complete a new SQ questionnaire for this DPS (as it's the same company details used previously) and then complete the DPSQ or if we only need to complete the DPSQ this time around? Thank you.
If you have completed an SQ specifically for another DPS then it cannot be re-used for this DPS application. It is possible to complete a general SQ within the SRS and use it for multiple DPS's. You can access this function from the SRS dashboard page.
05/03/2020 09:48

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